Version 19.11 - Known Issues

it‘s not the case for Asteroid Sites like the Colossal, the picture shows same amounts as before patch, so effectively it‘s a nerf to all Null Anomalies hosting Ark and Bistot, when using anything but ORE or T1 miners, in this case amounts remain same without any buff. Mercoxit is effectively nerfed, because you can only mine it with T2 equipment.

CCP literally calls it the age of prosperity, doubling of resources did not happen as announced, it‘s effectively a nerf, maybe not in highsec belts but ORE anomalies in Null got nerfed

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intentionally not seeded on the market

Thanks for the 30% markup for no reason. or even better wasting my time looking for the damn skill for it to intentionally not be put in. good job CCP Dolt.

spewing garbage like this is why im for the changes. noobs as you call them. simplifying everything ingame is better for eve and the players. if your not a fan star citizen is always looking for people. adapt to the changes it wwill attract some new players to stay. rather theen most of them saying “Screw this” cause gankers like to scare them away.

all in all what i would be good for is a new player zone maximum timed that can be spent there is 2 weeks, have starter missions for all aspects of the game with alot mor tutorial help so when people leavee that starter area they have an idea what they are going to embark into. that starter zone anyone with 2weeks or more time in eve cannot enter. that zone is a Zero Ganking zone. meaning you couldnt gank if you tried. ive seen this in many games and it works and helps the new players adapt to the game. once they leave that zone its open game.

NAAAH. I think it should stay as is.

CCP: “Hey there gamer; check out this cool space sim mmo!”

Gamer: “Gee wizz. That sure looks neat! I’ll pay 15 dollars for that!”

CCP: “Great! Here’s a quick tutorial: this is how you move, lock on, and shoot at stuff. Got it? Good. Looks like you’re ready for the big leagues, Champ!”

Gamer: “Wait wha…”

CCP: “SINK OR SWIM ■■■■■!”


CCP: "Go talk to those other players! They will help you and give you advice!


CCP: “Yes, but they are drowning LESS than you. Good Luck!”

And that is the way it should remain. And all that coming from me, an insufferable carebear…


i can second this, two lowsec sites, phoenix nebula and calabash, both had no gas clouds, but did not seem to be a case of site lingering in local after being completed either, since the site was still up a few hours later. Meanwhile, wormhole gas sites seem to be functioning as intended, with doubled quantities

Anyone else having issues with gas sites not despawning and respawning properly? I am sitting on a gas signature that has no cloud in it. First I thought that someone had just finished mining it and I landed within the seconds that it takes the sig to despawn but minutes later it is still there. And even after a system change it is still there.
On patch day the signature despawned properly after completing the cloud and even after yesterday’s patch another signature despawned properly but now one is stuck.

This is fantastic: EBR-227691


Any Ideas when the Corporation Moon Mining Ledgers will get their Residue Column so you can see who is wasting your ore?

sadly they are nerfing the areas they wanted to emphasize, while retreating from the changes that they wanted to nerf. incompetence at its peak…

might wanna add ice and gas belts not despawning and respawning to that list. ive sent my bug report in with screenshots ingame. fly ro rhe ice belt after rest each day after patch and not 1 block of ice on that spot. i see its listed as rare but its now a Common issue.

Should see all the salt towards CCP in the ice systems lol. Its like a pub with no beer. All that rage

Follow up: Even a DT did not fix the issue. The signature without a cloud but all the other objects still sits in space. I managed to clear another cloud before DT instead and that one despawned and respawned properly.


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Resolved an issue that prevented the Gas Cloud Harvester I blueprint from being seeded on the market from NPCs.<

Still not on the market


Icons of blueprint and item dont fit

PS.: and BPO not seeded.

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There are now 2 buttons behind each other in the DLC window? :thinking:


Gas clouds either spawning no gas, or not despawning when depleted

I see it happening after the patch. Now it is full of Lowsec gas clouds which are not despawning after depleting and the empty cloud remains here after DT!. As consequence there is almost no fresh gas out of there.

Are you having the same issue? Is CCP reading this? I can show 3 of these empty clouds.



The ice belts show up in the agency window. But they are empty. When you are lucky and find a belt with ice in it and empty it out the info in the agency still stays online.

then it is the same for ice and gas

The UI on login is completely borked at times. z-index is a thing.

For example

I also randomly get this screen with no character images on it, most graphics go black.

Clearing cache does not help this.

Edit: I can’t bug report this via the ingame menu as you don’t allow for bug reporting on the character select screen :confused:


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