Version 19.11 - Known Issues

After taking control of an athanor (in HS, as a director) the new inventory part of the Fitting window doesn’t show fuel (hydrogen blocks) in the fuel bay.

Bugged belts are still not marked as fixed? Any comments from devs?

As expected, still no Gas Harvester BPO in Outer Ring

I have noticed performance slow down driven by CPU becoming 100% when multibox ice mining. This issue started with this update. The slowness seems to get worse the longer I am in the ice field. My best guess is that the waste/residue is building up and the clients are all processing all the residue as well as all the normal stuff thus creating an extra load on the CPU. As a temporary measure, I have put my clients into potato mode but I would prefer a better solution, eg residue just disappears by itself after a minute? That might also solve the respawn issues with ice fields?

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@CCP_Swift @CCP_Aurora @CCP_Paragon @CCP_Habakuk @CCP_karkur @CCP_Psych
can you ask someone at CCP about Operation Permafrost and the Frostline Omnivore Module that was given out then? I have been researching this module and what it was intended for. I have talked to players who had these modules since their inception. Who used them in the event at maximum numbers allowed. Triple Omnivores on Endurances and Quads for Prospect. [Prospect doesn’t get much benefit out of it] The Endurance which comes from Frostline Laboratories though does Ice Harvest Bonus. Can someone do a background check on this module and ask if it was pre-balanced out.

And if they have the information on how this module has performed over the three years? From my experience it was pre-balanced to allow non-modulated modules to have some speed and cycle benefits.
Some people think it was supposed to be allowed for all modules. I see it as being pre-balanced for specific means. It wasn’t broken. I even checked to see the modules interactions. [What I am not sure about is if it was pre-coded to benefit only expedition frigates, it seemed to have an interaction bonus with Expedition Frigates.] Can you ask someone on this?

And then get back to us on it? Because the module wasn’t broken and was working as intended and didn’t need a patch. And this module was an Event Module with a proven track record from 2018.

Total Ice Mining Boost was 24% on Endurance [which stacks with its hull and ice harvesting skills] on a Prospect its 32% [but Prospect has no hull benefits and only ice harvesting skills]

Now if you really did some digging. The Frostline Omnivore Module will show another Frostline Omnivore interacting with it. So if you have two Frostline Omnivores. [if you info a frostline omnivore module it will show the other frostline omnivore interacting with it] So if you have three frostline omnivores and you info a frostline omnivore it will show TWO Frostline Omnivore applications. Same thing happens with most other modules. The bonus was not double stacking. It stayed stable at 24% bonus+ Ice Harvesting Skill + Hull Bonus. Even if you tested it with a Quad Fitted Prospect the same thing would happen…but the Frostline Omnivore module will show Triple module interaction. But it will have less bonuses and effects.

I have Abyssal Modules that will stack up in the same matter because the info card is trying to show which items are combining together to get a stat. Especially if the modules are unique and different from each other. And how they interact with each other.

Which probably shows there is a coding error in how the system adds or attempts to add or show which modules are affecting the bonuses of a ship.


Has anyone noticed this yet? CCP moved the HUMONGOUS Character Sheet text into the tab bar, which now completely removes the History tab from the window in its narrowest configuration. CCP, can you please for real send this UI designer back to university? This person needs to restart their education in this field because this is retardation in its purest form. In the meantime, revert this rubbish! And don’t you dare to increase the smallest width of the window just to make this work!



Are Relic and Data sites still spawning?

Why they wouldn’t spawn?

Mining anomalies bug is due to waste. Everything else working.

Stretch scarcity a little more, lol

Can we get the Survey Scanners updated, I have 53km range and scanner is good for 47km ???

This is not true for T2 gas scoop/harvester (which you want on the Venture). This becomes 40m3/30s per Scoop, vs 200m3/144s per Harvester (160s-10% with max skills). So you end up at 1.33m3/s and 1.39m3/s respectively, and they are pretty much the same. It would be nice to see the Harvester perform better.

I don’t think the Gas Harvester BPO will show up until next patch (next week?)

Can you fix the Ingame music? Stop playing the music and do this slowly 3 weeks. So anoying.
And can you tell us something about the Gas Harvester BPO’s? 5 days and still dont happend nathing. Is so sad CCP. :S

And for the players who write here. Stope chating here. Nathing wrong with the gas mining heads. Some lazy ******** player cant read the info about something and come here to cry. READ THE INFO AND DONT MISS LEAD THE CCP!!! When the fish cant do swimm this dosent mean the water is stupid!
Go antoher topic and chating about the new gas thing there.
Here have enugh problem what is real problem. So please let place for the bug reports. Thanks.

as is the case with CCP i think they forgot to factor in the role bonus reinstatement, because they were planning on swinging the nerfbat hard on the venture hull line and without that it makes the harvester seem underwhelming and cost inefficient.

I have an issue that I raised a Bug report for…

Do you know that you can still apply the old skills to your character and show up in your ingame skills.

How to:

Access Eve portal on your mobile phone. As the app has not been updated, buy the skill and apply spare skill points. The skill will now be viable in game.

Now I am not sure if the attributes are applied ingame, but the skill show up.

you are right, I never noticed but, yeah mining mercoxit with a T1 laser @40m3 is not fun at all…
so why we see such Nerfs, in a patch that comes under the motto „New Dawn“ & The Age of Prosperity? Nobody mines belts in Null, they are immediately empty… just remove them completely and double amount in Anomalies.
Nobody wants to mine Omber or Kernite, why this is present at all in Null?
Where are the options to mine Tritanium, Nocxium & Mexallon?
Arkonor nerfed or in best case unchanged
Bistot nerfed or in best case unchanged
Mercoxit nerfed

Where are the updates to re-introduce capitals to the game at a reasonable „work-life-destruction-worthiness-balance“?

I was so full of hope, that we see new doors opening, but again everything is just cut down… nobody needs an increase of 1000m3 to 2000m3 in asteroid belts

Fresh after DT. Still no blue ice. 12/12

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there’s still no word towards the glitch related to despawning of mining sites? which has been present in anomalies since you stopped them regenerating asteroids each DT btw.

still no hotfix for the ‘something went wrong’ regarding seeding the gas cloud harvester BPO, (which mind you should be thukker stations, not ORE)

and maybe a balance pass on the gas cloud scoop to increase it’s cycle time to 50seconds to bring in it line with the harvesters or make the T1 gas cloud harvester 120second cycle time.

utter shambles of a deployment, haven’t even released a PR statement saying what’s being fixed and with what priority.

you know like making sure ice belts respawn properly so that citadels don’t fall into ‘abandoned’ state

i thought you said the era of chaos was over? lol


thats true. we have now the era of plenty…

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Still almost no gas and depleted gas clouds when I scan. In addition, did they double the gas? I still huffed 1 cloud with 1 venture load…