Version 21.06 - Havoc - General Feedback

For the record, the decision to tie the Vanguard test to EVE but only let it help one side, without clear option to either hinder (*) corruption or spread suppression seems ill-thoughout.

I’d have thought since Pochven CCP had learned something about one-sided support for a two-sided event but I guess not.

Yes, I am aware it is “just a test” and if it was separate from EVE I’d agree this would not be a problem (even if it still would be a bummer). As it is though, it is tied to EVE and at least according to advertising will have a direct effect on the warzone.

(*) I suppose you could join and fail on purpose or awox your mates to stop corruption but that’s not quite the same as being able to directly help your own side.


Why are the corrupted systems not showing on the star map?

Or are they…

There is an ‘insurgencies’ colour option for map, which shows affected systems and if they reached stage 5 of corruption

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So many updates but none for Vehement BPC and Vendetta BPC when Vanquisher BPC production costs has already been rectified on Havoc release.

CCP, why the delay?

Also, it’s time to update Pirate Dread Traits/Bonuses cause Navy/Fleet Issues are better.

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Dog ■■■■ wrapped in cat ■■■■, disguised as gameplay change.

Take the Server down. Let people unplug, Don’t try again.


Right now the lowsec action is pretty fun.

I noticed a few things: (Min/Amarr Warzone)

  1. Pirates seem to be 90% from some nullsec groups like initiative
  2. Militia groups don’t plex the angel plexes. Almost no system has any progression for the surpression. They pay good LP but there is just so much PVP going on that there is no time to sit 15 minutes in a plex. For a lot of FW people the PVP is the main part of this experience, not sitting in a plex. Killing 3 rats can be especially hard for a RLML cruiser soloing a Pirate Medium plex. Once you are on reload, sometimes you get scrammed by the Angels and even if you finish them off you might be on reload by the time some enemy shows up outside and are forced to warp out. It’s basically a huge disadvantage running those plexes.
  3. Militia groups and organized pirate corporations form pretty big fleet of 30 Talwars or Retributions/ Hawks/ whatever and just nuke everything they find. It makes flying solo pretty hard atm.
  4. For some reason it’s possible to survive with 10 Minmatar friends in a system that has 150 Angel wartargets in local and still get some kills.
  5. Blingy ships inside the warzone have gone up by a lot. Before havoc everybody would fly around in <= Navy cruisers and sometimes there would be some longbow jackdaws or something like that, but now it’s way more chaotic :smiley:
    There are Assault frigates everywhere and Hecates and all that fancy stuff.
  6. I hate the settings menu everytime I quit the game :rofl:
  7. It would be cool to see a bigger map with more systems around the Insurgency where it could potentially spread to. Right now only the neighbouring systems are visibile, but it would be nice to zoom out a bit more and see where it could potentially go in the Insurgency menu map thingymabob :slight_smile:
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Established low sec Militia players also have no particular reason to want the suppression effects. Supergateguns will be as much a hindrance to them as they are to pirates, and more lowsec and bubbles are fun for them. Even if it was easy to do, a lot of them wouldn’t.

The mistake made in designing this is thinking it as cops vs robbers when in reality is more like pirates vs privateers. The privateers don’t want the local governor looking too closely at their activities, they want better letters of marque.


Apparently CCP don’t want solo players taking independent action against the Insurgency.
Surely in a sandbox game that should be encouraged

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eve online solo play…
you are doing it wrong.
especially in a sandbox game.
imagine the real world sandbox you soloing in a war zone haw this would end?
you have to learn how to socialize my friend

havoc killed HS, LS and autopilot.

  1. autopilot doesn’t avoid corrupted systems. Actually it should avoid corrupted systems where pirates win I guess. This make autopilot a garbage.
  2. even without autopilot you never know what will be the next system, so flying in HS / LS is just a hazard. You never know when you jump in corrupted system and lost everything.
  3. all structures in LS and HS will just die from time to time, because of corrupted system. Great way to make people lost ISK.

HS and LS start to be really bad place after this update.

A sandbox by definition allows freedom to explore and interact at will.
Solo play is exercising that freedom.
Plus I don’t need to socialize online, that’s for RL


Great expansion so far! Really enjoying the boom in low-sec content and added features. However, there is one major criticism I have, which has been echoed by other FW Vets, and that’s the rewards / incentives for the empires to push suppression, which I feel doesn’t line up with the behavior and motivations of the common FW pilot. I think this is evident by how little suppression has been pushed, despite the huge increase of activity and fights in these systems. We’re fighting in sites - not for them.

And here’s why (spoiler alert) - most militia pilots are pirates too! At least in the general sense.
The sentiment amongst the large group I actively fly with is that it’s better for the pirates to max their corruption, as this leads to more content for us. More space to become low-sec, bubbles to develop with alts, and more content as a whole.

Take a look at our own rewards:

Increased bounty payout and sec increase.
Who enlisted in FW is actually ratting?! Most of us have piss-poor sec status anyway. How is this relevant?

Bigger LP payouts.
Apart from the farmers and seagulls, my impression is most people think fights and system pushes to be the primary motivation for enlisting, with the reward of LP being that icing on the cake. I for one don’t think much about how much LP I’m getting per-plex. Good, but not great.

Corruption suppression
I get it, but do we really want to prevent corruption in the first place. Decent if we were pushing.

Increased web and scram range.
Cool, but without other fun rewards, is this even worth the grind to level 4?

Sentry Gun Buff
As mentioned, we do pirate-y things. We gate-camp, we chase targets and fight on gate all the time - this hurts that content for us. So why, as our main reward, would we even bother?

I have some pipe-dream solutions to this issue, but would love to hear how other militia members feel about the update as a whole. Could we use some more relevant rewards? I think so.

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Seconds day fighting the Angels for 6hours/day:
Guess what, our defense fleet didn’t run a SINGLE Angel PLEX in 6 hours. We could have, but since there were multiple fleets in the area, and the FC wants the blood of those Angels, we were just hardcore grinding ourselves vs harpy fleets, caracals or exeqs or some other stuff.

Technically it would make sense that the pirates need let’s say 10 minutes to capture a small but the militia can capture it in 2x the time or 5x the time. I think that would be a fair change considering the pirates shouldn’t be as effective as a well trained militia and it would help with the outnumbering problem.

It feels more that the pirates are the “big empire” and the militia are just fighting against a never ending stream of harpies, Exeqs, Tristans, RLML Caracals and blingy garmurs that are funded by some deep nullsec pockets.


We already know which systems will be affected in advance and pirates and empire are already at war with each other. So if suppression started on day 1 then pirates could come and try and stop it until day 3 when they begin to be able to corrupt as well.

Each system should probably have just one complex that runs continuously that maybe paid LP and moved the suppression/corruption slider every 10 minutes or so depending on how long and how many are in the plex.

This means less people in plex = more LP per person but slower corruption/suppression and more people in the plex = faster corruption/suppression but less LP per person.

At the end of the day this means less arbitrary travel between plexes and more pew pew in theory and you can bring whatever ship you like where as today destroyer is probably the most popular due to being able to enter all plexes. This is how you make it more fun.

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Why is the camera inside the “Capital hangars” so limited … I cannot even see the full ship anymore… without undocking.


Can we please fix the Shortcut for Dock/Jump/Activate gate? It barely works anymore. >75% of the time it doesn’t perform as advertised, ie: it will warp but not jump, warp but not dock, etc.

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Looks like the game currently counts used Laser Frequency Crystals (aka “lenses”) as “damaged modules”:

Obviously the Ship has not 51 modules installed -_-

One can even start the repair process (even if you have no Nanite Paste in Cargo) and a “success” message appears. Lenses stay damaged tho…


Those Damaged Lenses are almost as annoying in your cargo as the “Expired” boosters are <_<

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Wish they could just automatically remove expired boosters. What are we supposed to do with them? Even better, stop handing out expiring trash.


1st Point:
Stop increasing HS ratings. Let us corrupt the systems we can. CCP DONT DEFEND the empires with these “slow increases to HS rating”, Let the damn militias do their work instead. If the militias cant defend, let it be consequenses. Just remember The corruption is TEMPORARY, so let us have fun if we can managed to push certain systems!

Why do i belive that CCP is building up a hard limit for where insurgencies will be able to reach with these high security increases?

2nd point. whats up with all dead space in the new ESC menu? Like im sorry, very bad design