Version 20.02 - General Feedback

**It is supposed to look like this



Found the file mentined above by Podsuleer at


As I use for every account a separate settings (after one patch from CCP in summer last year wrought havoc on my game clients) I just copied EVERY file from one still OK account into the ruined account …

So thats a working workaround.
Anyway, after my experiences after this issue, and the issue in last summer that completly crashed my single settings I was used up to then for all accounts, I personally recommend everyome to make separate settings for each account.

Even now I see that some settings from account 1 from which I copied the files were not taken into account 2 which I just reparied (e.g. red dot showing up again) but it’s already far beyond midnight, I am deadly tired from work , can hardly keep my eyes open and the screen already gets blurry so I need to go to sleep.

But at you CCP … I pay you guys every year several hundreds of €€€ for subs and stuff.
And I pay to PLAY and not to repair your patch bugs by myself in the middle of the night just because you fail to correct them with some hotifix even within 14 days after a patch brings up such issues.

I am really angry right now … and it is not the hot temprered anger from 2 weeks ago but some cold boiling issue about how this can be - a patch rolled out on your side and not having it severly quality controlled?
Well, errors happen and an error can be overseen by a person. Also happens to me at work, to collageus … its human. It happend before, it will happen again … no point in grundling about this.

But if it happens there is a responsibility from you, the provider of the game, to us, the paying customers.
In the company I work it is called “customer awareness” … the customer comes first, the customer is king, as the customer, in the end, sustains the company and by this pays my salary.

But I go to bed now … sick of this and tired.

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дерьмо собачье ,а ни ивент . на сколько ваш онлайн упал?

  1. Why can the Neocom still not be made small, this should be a number 1 priority, it is a super annoying UI feature that literally impacts everyone that logs into the game.
  2. Shoving the NEW EDEN STORE LINK IN MORE PLACES DOES NOT MAKE HAPPY, If you accidentally click its a very intrusive UI to get rid of.


hello, in regards to the recent dev blog EVE Academy – Basic Industrial Production | EVE Online

In the new eve academy video that covers a new players introduction to industry - EVE Online | Academy- Basic Industrial Production would somebody please explain how we get 16, yes, 16! Manufacturing jobs?


I too would like 16 build slots.


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The meta level restrictions used by the Abyssal Proving Grounds now apply to boosters

More special rules to thwart competitive and EVE like gameplay in an un-EVE-like environment. The big surprise here is probably that it took CCP so long to remove unfair booster usage from the arenas.


Hi @CCP_Swift it’s now been 11 days since you said we would get an Official statement, The issue has not been fixed, i’ve not gotten to play the game as i would like for 12 days now.


Hey Capsuleers – we have an update with the DBS situation and appreciate your patience as we went through our investigation.

Many players noticed drastic changes to the Bounty Risk Modifiers in their solar systems beginning on February 16th. We immediately investigated this issue and concluded that, while the external system doing the Bounty Risk Modifier calculations was still receiving the correct data, it was not properly relaying that information back to Tranquility.

We are acutely aware of how the Bounty Risk Modifier in the solar system dictates player decisions when it comes to choosing a suitable location, and the impact that erroneous information has. Due to this outage, we will be restoring the Bounty Risk Modifier for every solar system. We will be looking at the Bounty Risk Modifier from the date of the outage and the date of the restoration for each solar system, and restore the BRM to the higher of those two values.

The restoration will not be done today, however we will let you know when you can expect it.

Thank you again for your patience and understanding :slight_smile:


I don’t understand. Literally everyone is telling you they hate this system. Yet here you are still trying to make this garbage idea work. Just ■■■■■■■ remove it already.


I actually love it, I think it might be the best change they have made since the introduction of citadels


How about CCP just deletes the failed dbs system instead?


The DBS in theory is a good idea. It causes you to not just sit in the same system day in and day out ratting to your hearts content. It forces you to move around (some not much as each system has its own percentage), while trying to encourage some form of pvp.

What ccp failed to realize is that nullsec is just a bunch of big blocs who love their krabbing. So, systems drop fast and stay low because null is risk adverse and generic small scale pvp doesn’t happen all that much. Not enough at least to keep the DBS high enough to offset the amount of krabbing done.

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No that’s not true, null sec residents risk more in pvp than just about anyone else. Many members are dropping 100b+ of assets in a super cap battle across subcap main, FAX and titan(s). Null sec residents would LOVE more reasons to use their toys and LOSE them. Proper macro conflict drivers - rather than the small scale ESS system - and citadel changes will hopefully help there. Passive moons was the last time there was something worth fighting for in the game.

BRM doesn’t tank due to risk aversion, more there isn’t enough pvp activity to sustain it. Also as the BRM drops, the amount of ratting drops, meaning the ESS no longer provides an incentive to trigger that pvp activity, a classic negative feedback loop.

The system is just broken and needs removing as it just stops people from playing. If you’re a pve centric player and someone has tanked the BRM in your region before you login for the evening, you’re out of luck. Incentivising players not to play or to play other games cannot be a good design. I think CCP naively thought players would leave their alliance to join another area of space with more lucrative BRMs, but players are tribal and much like following your favourite football club etc, players are invested in their alliance, its history and preservation. I think they’d rather unsub than join someone else over BRMs.

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Those supercap fights are extremely rare. Sure they are dropping supers for structure bashes but theyre 1000+ km away on their on structure. Only thing at risk is their fighters.

If supers were used in typical fights there would be more dead. Since they aren’t they typically die when the pilot is being stupid or gets unlucky.

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That’s where we need proper macro conflict drivers, remove shield timers and asset safety so docked caps are at much greater risk. Introduce things worth fighting over like passive moons provided in the past.

In the past pre citadels anything docked in a station after it was taken was effectively lost. Players had assets locked away for years at a time dead to station. That in itself promoted fighting for something, you may as well use it because otherwise you were gonna lose it!

Null want more reasons to fight and to fight with bigger things. CCP isn’t helping, Indy changes, Recon changes, EHP nerfs, application nerfs, that’s not going to increase caps destroyed, quite the opposite!

how about fixing the neocom first.


in the past you weren’t kicked out of the outpost if you were docked when possession of outpost was flipped. had a red or so in one of our outposts a decade ago.

Removed some offtopic posts

You wanna know what beating a dead horse gets you? Even if you make the stink go away? A dead horse.

Not everybody. While I prefer a bit more latitude, perhaps a higher minimum restoration rate, the idea of a maximum sustainable amount of ratting was absolutely necessary to the health of the game. The virtually unlimited isk potential of the past was near disastrous.

It would also be nice is some form of adjacency would be developed–so many big wormhole fights don’t count just because they end up on the wrong side.