Version 19.11 - General Feedback

Most shitty argument ever. Oh youre bad, you dont have the rights to have a opinion. What a big human you are.

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This update is the worst.

Scanned constant for gas sites, in like 2 days now and nowhere to find, in our systems that had at least 2 gas sites every day.

Pathetic and the only thing i get out of the game now, is the feeling of wasting time.

The people saying you get more out of mining now. Well try to learn math, its kind of what drives the game.

And gas harvester on barges??? When there is no gas. Total pointless like why use other things than a gas scoop 1 and a prospect. all other things seems to pretty stupid and pointless now.

See ya again when this update is rolled back.

Did you read the post I replied to? “Lofty Throne of Ignorance”, if he can deal it he can also take it.

I reply as I’m spoken to: if someone makes a normal post they get a normal reply, if someone is raging or similar they get what they deserve. Checks and balances, choices and consequences.

Whenever there’s an event going on that requires scanning it tends to mess up other activities that rely on scanning. Personally I don’t bother doing normal exploration during an event for that reason.

It will also no longer select all items by default upon opening it. (from

I am glad that this was reverted (albeit without announcement) and that the redeeming queue starts with all things selected again. This makes trashing all the unwanted stuff so much easier and reduces the number of unnecessary clicks considerably. Great work.


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They were not lost on the undock. Pathetic deflection attempt, my little friend, in any case. One might equally observe that at least I do show up on zKillboard, even if only ever as a victim, unlike you, and I did not just join this forum four months ago to spout childish nonsense, so in the scales of whose opinion really carries any weight…

And your definition of “normal” excludes anyone mining in HS or large parts of null? You make a fool of yourself with every post.



But thats the problem, if residue would be a static value you could calculate it as you mention, but with the randomness attached to it all it does is “f’ing you up” while making efficient mining a tedious chore or you say ■■■■ it after having stoped your mining cycle 5 times in a row prematurely without redidue showing its uggly face and simply no longer care and wait for the “the asteroid has been emptied” message while being able to watch a bigger part of the VoD your watching on your secondary monitor.

as said in the original dev blog the last cycle should allways grant ore, currently it allways grant redidue is this a bug or will it just be relabled -due to incompetence in fixing- to a feature? who knows …

I didn’t say that but nice try. I said that I know those, because I interact with people who don’t afk in HS or null. That doesn’t then automatically exclude others, does it.

If your whole chosen playstyle is based on “I dislike it so much that I can only do it afk” then that shows CCP is doing the right thing in making it more difficult for people like you.

Also, how does one lose two blockade runners at Jita 4-4 without being a tool? I’d love to know.

The randomness is what makes it unpredictable and thus makes it less optimal for people who don’t pay attention, it’s exactly the point.

Also, CCP obviously took the yield loss into account, had the residue system not been there then they would have lowered the base yield. You’re not really missing anything, unless you’re afk

Chore? You mean like how mission runners, combat explorers, hackers, PvPers and other playstyles have to pay attention and click buttons all the time? Why should mining be exempt from that? Or rather, why should optimised mining be exempt from that?

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Because when you try to dock, with Jita 4-4 being so busy, there is sometimes a very short interval when you are decloaked by other ships, but the system fails to dock you immediately, even though you are inside docking range, because of the congestion. A very fast locking Tornado can, with a very fast pilot, lock you and alpha you in those two seconds or so. The closest thing any ganker comes to having real skill and effort. Satisfied now? Maybe there are tricks I have missed which might have saved me, but hey, no reward without risk. I have docked countless times at Jita without loss, so the occasional moment when I do get unlucky, and a ganker gets lucky, is no reason for me to throw my teddy out of the cot. As I say, at least you can see that I have lost two Viators on zKillboard - funny how there is no record of you there, our little internet hero…

Furthermore, here you go accusing me, as you have accused so many others, of being an AFK miner. I do not mine AFK and have said that repeatedly. But no, your narcissism and ignorance means that you have decided that anyone who dares not to agree with you, or dares to call out CCP for epically bad decisions, must be an AFK miner. You call me a tool? I think your box is missing at least one.

Toodle pip

That is why you don’t only use undocking bookmarks but also docking BM.

And as you’re in warp to that BM you enable your auto pilot (with destination 4-4) so that when you arrive at your correctly made docking BM the docking itself is server side and you simply can not be ganked.

This is something fairly basic you can find info on everywhere, read the wiki or even just ask in rookie channel how to lower your risk in Jita. The fact that newbies don’t know this is completely understandable but if years old players still haven’t put in that 5 minutes of time to ask around and figure this out, that shows they are lazy.


Oh, lazy now?

Back to your bridge, my silly little friend, there is a billy goat waiting for you, asking about why you crow about others’ records on zKill, but don’t have one yourself. Spooky.

You’ve been playing for years and in all that time you chose to not think for like 5 minutes about how to decrease your risk in Jita.

If not lazy, what would you call it?

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The Docking command can’t be issued while in warp, neither when warping to the station, nor when warping to a bookmark at the station.

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That’s not the point, if you are in warp to a location that you’re 100% sure of is within the docking ring (and preferably away from the undocking point and the obvious arrival location from Perimeter), and as you start to warp you enable your auto pilot (with destination 4-4) then the AP will perform the docking procedure itself, regardless of your inputs or client lag or anything else. It WILL do it and it will do it so quickly that gankers (if they would even be in range) wouldn’t be able to grab you.


So, @Aisha_Katalen is a fraudulent, mendacious and narcissistic forum alt of a whole four months’ with no meaningful presence or activity in the game. Yet he/she/it expects to be taken seriously whilst slagging off the recorded activity of people who actually do play the game.

“Normal” players do not hide feel a need to hide behind forum alts.

Busted, you little fraud.

Toodle pip.

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How am I fraudulent? I point out obvious and basic logic, I openly wonder why people who have been playing for years still make rookie mistakes and, when asked, I explain how to avoid those rookie mistakes.

You still haven’t answered how you’d call your own (lack of) actions btw.

Fixed FOC.

Toodle pip.

Instead of saying “oh I didn’t know about insta dock trick. Cool stuff, ty”. Your only argument is digging on someone alt age. Get a grip…


You’re very obviously, and very actively, avoiding actually touching on points made and questions asked. If you really think people don’t see through that then uhm, yeah.

Had you put in as much effort into learning how to not die in Jita as you’ve put into these last few posts… you’d not have died in Jita.

Yup that is exactly how it works with the instadock bm + autopilot method. :+1: (I even mention it in my related blog post about my Jita thief alt on which I always use it when becoming suspect by stealing to dock up safely, never failed despite lag spikes and general Jita lag.)

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