Version 19.11 - Known Issues

we aren’t plants, we don’t live off of faecal matter, sincerely the playerbase.


Whats this RARE CASE garbage? Its happening all over high sec. You (CCP) promised an end to scarcity. When are you going to deliver? The only RARE CASE I am aware of is CCP understanding the game and the players. Do you even have anyone employed that has been around for 5+ years?

You have a bug. People are pissed. So log off of Star Citizen, login in to your work account and get going. Fix the problem.


Can i have your stuffs then :slight_smile:

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that’s like a child destroying its lego because their parents won’t buy them any more.


Nah he wont trash anything lol. He just whining on the forums coz he cant play how he wants to.


Dear CCP.

Can you please fixe the icebelts and the other anomalies?

Looked it worked other the weekend. But it is broken again(?)

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Not to mention that the history of completed training is nowhere to be found now, at least not that I can find…I guess I’m just supposed to guess my way through what I had queued up…

Ice Belts still broke, worked fine yesterday, broke again today

CCP can you make the ice belts like they used to be yrs ago. They never despawned at all. That way all the whiners can sit there and mine their precious ice. Hopefully the ice value will drop so low . Oh but then they would whine again lol

It’s ‘whining’ because ice belts aren’t respawning properly? Got it…

I know why he is whining and find it funny :stuck_out_tongue:

nobody is talking about you and this guy.

Whining about broken gameplay or whining about forum posts. Not hard to pick the loser of this one.

When will Large Industrial Core II Blueprints be available or will you switch on the ability to research a T1 version to the T2 version?

When you learn basic principals of invention…

Radial menu doesn’t warp a correct distance again, when being used on structures (npc, upwell) and gates in the overview. I don’t know about other possible warp ins.

Invention works in the way you need to have the T1 blueprint copy, which you can then try to use invention on. Invention - EVE University Wiki

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I have max skills on the alt that’s using the blueprint. The option to research is unavailable. All other options (excepting reaction) are open to me. Could it be that I’m using a T1 BPO vs BPC…?

Post edit.
BPO - no research available
BPC of said BPO - Yes research available…
simple as that…

thx again for all who posted…

So This is a system i mine ice but the ice system is spawning ice belts with no ice in them could you please fix this?


Yes. You can do reaction only on blueprint copies…

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