Version 19.11 - Known Issues

Just tested this out too, getting the same yield from both a Porpoise and Orca.

I’ve got the same rigs in both (size doesn’t affect the bonus, I checked), skills are the same, so the only thing I can think of is the role bonus on the Porpoise is MIA.

The “Abyssal Ore Processing” is purchasable in NPC stations in Pochven. 1000 Interstellar navigation logs and 20m ISK each.

  • Skill History made unreachable through menu navigation

is missing in the Changelog

Pre-path Endurance have mass 1.600.000. Now 2.000.000. No any world about it in pathc notes. Pathnotes bad or what?

Yeah … it applies the crystal bonus twice (only in display). You still mine the right ammount.

R32 with r8 and r4 (with moon that exploded today after patch) is missing the r8 asteroids.

Putting mining drones in a simulated empty Orca shows the same yield of putting the same drones in a simulated empty Porpoise, Porpoise should show 50% more yield because of the role bonus

I don’t know if it is just a tooltip error or not, as I don’t have a Porpoise

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No mention of the Porpoise in the patchnotes, and despite the announcement that it was supposed to remain unchanged, the nerf was still deployed. 35% less mining yield. Yikes!


Orca havent any info about Indy core in traits.

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Porpoise have changes on live server but havent any info in pathnotes


MIning Missions have waste. You did not increase the size of the resource to compensate for this as you claimed they would not have any waste.


When is the patch being reverted?

Holy ■■■■ there’s a ton of broken things; many of which were reported on SISI prior to release.

CCP are you actually trying to kill the game because I’m not sure what it looks like if this isn’t it.


Expedition Frigate can be trained without training Mining Frigate 5.

Note: Expedition frigates still can not be boarded without Mining Frigate 5, which although this is a GOOD thing in terms of this bug not creating terrible ripples, seems to be out of line with past skill changes, where, for example, capital pilots could still fly capitals when BS 5 was removed from the skill Prereqs, and alternative skill paths were added, as only the necessary hull skill should be required for flying a hull.

Can confirm Procurer and Skiff are no longer recieving the drone damage and drone hitpoint role bonus as intended. I have bug reported it.



Ice belts are broken, seemingly in every system they spawn in:

-The Agency window shows ice belts are present in systems
-Those systems have an “Ice Belt Location” that can be found in D-scan
-Upon warping to the belt, there is NO ice in the “belt”
-These empty ice belt locations are not despawning.


Retriever too

The ore hold bonus to Miasmos corresponding to Gallente Industrial skill level is gone! I’m getting base value of mining hold volume in Miasmos despite my Gallente Industrial trained over level 1. The ship tree description still says that the bonus is available but that is certainly not the case.
I checked the extended patch notes and there is no mention of this nerfing in the post anywhere.

jest read Version 19.11 - Known Issues - #2 by CCP_Paragon

Did you try opening your Character Sheet,
then the History tab
then the Skills subtab ?

That worked for me. Unless I’m not understanding what you are looking for.

I’m unable to update my home station to where I could pre patch. It does not show any changes possible. It only shows set destination in the tab on the character sheet.

Bug reporting is bugged as well and won’t submit my report properly or show up in past bug report log.