Version 19.11 - Known Issues

Bug: The yield of moon ore mining crystals are 55-75% of what is listed on the tooltip overlay. Not sure about asteroid ones.

The Corporation Ledger does not show the additional residue fields that the Character Ledger does
Neither the residue changes EVE v19.11 - Mining Ledger Changes Ā· Issue #1307 Ā· esi/esi-issues Ā· GitHub
Nor the new Corporation role are on ESI EVE v19.11 - New Corporation Role Ā· Issue #1306 Ā· esi/esi-issues Ā· GitHub

The tooltip is indeed showing wrong mining numbers, if crystals are involved.


Not sure if this is an issue or if this is even the right thread ( if not sorry!) but the Eve Portal App hasnā€™t been updated to show the new changes in skills. Not sure if this is on your radar or not.


The procurerā€™s drone damage bonus is not working at least in ghost fitting, I donā€™t have a proc near to hand to test on a ship but it should do 300 dps not 190 with vespas and 2 DDAs.

It seems that SP reimbursement broke at some point. Iā€™m missing almost 3M SP to get back my perfect refining skills (not on this char). Others donā€™t seem to have got any SP for their refining skills.

Also, were all the refining skills (except mercoxite that we retain) really just 10 237 500 ISK?

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Agree. The patch notes suggests perfect refining should get 13,568,000 SP refunded. My perfect refining character received 12,298,000 SP.

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What the actual hell? Why are there not all Crystal types listed in this page? Why does CCP make it impossible to compare these crystals easily. We have A-Type, B-Type, C-Type and X-Type modules, all listed in the variation page of the respective module. We have laser crystals and projectile ammo of all different types in the variation page for an ammo. These crystals are the same thing as the modules or the ammo. The Variation page should list all the crystals so that you can actually compare them, which is hugely important after all these crappy changes.



Compressed ore is not able to be placed into the Mining Hold of the Miasmos.

This is a question for Game Design: When remote buy via skill sheet was added, provision was made for market traders to compete with it in the NPC market, where skills are 30% cheaper. I hope that the new skill is not ā€œ30% more expensive,ā€ since Remote Buy is the only method and no thought was given to seeding it.

Players have mostly and happily abandoned the hassle of going somewhere for basic/standard skills, regardless of the 30% markup.

Game Design should consider removing / reimbursing ALL basic skillbooks. End this market niche that very few players care about. I have loot containers with countless basic skills that drop from data sites and missions that only 3 of the oldest players in EVE might look on the market to buy, anymore.

Does Quality Control have any meaning in CCP? Every patch is littered with simple bugs that should have been found during testing. Thatā€™s still done at CCP and doesnā€™t rely on players to find every bug on SISI, right?


we just popped our first moon since patch and asteroids are no bigger nor any increase in the number of roids. But the fā€™n waste is working


It was our understanding that the Porpoise will remain unchanged. The 50% hull bonus to mining drones seem to be no longer applying.


Iā€™m a bit frustrated on this release cycle. It was pushed out before it was ready, and thereā€™s a bunch of annoying ripples from it. For me, itā€™s residue is in the mining ledger, but not in the API. We didnā€™t even know if it was going to be in the ledger until the patch hit.

Also, since items werenā€™t seeded, itā€™s annoying to have to deal with all the chaos from this. Itā€™s not fun to have to deal with random chaos to mine.

Re Gas Cloud Scoops/Gas Cloud Harvestersā€¦ perhaps they should be renamed to Small (since itā€™s frigate sized) and Mediumā€¦ to match with existing naming standards.


Are finished Ice Anoms in null sec not despawning. We have one that was cleared and is still there. It usually takes seconds to despawn.

Some of the roids are to close to the warp in point in belts.

A frigate will bounce of in a random direction with like 4000ms in a frigate.

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This seems to be the replacement team for ccp. We have been screwed for the last year with bs changes. Seems they really wanna kill the game. They are sounding like politicians trying to sell crap and make you think itā€™s super good for youā€¦ Really disappointed again .


@CCP_Paragon the Orcaā€™s Mastery has not been updated to include the new indy core module or the support skills.

I had all these skills trained to 5 now I canā€™t even get the skill book for them Abyssal Ore reprocessing. :

I hope this can be fixed ???


We just cleared an ore anom in null, and it didnā€™t despawn either.