Version 20.02 - General Feedback

Thank you for enlarging that maddeningly small calculator. :+1:

Now, the blinking paused skill circle is gonna be a problem for me. Solid would be fine, but blinking is gonna annoy me. (edit: I see a fix is in the worksā€¦ awesome, thanks!).

But again, thank you for the calculator.


im not ccp but i will have a go at breaking it down
if you ratted befor this
the pay out was expressed as a % expressesd as a - or + efect of activity being
1 rat more the % goes down to a posible 30% max payout
2 kill more players and it has a + efect taking the payout to over 100% of the ratting value
some of the revinue going to you some ess some reserve
above 100% operates the same as before
if the % drops below 100% it dosent drop below 50% inintialy
but the diferance to 100% and the lower % goes into the ess systerm
its to try make bigger ess
the end efect is its even better to rat under a blue donut

@CCP_Swift Please fix also the old minimum size from the neocom menu. Not everyone is playing on super 4k resolution screens and it would be nice to have the neocom menu on the old small size again.


They are aware


Rollback or back peddle.

They want more bots in space to raise ā€œplayer countsā€, so are no longer punishing simple bots 99% of which wonā€™t move systems when ESS goes into bad numbers.

The fix is to not have an annoying blinking thing in the first place. The ā€œfixā€ is to remove it.


ok, so the lower brm it is, the more it goes into main or reserve bank?
man this is terribly explained


Have you increased font size in this text box intentionally? I donā€™t see it mentioned in the Patch Notes.



i know im sorry i dont always explain things well myself
the end result is if your in a max ratting systerm with the ess protected by a majour alience and you can just focas on ratting you will get over 2x the isk than before this change

If you are truly solo, how on earth did you ever get back to your home hole if you filamented out? Without an entrance scanned, the chances of rolling in to a random hole are miniscule.


by terrible I am referring to patch notes, donā€™t feel bad
I am annoyed by the fact that CCP is pulling numbers from thin air without formulas and examples

I was expecting something bad, but they made the blink so slow I hardly notice it unless I specifically look at that part of the screen for some seconds.

They did a good job here. Itā€™s slow enough not to be distracting, but fast enough to get the attention of players who asked for such a thing.

Also I love that they merged the two neocom skill window buttons and gave it new icons. Seems like CCP is listening to feedback you, others and I gave earlier! :smiley:

:duck: Some audio will now duck when opening UI windows.

Could you give us a list of the UI windows that trigger this and the parts of audio that are impacted?

I feel like Iā€™m missing audio, and I play with a lot of UI windows open. I assume others do too.

What is the purpose of this change?

Missing audio that I noticed: station interiors are dead silent.

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thereā€™s audio in EVE? :rofl:

i agree with the blinking, its not as bad as everybody makes it out to beā€¦ i hardly noticed it.


FTFY :slight_smile:

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As someone mapping Pochven connections, i think the filament change for Pochven filaments no longer working in j-space is pretty dumb and annoying, means its far more risky to risk jumping through a hole to map the other side because i now canā€™t get back home easily which wastes more time and discourages people from actually mapping these things out, which is probably your intended goal but no less of a dick move lol

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With minimum BRM you get 100% bounty from which 50% is entering the ESS.

How much bounty do you get and goes into the ESS with, for instance, 90% BRM?

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Iā€™m also here hoping @CCP_Paragon or someone explains the DBS/ESS change a bit more. Does the new mechanic only kick in at DBS minimums, or is there a scale where reduced bounties (<100%) get the missing ISK transferred to the ESS.

The change to wormhole extraction filaments is great, however it would be nice if the m3 volume of refit mobile depots could be reduced a smidge.

Probes plus depot are a mandatory refit pack for wormholers again. The swing from almost no mass filaments back to the old backpack size is a tad annoying.

I donā€™t know who would ask for a blinking icon when every other UI element that could be used continuously but isnā€™t (like the industry facilities, PI planets, market slots, etc.) donā€™t blink in your face either. :wink: