Version 20.09 - Known Issues

There appears to be no way to access the Fleet Finder when already in a fleet. You now have to leave your previous fleet in order to get access to the fleet finder.

Edit: This is specific to the Fleet window.

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in agency fleet up you can see it

Shader Quality - Low
Transparency - Disabled

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Photon-UI messes with almost any font-size or window-proportion, forcing you to enbiggen the ingame windows to show the same amount of info as without photon - easy solution → enable below 90% UI-scaling, so multiboxer with minimalized windows can see ■■■■, instead of quadruple-stacking ingame-windows for chats or cargos

not even kidding

Please raise the minimum range for Dscan’s AU scanner from 0.0 to 0.1. Otherwise, it is not a viable option for scanner use.

Please don’t fix the lightning VFX on the Paladin, as it is completely awesome.


When working on the AIR Career program, please make it so that under “Social” the point “Join a player Corporation” is either automatically fulfilled if the character already is in a Player Corporation or that you only need to “apply” to one (and can then cancel the application immediately). Many people already are in the Corp they want to be in and they cannot complete the program unless they leave their own corp to join another one.


It is not possible to add new items to the Multi-Sell Window. I just started selling 4 items and wanted to add 2 new items but they do not show up in the Multi-Sell window.

How about doing some Quality Control first before implementing all these hairbrained idea’s?

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Multiple characters training doesn’t works since 12 oct 2022.

          DeMichael Crimson: How about doing some Quality Control?
                        CCP: We have Quality Control at home.
CCP_Quality_Control at home:



When turning on to the original UI i get very often that error by loging in

@CCP_Paragon When first entering the game, the music from the character selection page continues to play and mixes in with the in-game music. Also the in-game music / station sounds continue to play and mixes in with the music in the character customization screens.

In other words, the music gets all mixed up…


Ever since you fiddled with the Neocom bar to fix some of its Photon problems, it has started misbehaving in the proper, working UI. After disconnects, and also sometimes on ordinary login, the bar loses all its buttons except for the character picture and the training circle. To get the buttons back, one has to wiggle the width of the bar back and forth until they reappear. This suggests to me that the screw-up relates to scaling.

All very tedious. I do wish you would try a little bit of testing.


Why does the drone window show a picture of the drone like its the market window?

Did nobody else stop for a second and see a problem with that?


The Tranquil Filament crates handed out as login gifts during the Triglavian event do not open.

Given that they only hold one filament according to the info button, quite why they had to be in crates in the first place is another matter entirely.

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A couple of different CCP people have passed through the rookie help chat channel in game and mentioned over the past few days that this is a known issue that will be fixed with Tuesday’s update. Not sure why it wasn’t mentioned in this thread as one of the known issues, but it is one they’ve got a fix coming for, apparently.

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One word? Competence.

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right hand and left hand. :wink:

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I’d like to make a suggestion / request:
Can you provide Keyboard Shortcut options for ‘Open Cargo’ and ‘Loot All’ ?
In fact every action should have a Keyboard Shortcut option so that players can map their keyboards as they deem fit.
Thank you