Version 21.05 - Known Issues

I’m seeing a more than 10x increase in costs from previous day for industry costs in a raitaru - primarily for manufacturing jobs. Patch notes were at minimum misleading or outright dishonest. spent 476k all day on 6/12 and already spent over 5.7M since 00:00 6/14 game time (about 2 hours), for same types of jobs, same number of slots - 1 character. This is a massive problem for anyone building stuff for the player economy.

The mac graphical issues extend to ship canopies as well


but you can see the numer of jumps now. you should be happy.


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Oh yeah, not to mention the extremely fancy spinning background.

I can’t imagine how I lived all these years without a spinning background in my useless UI windows.

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I had the same issue. I just restarted the Launcher and started the game afterwards and all was OK. Surprisingly the game run with new features.

Next time I started the Launcher, it began to download the expansion files again without any error messages. After that the game worked identically with new features.

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When shooting “The Outpost” in “Razing the Outpost” mission (Amarr epic arc) with missiles, the new missile explosion animation is rendered on player’s ship, instead of the structure which is being shot.

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Yeah, that didn’t work for me. I restarted the launcher several times, but it wouldn’t downloads the patch until after I restarted my computer.

NPCs also firing missiles at your ship. Did you check that? Just saying.

You can try to download files via VPN. Maybe that would help.

… I already said restarting my computer fixed the issue. I even said that in the post you originally responded to.

I know. I posted that as a reference for anybody who will encounter a similar issue. I just decided to bind the post to your post as a solution chain.

I am 100% certain that those are my missiles, based on ROF and the type of missiles.

I’m no expert in corporation management, but for little I know, corp hangar requires the rent of an office, which is not mandatory. So if a corp don’t have that, will the CEO/Director receive it in their item hangar as default, or you going to send the item into oblivion?

Since yesterdays update it seems i can not initiate or receive convo invitations. Option to “auto reject” is disabled on all accounts. Can not convo even my alts. Worked fine pre-Viridian.

EDIT: solved. Was not aware convos were changed during my time off EVE to only start once you type.

@CCP_Paragon Can you please put the “Next Challenge hh:mm:ss” back in white/grey please? It was much easier to see when we were done with the skilling spree.
As I’m playing a few characters, and as the message is now similar to all other info on that side of the screen, I always have to double check cautiously, sometimes a few time during the whole time I play such and such characters, before I log off. As previously I knew instantly when I was done because the message was standing out from the rest.

It’s just a little QoL that your team have removed (willingfully or it is a bug)


You get it into Corp Deliveries now, just like you’d get an item if you buy it on the market with corporation funds.

This is a separate “hangar” from the corporation office ones and you don’t need an office for it.

Agent Mission tiles in Oppotunities can’t be right-clicked?

And Agent missions disappear from Active as soon as warping to location?

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? It’s been five months and you still can’t solve this problem! ! !

what about answering my actual question. the thing about corp hangar requiring renting an office, which is not mandatory for owning a corp… read the question again in case you missed it. It was addressed to CCP Paragon, but if you have the answer as a dev insider, go ahead.

The Rokh still has the visual bug. The small towers on either side of the main structure are missing polygons when viewed from the back.

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