Version 20.11 - Known Issues


  • Even in Compact Mode, my cargo window requires 20% more width to display the same 3 icon columns that the old UI managed to display. Bad.

  • Row contrast between selected and unselected rows in the Probe scanner is too faint. Bad.

  • The Recover Probe button in the Probe scanner window is tiny, squished into a corner and not a Button. It’s just a symbol that does not follow the Button design that Photon claims to use. The old UI does this much better. Bad.

  • The buttons to manipulate probes in the Probe window do not look like buttons. They are just symbols.

  • Station service buttons do not look like buttons. They are just symbols. The old UI does this better. Bad

  • Drone health bars are uneven height. How is that even possible?

  • the numeric Hud Speed indicator is still harder to read than in the old UI, and the darker blue now makes it harder to see the speed gauge.

  • Icon lines in the radial menu have different line thicknesses. How even? Bad.

  • Create Bookmark windows and all other windows like it (market order window, naming window, linkification window) are too big and overflowing with empty, wasted space for no good reason.

  • Drone window still wastes space and creates unnecessary UI noise by aligining the In Space Header to the bottom of the window instead of below the drone groups.

  • right click menu still wastes too much space. Bad

  • the Window Margin options do not work on Compact Mode windows, and they do not impact the wasted space due to padding between rows in normal mode windows. Bad.

  • Radial Menu buttons are mushy and harder to distinguish.

  • selection highlight of items is completely invisible on things like BPC in certain color themes like Caldari. BAD.

  • In compact mode it’s not possible to easily reload a window to move icons into empty spots after you jettisoned items, for instance. Bad.

  • there are 2 different text styles of which one is easy to read and the other is mushy, blurry and hard to read. Guess which is which:

  • Text search boxes are still virtually indistinghuishable from the background. This is particularly bad in compact mode, like here:

  • the Probe strength and other important info that used to be available at a glance in the old UI is now hidden in a tooltip which makes it harder to see and utilize. BAD. Instead of hiding this info behind useless SYMBOLS that indicate that they could be BUTTONS, show the figures and show the breakdown of the figure in the tooltip.
    Honestly, who in their right mind comes up with the idea to put NON-BUTTON-SYMBOLS NEXT to BUTTON SYMBOLS? What are you smoking?

  • Standing icons are mushy. Ship tech type tags are mushy. STILL. Bold Text is mushy. Bad.

  • While you added back the Search field in compact mode for Item and Ship hangar, you did not do that for containers. There is no search field for open container windows in compact mode. BAD.

  • the new chat activity indicator is just bad. First you get flashing text and color fillign the tab. Both disappear after a few seconds and you are left with a tiny, almost unnoticeable indicator bar at the bottom of the tab. Considering the fact that the tabs have no separation bar between text and button row any more, this indicator might as well not be there at all. This is BAD.

  • Some chat tabs show number of uses, while others’d don’t my active tab currently does not but the Corp tab does show the number. Why?

  • Speaking of the Probe Window and Dscan window. The distance and range sliders are smashed at the bottom of the window and are too narrow compared to the comfortable size they had in the old UI. This feels Bad.

  • Why is the range slider disappearing when a probe runs its scan cycle? Why do you waste your time and the client’s calculation power on something so useless? Why do you introduce that kind of inconsistency in the UI in the first place? If something becomes non-interactable, it just grays out every wshere. This UI behavior is another inconsistency that makes your claims that this UI is supposed to do everything better than the old UI moot and deceptive.

  • Buttons in the notification windows are ridiculously large and way too close to the text. There is no reasonable separation between buttons and text like in literally any other good UI.

  • And while CCP wastes so much space in some areas they really go to stupid levels of saving space in other areas. Spot the issues here:

  • Station icons are now smaller, you can’t change their size anymore and they are harder to see because they are just symbols and no longer proper buttons like they used to be in the old UI. BAD.

Good things about it?

  • still only the drone window if you ignore the crap header alignment.
  • window borders finally to see borders on overlapping windows.

Overall: Photon is coming along but it is still a trainwreck. And even though CCP says they want to introduce more uniformity in the UI, especially when it comes to buttons CCP introduces a ridiculous amount of inconsistency and irregularities compared to the old UI. Who thinks this is a good idea?

Photon really and absolutely needs a general setting “Compact UI” or “Normal UI” in General Settings because I really, really do not want to go through all the windows on all my characters and compact what can be compacted. This should be much easier.