I don’t mind the concept, and with some of the suggested improvements, I think it will absolutely be an advance over what we had before - for both new players and veterans. I actually like the addition of skill plans - yes, it was possible to do it before with external tools or just knowing what the skills were useful for, but it was tedious, and even as someone who’s been in the game on and off again for 10+ years, I sometimes found myself looking at a skill in my queue and thinking “Why the fsck is that even there???”
But whilst I understand the concept, the execution is abysmal. I’ve worked in the IT industry for close to 30 years now (sigh, I’m getting old), and this has to be close to the worst release I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen some shockers, let me tell you). Worse than the quality is the complete disregard for sensible feedback - as has already been noted, the majority of the current feedback matches what was already given when the code was released to sisi, and yet despite solid reasoning, examples of improvement, etc being given, CCP apparently didn’t take a single piece of the feedback onboard.
So we not only have ■■■■ design with ■■■■ coding behind it, but we also have a complete disregard for the customer.
Any one of those three would be enough, especially when they’re a repeated offence, to get people fired in any and all places of employment I’ve had in the past - and that’s under an employment law (in Australia) with very good protection for workers.
I know that people have been predicting the end of Eve since basically the day it launched. I know with every change there’s a bunch of people who threaten to throw the baby out with the bathwater and quit the game (and some possibly even follow through on that threat).
But perhaps it’s because the game has survived despite this that CCP seem to feel they can treat the customer with contempt (please, if that’s not the case, someone explain to me how we should interpret this constant failure to dish out quality or listen to feedback and tell us that we’re wrong - like the drone changes, we were wrong right, LOL, then why revert it?). And that really cannot be healthy for the game long term. It’s killed games in the past, it WILL kill Eve - eventually.