Version 21.05 - General Feedback

Imagine some sort of almost identical server to EVE, where some players would data mine every change to the code to give themselves and folks who use their info an edge over the rest of the players in the game. Imagine, too, a place with a mirror of the main game that could be used by people to gather intel in relative safety and practice things they want to do in the live game but don’t want to spend the money or take the risk of getting caught.

Also imagine a game where some bugs or poor game balance decisions don’t manifest until you get thousands of people actively doing things.

These are just a few of the limitations of SISI. It’s not as cut and dried as you make it appear to be.


That’s not what it was all about. In the past it helped to have people fiddle with new stuff and that usually made the fearsome patchday, which you will remember way back when, were are fearsome as M$ patch-Tuesdays.

Well, if they thought we shouldn’t fiddle with it, why can’t they just say so in like one or two sentences?

Something like, hey guys we thought you shouldn’t get your grabby hands on things to come and everyone has to wait and see.

Then make the thread read only, so no commentary. Ghosting is such a too common bad way to not deal with things.
It’s still sad that everyone has to wait but there difference is, you could now get here and read the info and don’t have to speculate on what you, your computer, your OS or whatever did wrong, nope wasn’t any off that, just SiSi pressed “pause” for a bit, then it un-pauses when the patch goes life.
At least you have an eta. That usually helps a lot.

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Hahahaha get owned

Am0k. is Recruiting

Thank you CCP for giving us outrageous colors with which to blind tha haters.


I undocked today from a Caldari station – not JIta 4-4 – and was immediately struck by how 1984 it felt!

EVE is a dystopian world, and nothing says that like 1984.

Excellent job Art department!


You raise a few interesting points that could be discussed. There’s a few threads on TTT drama etc that are better suited for an exchange.

The thing is: you have to log in every character now to check whether it is worth it as all characters get a random set of tasks. much better login metrics for ccp

Another thing is: Instead of playing a game I once loved I am reading ranting posts on the forums to drag my mood even more down

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Amazing CCP UI design quality:

  • You have to click on the row to get a tooltip that reveals the information of cut-off text (skill tooltips show up like normal tooltips and are interactive with clickable content without me having to manually click a thing to trigger it).
  • the important numeric value of how many EM/SP you receive is relegated to a tiny figure and abbreviated on top of it. Despite the huge amounts of empty space next to the icon (ammo icons can display high thousands values without issues)
  • to top this off, you again have to click somewhere to make this tooltip disappear.
  • there’s even a typo in this tooltip (double space between firework and at).

This is Photon level UI quality deluxe. Very “cognitive overload reducing, streamlining the UI and making it easier to use the UI”. :slight_smile:


CCP UI department desks be like


I saw that one (shoot a firework at an NPC) on one of my accounts today, as the so far only other option to Abyssal/Trig stuff and Mining. And so far almost everything is for WhateverMarks.

Here’s an idea: maybe dailies should be a once-a-day menu, where I get to pick an activity and the kind of payout I want. And if CCP wants a loot box vibe, fine, the game gets to roll randomly the quantity involved.






Agreed, the loss of the journal is needless considering I had it open when I logged in and it worked just fine. My horror when I realized, AFTER I closed it to boot, that its gone.

In my view, either give the option to open the old Journal or create a tabular view of the new screen.

Also, the new Opportunities screen needs to list the Agent Mission Expiration time. I already had some expire that I had no idea they were about to.


Why kill the high sec keepstars? Just make any modules that can’t be used on a fortizar not available in high sec. Anyone can have their expensive shiny structure if they can hold it with more fuel costs. I don’t see them are game breakers.

For those in Null sec that never go to hs or ls where is the Paragon station i can go to to create corp/alliance logos on ships. and due to only being in Null can we not have a buy these with plex version…???

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none of that explains how i can turn plex into corp/alliance marks :stuck_out_tongue: its like a skin i buy in store right…

You asked where I told you where. And no they are not SKINs and you don’t buy them as such at least AFAIK. You open the corp LP store and buy them for Paragon LP, again AFAIK.

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Homefront ops payout tanks way too fast for each fleet member beyond the 5th

With 5 people in fleet you get paid about 16 million isk each. with 7 people in fleet you get about 7 million isk each. Why does it drop so fast? I was expecting that it would take 10 people to cut the pay from 16 million to 8 million but just TWO extra people drops it to less than half? WTF?

You don’t need to make it tank this hard to incentivize people to run the op with just 5 people. People will already go through great lengths to minmax their ISK/hour.

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Damage Capsuler Corp Project settings question?

Anyone know how to track Militia members for the Deal damage to capsuler in the corp projects? As an example I have tried to add the Federal Defense Union as a corp for the targets. But this only tracks dmg to players in that specific corp… so if a Gal Mil person is in another corp but that corp or player is still enlisted it wont track. Any way to track ANYONE that is enlisted?


20 year anniversary update contains a Trojan… :smiley: