Version 20.11 - Known Issues


Compared to the old UI, the handling of Alliance display in the Char Show info is very bad. This looks like the corp does not belong to any alliance and only if you look really closely, you notice that tiny alliance name.


This is much better at displaying that important information.


The text cut-off in tabs in Photon is ridiculous. There is no way to know which setting for item filter in the first drop-down menu in the Industry window. Chats are also cut off to such a large extent that it is impossible to know which chat is which if they have similar names.
Worse still, I have already set the Font Size to small in the settings but they do not improve anything in either instance.

More things that are worse in Photon:
In contrast to the old UI, which has hierarchical terracing of containers in hangars in the Input/Output drop down, in Photon everything is just listed in one continuous list and you are supposed to make out the differences by the icons. This makes everything prone to misclicks, makes everything less clear and more confusing. Wasn’t Photon supposed to improve the old UI and not make it worse? 2 years in and it’s still making it worse in many, many areas.

Photon again makes things worse and not better. Fix this.