Version 19.11 - General Feedback

What experience? 135 days of posting as a cowardly forum alt? None of us have any basis, whatsoever, for assessing her experience.

And how is her supposed superior understanding of book marks relevant to the fact that she has spent this entire thread railing incoherently at people with superior understanding (and recorded activity to bolster their credibility) of mining. That is the very essence of deflection. I am sorry that you seem to regard Jane Doe as having a superior and more reliable opinion on everything and anything in the game because she has once read an E-Uni wiki article on docking bookmarks.

I have not made up my mind, so feel free to give an honest response. I can help you spell Yes or No if that is your difficulty.

Honestly, trying to have a meaningful, rational debate on these fora is like playing chess with a pigeon.

They don’t understand the game, keep knocking pieces over, defaecate all over the board, then strut around as if they have won.

Toodle pip.

That character doesn’t have a zKillboard record or any history of in-game experience. It’s one of many newly created alt characters for posting here on the forums, as such it definitely hasn’t earned any respect or credibility.


Your right to think so. But I rather judge someone credibility and my respect to them based on what they write. Rather than zkill or corp history. Don’t push your opinions on someone else.

Nah, he’s a mining alt I bet. And nothing is wrong about being a mining alt… until you start claiming you were mining w/o alts.

Which is exactly what you’re doing…


Was talking about somebody else, Aisha Katalen, who according to Small Kitty Paws, is supposedly respected with credible experience…

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Never said so. My only point in whole discussion was to deny absurd idea of judging people solely on they in game character age. Apart from that I only said I find more valuable, words of someone that in his posting history showed better understanding of the game. Rather than someone whose posts are mainly attacks and more rage attacks when you point out some of his “accidents” in game.

I don’t even know Aisha (first time seeing the name to be honest). I don’t agree with most of the arguments of her in a discussion about changes. But that don’t change that due to reasons I explained above. I’m more likely to actually read, try to understand and consider her arguments. Rather than other person in question.

Sorry, if that is a snide remark aimed at me, my posts are far from being “mainly attacks” or “rage attacks”. I was simply responding to a cowardly forum alt who decided that the fact that on two occasions out of the hundreds of time I have docked at Jita 4-4, I lost a Viator, was somehow, in any way, relevant to a thread about feedback on some very ill considered changes to mining.

I have nothing to hide about what I do in the game. Gosh, smirk away at the fact that I have lost two Viators, shock, horror. What is Aisha Katalen hiding that requires a forum alt? Someone who has been banned previously?

I do not mind people disagreeing with me, I do object to torrents of deflection and evasion passing for reasoned argument, and the notion that we should put our faith in people who claim their unverifiable record grants them superior authority to those with verifiable records. If you actually looked at Aisha Katalen’s posting history, you might be able to understand why a lot of us do not believe that she is demonstrating a better understanding of the the game: rants about “AFK” and “normal” mining for a start, clearly posted from a sweet blend of ignorance and intolerance.

Think what you will about me, that is your right. But don’t be surprised that we do not join you in white knighting a Jane Doe forum alt.

Toodle pip, enjoy Christmas when you get there.

I was mostly focused on posts before whole ship lose “discussion”.

I’ll step in on this one as you seem to be… conveniently ignoring… some facts.

My “so who are you then” was a direct reply to your, what was it again? Oh yeah: “lofty Throne of Ignorance”. And don’t get me wrong, that’s fine to say but if you say that then don’t be surprised if that person goes and retorts. Checks and balances.

So in our direct conversation it was you who started it. And with that fact explained to the neutral readers I’ll leave this thread alone again. For a while anyway.

Don’t worry my little troll, the “neutral readers” can scroll up through this thread and see how you jumped abusively on a whole host of people, who are not cowardly hiding their true experience and record in the game, then just evaded, deflected and ignored all the reasonable challenges to your wild assertions: @Arrendis, @Ash_Beldrulf , @SportBilly, @D_Kins_Cider , @Cara_Lube , @Rekindle, @DeMichael_Crimson, @TOmico, @Surnan, @Siegfried_Tahl and others.

(Here is the hilarious thing - the forum only allows one to name ten others in a single post, so one cannot even roll call all the people you have attacked in this one thread.

I therefore apologise to any of your victims I have missed. And apologies to any of them who think that I am dragging them into this further exchange without consent - I mean only to demonstrate the “inconvenient fact” of who might just be the narcissistically aggressive individual in this thread.

Are we all correct in everything we say? Very probably not.

Are we all in agreement on everything? Certainly not.

Are we hiding behind cowardly forum alts? I can only see clear evidence of one individual doing that…

I now intend to ignore you, and your silly bile hereon.

Toodle pip.

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Most of these, not all, were either raging about things they didn’t understand, were not happy about how their passive/afk play style got nerfed (but weren’t going to admit to that and tried to paint it differently), or tried to gaslighting others hoping to gain traction because they didn’t like the changes. And did so through raging, crying and lashing out like a toddler. This whole threadnaught is mostly just 5 year olds stamping their feet and crying for their cookie.

Notice how all of a sudden all the raging, crying and demand for changes has died down, not just in this thread. It’s because people all of a sudden realised they didn’t understand the residue system and how it affects them, they learned (either through themselves or people explaining it to them) that “wait a minute, this isn’t bad at all!”, that they now have choice and they stopped believing the gas lighting.

They started to realise that it indeed IS bad for afk miners but not active miners who believe in competition and active gameplay, in different and compounding ways. So the only ones still complaining are the super lazies and alt armies who sulk about how others get more effective yield than them and how they all of a sudden have to actually (gasp) click buttan.

It’s almost as if I was right, because if I hadn’t been right the threadnaughts would still be steaming along nicely. But they’re not, QED.

Good Gawd, you must really be dense to believe all that BS you just posted.

Hate to inform you of this but your constant harassment of players here is not the reason for less rage posting against the changes. The reason is because players know it doesn’t matter what’s said here, the only language CCP understands is when players talk with their wallets, as in un-subbing accounts.

Lastly It shouldn’t matter to you if players post their disapproval of game changes here or not, you’re not an Official Spokesperson for CCP.


Absolutely; I refer the honourable member to my earlier comment about pigeons playing chess:


There are more threads, those also died down. Threads I’m not a part of. The only raging left is on Reddit but that is mostly null block players who, very obviously, aren’t happy about the Rorq and residue changes. And if you want to talk about echo chambers, Reddit is nothing BUT that :slight_smile:

Why not? Am I not allowed to voice my opinion or is that only for you? If you look closely you’ll notice that the one ones I reacted (admittedly) harsh to ARE the whiners, liars and gas lighters. Any normal post gets a normal reply.

Like I said:

Along with most everything else you’ve posted, you claiming to have single-handedly quelled the rage posting because of your replies is pure BS.


I said no such thing, in fact I said the opposite.

You stated that people stopped posting here because of me, I replied saying that all threads stopped being posted and raged in because of acceptance and understanding. Threads I’m no part of and therefore had no hand in, just like I had no hand in this one.

No, you’re the one who implied that. I said your constant harassment of players here is not the reason for less rage posting against the changes. The reason is because players know it doesn’t matter what’s said here, the only language CCP understands is when players talk with their wallets, as in un-subbing accounts.

Anyway, I’ve got much better things to do than to waste my time with your constant badgering and twisting things around. Maybe you should try spending some time in-game.


I stated specifically “different threads I’m not part of”. How is that in any way open for a different interpretation?

You read way too many things into stuff people never said. Just as you have this idea that everyone “is attacking you” and using different alts to create “echo chambers”.

It’s like you made your mind up and make things up that don’t exist but suit your chosen narrative.

@Aisha_Katalen = Merin Ryskin ?
Same attitude, same arguments. Dude did you biomass Merin?

I have a feeling it’s someone we know from old EVE forums. Scrolled through some topics there. Feels like there are 20-30 people that keep arguing stuff for decade.

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