Version 20.09 - Known Issues

yeah, completely unnessessary.

Important things like a clear indicator of what the drone is currently doing (attacking, returning, idle…) would be a lot nicer. Be it a symbol, be it a colored text. Right now for long drone names “Caldari Navy Vespa (returning)” just looks like, “Caldari Navy Ve” for example and the status is simply not visible because of window size. Make that a small symbol in FRONT of the drone name, indicating Drone Type and Activity.

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Opening windows in the same window stack doesn’t reliably work anymore. Before the last update, a new private convo would open in an existing chat stack all the time. Now, the new chat window for the private convo opens in a new window and over the existing chat stack where it used to appear in in the past.

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Drone group marked favorite has no effect when launching using hotkey.

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Drag and drop the item into the window

That is what I am doing and it does not work.

The UI is amazing. If you do not hit the tinsy-tiny little arrow, you actually click the card itself and it opens whatever menu is behind it. You click through the darkened background as if it was not there. This is absolutely outstanding UI design! Whoever came up with this should get an Oscar for their outstanding work! It completely upheavals the UI standards and makes the usage so much better.


I figured out how to get rid of the drone picture, though it would have been a bit more friendly for it to be trigged by enabling compact mode.

This should have been in the thread about the air career hot fix, but that thread was locked for replies:

Characters who have done the career tracks still receive awards from the hotfix, for missions they already did and received the rewards for

The infamous red dot persists on the AIR button in the ribbon even after claiming the rewards. It only goes away after one opens up the redeem window.

After a while, the infamous red dot keeps showing up on the AIR ribbon button, with one or more unclaimable (ghosted) rewards in the AIR window, and nothing in the redeem window.

tenor (16)

That red monster, it’s back !!
HELP !! The fix needs a fix.
Thank you.

P.S. all this of course with inventory badging DISabled.


the Air Career Program was rolled out on June 28th. This character had joined a new corporation on June 5th. Not that it matters all that much, but no, the “Join a Corporation” thing didn’t register via the “fix”.

The Sanguinary Savant skins are all somewhat broken when you zoom out a bit, at least in the 3D preview, with LOD quality set to Medium.

How it should be on the Retribution:

How is zoomed out just a bit:

On the Apoc it disappears completely:

Sun disappears when i turn my camera towards it.

Yes agreed. CCP could tighten up the windows quite a bit. This is especially important to those of us with small screens.


UI is seriously bugging out. Local chat often shows empty or players names piled on top of each other until resizing.
HUD is missing the modules, readouts, etc. But now I’m seeing fighter UI components on my Dominix?

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Seems there’s more that’s messed up than just that…

Your background and location shows you docked yet Overview / HUD is still showing…

Sometimes a quick re-log will fix small annoying bugs. Could also ‘Clear all cache files’ in Esc menu. Lastly you could ‘Verify all files’ in the Launcher

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Is it possible to add so you can ”Find Fleet” while being in a fleet in the Photon UI? This is possible in old UI and I miss it for when wanting to switch fleets quickly.

“Resource Cache” does not work for clients running under wine on Linux. Enabling resource cache (now the only possibility) leads to severe memory leaks that causes the client to freeze and crash out after a couple hours of active playing.

Please return the option, and just change it to default to “opt-out” instead of “opt-in,” so that Linux users can un-set it until the wine devs fix the issue with shared video memory.

The docking animation and sound are effecting my ear’s. It gives me an headache with the high pitch pings and beeps when docking. Can we have an option to turn this off in settings. I have had to turn off the sound altogether, the irony is not lost to me and many others that you have just improved the audio and then we have to turn it off to play the game. Re shipping is also taking longer. Please resolve this issue.

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The History page of the Hypernet panel is completely broken.

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