Using my system, it’s a solid 0/7. Mining is dead. Capbuilding is dead, and it’s a question if even a battleship can be built now with reasonable effort. Nullsec not sustainable without botting it. MESS/DBS still out there. Resources scarce af, not even 10% of pre-scarcity. To have another opinion on that, you must have never touched industry or mining ship in your life. Go touch a retriever and come back.
Firing of Aurora is necessary because of her meticulous removal of every post with an argument of why is it 0/7, so that she can’t gaslight the rest of CCP.
Apologizing for blackout and giving solid warranties that someone this outrageously stupid will not happen again is necessary to bring back first 10% of the pre-blackout trust that whoever is making decisions is actually sane.
How is mining dead? Thousands of barges and exhumers are being blown up every week. Many more aren’t. Mining is active.
Caps are still getting blown up and were literally just made cheaper to build…how is it dead? Caps are active.
What do you mean that Nullsec is not sustainable? Alliances operate out there just fine.
Resources are not scarce, the price before scarcity is the reason why scarcity happened, we don’t want to get that low or Mining WILL die.
How do you know this is the case in regard to CCP Aurora? Being disrespectful of anyone is not allowed on the forums. If you have feedback about something, be constructive and don’t call out anyone.
Blackout is really not that big of a deal. Oh noes! Local was like it is in WH space! You could still play, by having eyes at gates, using dscan, and a myriad of other tools. Local really should not be an Intel tool and be a communication tool.
That just people failing to realize that mining is dead paying for their mistake.
When mining is at least at 25% of pre mining removal patch, we’ll talk. Before than, I tried, it’s definitely dead.
I swear you’re like British, who are like “how’s ship building dead, I go to harbor, I see ships going!”, then they realize their shipyard is at 10% of its productivity compared to 50 years ago, and when those old ships die, there would be no more.
Like I said, when you can build 1 cap with the amount of effort that was used to build 4 caps before capbuilding removal patch, we’ll talk. Before that, I tried, it’s definitely dead.
Botter alliances are thriving, especially after the oh-so-anti-bot-praised feature of reducing DBM below 100% have been cancelled, and the north bounties just EXPLODED right after that.
Small independent alliances who cannot cover large scale botting are all dead, because they cannot sustain themselves without botting.
There is literally not even 10% of pre-scarcity resources available. Since you do not even realize that, once again, please touch a retriever and report how did it go before any more industry talk, as you are clearly completely ignorant of it.
Because she gloated in PMs to me about it. That is why I am both 100% certain, and in my interest as a player I request her removal.
This is just ridiculous. Blackout was a betrayal of monumental proportions.
It was NOTHING like wh space, please don’t bring this dumb argument, for a very apparent reason that WH space does not have the main grief-causing mechanics - covert cyno. Introduce covert cyno to wormholes and we’ll see how those hole chickens will howl.
No, I could not play. It was impossible.
No, having eyes at gates gave you absolutely nothing, because every system of value was cloaky camped with a covert cyno ready.
No, there is no tool which could possibly work against a covert cyno, neither was there a counterplay.
Local can be anything unintelligent people think it should be, as long as there are defensive mechanics other than local, all of which have been removed before blackout, leaving local the last and only line of defense against cloaky campers.
The whole blackout thing, from an indy nullbear perspective was “let’s put you as a free target 24/7 and see how it goes, while making you pay for it”. OH GEE I WONDER HOW IT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG. This was nothing short of a betrayal. A lot of free2play games keep free players only as whale feed. And I thought eve, being a subscripting game, would be better than that. And yet this is exactly what happened - I was fed to the unicellular inbred fauna with a covert cyno with less than zero counterplay options, and made pay for that. And then you come out and “its just a thousand of your hours building up to this going down the drain with ■■■■ and giggles, not a big deal!”. Yes it is a very very very very very big deal which means CCP will never see a dime of mine until this betrayal is compensated and warranties that it shall not happen again are installed.
Please remove abyssal from daily challenges, the effort for it is highly unbalanced when compared to the other proposed activities. Anyone who doesn’t run T3 or more might take up to a hour or more to complete them if unlucky with spawns
Which level is this mission?
Who is the agent?
Is it a regular agent or Storyline?
Is it offered or accepted?
When does it expire?
Is the system name where the agent is, or where the mission site is?
Why is all the text crammed into the upper left corner?
What is all that empty space being reserved for?
Why is the “talk to agent” button so miniscule?
Calling you out on being 100% clueless against industry is not trolling. Dude, no offense, but you are simply not qualified to argue on industry, because it is apparent to anyone who ever touched it that you don’t do it, that you don’t know the state of it, that effort required to do it is unknown to you. Just stop. Please.
As for blackout, saying “its just like WH” when due to covert cyno camping it was NOTHING like wh is completely your fault. At least in WH you’re a target of opportunity, during blackout you’re a target of leisure, with eve’s second biggest substitute for skill mechanics you have completely ignored pitted against you. In WH, you at least have a new signature animation popping up on your overlay as a warning. With covert cyno, you have none.
You trying to get someone fired over made up allegations is trolling. If what you said was even remotely true, you would be able to provide the proof to others.
As for my qualifications, I run industry in one of the largest low sec trading hubs. I would think that my Alliance would have fired me if I was clueless. Unlike you, I’ve adapted to the changes and learned how to prosper.
I live under the constant treat of blackops drops in highly populated areas, filled with neuts, reds, blues, etc. Local chat telling me who is in system would be a hinderance to most as they would just not undock, but when you have eyes on the gates and stations, and use dscan and probes. You have much more awareness than what local alone can tell you. You’ve and much of null sec use local as a crutch and haven’t learned how to walk, much less run, without it.
Which I did to community team, and was told to go be a good content or else (and had my other acc forum-banned for providing proof).
Which is already funny because you seriously say low sec and trading hub in one sentence.
You didn’t “adapt”, it simply just as 2012-2013 CCP force-pushed everyone into nullsec from hisec, it is now force-pushing everyone into lowsec where your sorry ignorant trollish ass happened to be. Just because there’s a bit more resources in lowsec does not mean there’s at least 10% of resources anywhere else. And I’m NOT going to lowsec, because even a hint that you can do “industry” where the unicellular ganking organisms can dock is a bad joke.
And it is completely useless against a one iwin button that is covert cyno. No awareness in the world can beat it, and whoever gone ahead with the grand stupid that is blackout knew it. This is unforgivable.
Seems a bit of fresh polish has been applied to the Career Agent goal tracking/handholding UI but no recent mentions in patch notes. Looking good. For some missions, it insists on having a weapon fitted, doesn’t recognize drones and hides the warp to location button. Also, some missions guide the new player for every jump away but then leave them to figure out how to set the waypoint home after completing the mission remotely.
Also, these points mentioned in 21.01 have finally been implemented, it seems?
Change the goal for Enter x Combat Sites in AIR Career Program to exclude combat sites happening in starter systems.
Updating the goal for Hacking x Containers in AIR Career Program to exclude hacking in starter systems.
Change the goal for Enter x Gas sites to not include Gas Training Sites.
Oh yeah, and removing the lowsec mineral requirements (eg. Cap Booster 25 Blueprint) from the manufacturing career path - brilliant! How many people were turned away from industry after hitting that roadblock minutes into the game?
With the new patch Molecular Condensers can be bought from the LP stores for 1 Million ISK each in practice. This is a welcome change for industrialists as it gives an infinite source of said raw material, however it does also make a roof of a price for said products and massively reduce the profitable of the low and nullsec sites that gave said gas to a point where they might not be worth running at all.
It would be good to look at the rewards of the low/nullsec gas sites (Chemical lab) for example and either increase the amount of condensers dropped by several times or add some other loot into the loot table in order to make the sites worth running.
I’ve seen some suggestions on this thread asking for the ability to add more than one ore to the Deliver projects. I would like to add to this and suggest:
The option to select a specific ore/ice eg. Dense Veldspar, or the whole Veldspar family of ores - maybe as a ‘Family’ checkbox?
To accept the compressed variant of the specified ore as default. If a corp has a project to deliver Dark Glitter Ice for example, the corp members should be allowed to supply both compressed and uncompressed ice.
As an FW guy I can tell you that the new price ceiling is around 1.6 million isk per unit. That’s a high ceiling.
Nobody who knows what they are doing with liquidating LP is going to bother selling them unless the price goes higher than 1.6 million isk a pop so I wouldn’t worry about it.
Anyone else log in and all there structures are gone? Im in .5 sec with no email of a war doc and plenty of fuel. Asset safety says 3 days left to deliver. Did they update cause this?
Aurorae were added years ago, but they are very rare. When you see them, it’s quite a sight. I recently saw one as well after months of not having seen one. Can be quite cool to watch.