Version 19.11 - Known Issues

would it not have been better to do it the other way around? There is enough changing that players have to get used to. And on toip of that we are now taking names that people know and making them something else?

Leaviong the existing ones as harvestors and calling the new ones scoops would have been way more sensible. Now there is going to be confusion.

You guys just keep on insisting on making this stuff 10 times more difficult for yourselves than it needs to be.


Thank you for the report! Yep, something went wrong with adding the gas cloud harvester blueprints to the market. :frowning:
We are working on a fix.

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Wrong icon style in the Inventory portion in the Fitting window.


You removed all residue from meta mining modules. While I don’t agree with the choice to remove all residue from the non-T2 modules, I prefer consistency: you forgot to do so for the meta gas huffing modules.

Also, isn’t the difference between T1 and T2 Gas Cloud Harvester yield too high?

Gas Cloud Scoop 1 yield: 10m3/30s = 0.3 m3/s
Gas Cloud Scoop 2 yield: 20m3/40s = 0.5 m3/s
Gas Cloud Harvester 1 yield: 100m3/200s = 0.5 m3/s
Gas Cloud Harvester 2 yield: 200m3/160s = 1.25 m3/s

Scoop 1 → Scoop 2 is a 66% increase in yield, which is to be expected from T2 equipment.

The other gas huffing equipment goes up in yield (which is positive) and up in cycle time (which is negative) so that overall yield goes up as the player progresses from T1 to T2.

The T2 harvester instead goes down in cycle time, while also doubling amount mined. So The T2 Harvester has 2.5 times the yield of the T1 Harvester?

Isn’t that a bit much of a difference?

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Lost my Abyssal Ore Processing skills, where do I now find the “Abyssal Ore Processing” skillbook as they don’t seem to be available everywhere?

Same question for the now pretty much mandatory “Industrial Reconfiguration” skillbook which also is not available in my region?


You can directly buy+inject those from the skill queue now. Without the book.

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Proc and Skiff are not showing correct drone damage for light or medium combat drones

That works for the Industrial Reconfiguration, thank you. I thought there must be a way of doing the direct purchase but I still have not got my head around the new skill sheet.

This does NOT work for the Abyssal Ore Processing skillbook though it is “not available for direct pruchase”.

Hi, I have just tried adding Mercoxit Ore Processing L5 to my skill queue and it wont add, tried this on another account and having the same issue. Already have L4, and other skills add ok, just this one. Anyone else having this issue?


Endurance had ‘no cloaking velocity penalty’ role bonus and its still on discription while its not applied.

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Can confirm facing same issue with ‘Mercoxit Ore Processing’.

Posted in General Feedback to see if just me or not (Version 19.11 - General Feedback - #63 by Tal_Hawkins)

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gas harvesters don’t seem to have the correct stats: with scoops t1–>t2 is a 50% increase in yield but with harvesters its 150% increase in yield. T1s cucle time should be 120 seconds to match up with the rest of the mods.

Look at the faction scoop compared to faction harvester, faction scoop has t1 cycle time and t2 volume, but for the harvester its just t2 with no waste.

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it looks like the cycle time for t1 needs to drop to 120 seconds to align with the scoops.

Unable to add Mercoxit mining skills to training list … saays unable to add as it’s already in the list … but it’s not

yes i am too

also check
Mercoxit Asteroid Mining Crystal Type A I Blueprint and Industrial Reconfiguration skillbook

Either that, or the T2 needs a nerf in yield.

T1 barges would now have similar gas huffing yield to T2 frigates, which I think is fair. T2 barges get higher yield. But now they seem to get 2.5 times higher yield than a T1 barge?

Something is off with the gas harvester yields and/or cycle times.

The “Mercoxit Ore Processing” skill is confirmed to be broken. Somehow it got marked as obsolete. We get on this asap.


Yeah, the Mercoxit Asteroid Mining Crystal Type A I Blueprint is indeed also missing.

The Industrial Reconfiguration skill is on the other hand intentionally not seeded on the market - it is available through remote buy.


So you broke the Endurance utterly.

It has the speed nerf and the shield nerf, plus the EM and Thermal resistances have tanked. The cloak is broken as well and has no bonuses. With MWD and rigs I lost 400 m/s which without any resistances or the CPU to fit a good shield tank means I cant speed tank any 0.0 rats.

The origional spreadsheet said it would be getting shield resistance and CPU bonuses to compencate for the shield and speed nerf and this hasn’t happened.