Version 21.06 - Havoc - General Feedback

Thank you for the excellent content in which I had a very negative experience and it is related to the following:

  1. There is no point in using interdictor ships due to falling relations with the angel cartel due to others pressing warp in the bubble.
  2. Rewards for beacons do not imply a limit on the number of players, but are simply divided among everyone, regardless of the time invested by each individual.
  3. Now, having the opportunity to put a tax on loyalty points, 150 Chinese from FRT or other multi-boxes easily arrive, occupy all the beacons and work for their owner, which kills the whole essence of the content and, as a result, pvp activity is very low.

Result: There is no interest in playing in your prime time because of 150 Chinese. And there is no point in using an interdictor ship and trying to catch someone on a bubble in lawless systems.


When will they add an increase in mouse pointer resizing?

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Dictors are about as bad as bombers lol.

So many targets on gate. The hound would call to me. And I said…no. It be the new fun minigame. How fast can I trash standings off the bomb hits off wreck kills on gate too.

Lawless should be lawless.


My Caldari Militia Perspective

Having fought every Insurgency thus far mostly for the Caldari and I do have a pirate alt, mostly to harvest LP for the ships & DG items. My view is that CalMil have not really jumped into the change as perhaps CCP wished and therefore we have now seen a change in the latest patch to perhaps force CalMil’s hand. The inception of the Insurgency is welcome, it opened another avenue for content, whether it be Plexing or PvP and for the most part I have enjoyed it even though there has been limited engagement from CalMil. I think the best we have achieved to date is to push two systems to Stage 5 Suppression and on each occasion we have come nowhere near achieving any form of dominance, mostly because of the lack of buy in.

The latest patch does in my opinion looks like a sledge hammer to make the masses get involved and it remains to be seen if they will? Quite frankly, mainstream FW is still the focus and fighting GalMil and taking systems gives CalMil a warm and fuzzy feeling. The end of the Insurgency, where is leaves a system vulnerable to flip is great, but again in the Cal/Gal area it has not been achieved often. Now with the new ‘Ambition’ patch the plague can spread across a huge amount of the warzone and into High Sec systems. Will CalMil care? This remains to be seen, but for those of us that have been fighting the Insurgency all I seen is fatigue and a daily grind! Time to undock my Hulk!

One possible option pre-Ambition, would have to allow the Pirates to gain full control over the system the FOB spawned in. The system and all within taking a pirate flavour and all adjacent system switch to Frontlines until the Pirates system is taken back. This would create ‘islands’ of piracy around Temperate systems throughout FW space. The mainstream factions would then have to go and retake the system. The mainstream faction therefore have opportunities.

The Suppression/Corruption mechanic is pretty good, and it becomes a bit of a race to push it to the higher levels. The only failure in my view is that if a system is fully Suppressed then it should stop adjacent system Corruption cold. This would make the race for control even more interesting. Slow it in the early stages, but if Suppression reaches 5 before Corruption then it stops.

If FW is about fighting the good fight and securing systems for your faction then this is still the primary focus of CalMil, thus means more to us then engaging Pirates who really for most part are a disorganised blob. The plexes are different in the Insurgency and we don’t mind that, in fact the ADV-10 sites are a lot of fun as you can make quick LP and even get a decent fight in contesting them. This style of site, I would like to see transition into mainstream FW.

The Insurgency Battlefield is again quite an interesting concept, with the NPC’s and the hauler you need to grab and take back to your lines. Transitioning a similar concept into the mainstream would again be interesting. The mainstream Battlefields are manageable, but we do suffer from those that exploit the game mechanics to control these sites for their personal gains, which in my opinion goes against the nature of FW. My example is a CalMil group, places some of their ‘players’ in Galmil and provides logistical support to them. You can try break the logistics but only by taking a hit to your Faction standings.

The ‘Find Objectives’ option in Insurgency should also be transitioned into mainstream FW.

The disparaging difference between the LP stores is a gaping hole in the FW area now since Insurgency. Dread Gurista items are easily gained at the expense of LP, isk and a T1 version, whereas the mainstream factions still have to gather copious amount of tags/insignia to gain similar items. This needs addressing! The use of tags/insignia is antiquated.

There is actually not a lot of incentives for mainstream factions to partake in the Insurgency as really all they are getting is LP and PvP content! LP alone will not get them goodies from the LP store as you still need tags/insignia and Gurista’s don’t drop anything of value. The age old question of “What’s in it for me?” or “Why should I?” has not been answered. There is no true valued incentive to actually fight the Pirates. When creating this style of content, who is looking from the outside in?


This Pirate insurgency is going to be the downfall of EVE, I happens too frequently and Rewards are Biased to Pirate Faction. Suppressing systems take way too much time. When all systems are lawless, the game is going to be crap. You already have it in low sec and Null, why bring it to high sec systems.
People don’t want to be on this game 12 hours a day trying to suppress the Piracy spread. Everyone is getting burnt out.
Also it would make it much better if players were offered normal isk rewards for killing the NPC’s. We are expending ammo and ships we should be properly rewarded the isk for the effort, LP points are OK, but the isk is what is needed the most. When we are spending the time fighting Incursion we are not making the isk mining, etc.
The Havoc expansion is expanding too fast. When the Game is not being played any more by anyone, I’ll say it now, I told you so!


Very well said and addresses most of the issues that I have seen myself during the fight against gurista pirates in black rise.
It is true that burnout will quickly come to people who will need to defend their homes and prevent them from going lawless and losing stations because the mechanic of spawning FOB heavily favours systems around the HS BlackRise region. Our group has been fighting every time it spawns at our doorstep to make sure we push pirates away and prevent from systems falling, which in itself was a massive grind.

We also had someone do a count and it’s 20% chance that it drops back around ikoskio/Prism/Asakai area, which means that every other week it comes back and you have to drop everything you do and go defend, due to lack of interest from militias (which is totally understandable in my opinion, as who wants to go defend backend systems noone cares about, when you can just leave it, let it burn out and then go flip a few sites to secure TCU again). This is not sustainable with how the content goes, and will make people either quit, or abandon the area around FW. Another point is that with the ambitions AND lack of engagement from militias (since the ambition mechanic will probably sadly not change that), this kind of looks like pirates will be encouraged to spread more and more, and with recent insurgencies showing that pirates can and will bash down random stations, this basically looks like an attempt to disable areas of HS next to FW from being livable. This in turn will feed into people leading narration for a while that CCP hates HS and wants it to burn. As much as I get it that there is no safe space in New Eden, this is another thing where a new mechanic that can spoil areas is given into player hands and then advantage is swayed towards chaos (such as with triglavian invasion, they had quite a tendency to attack systems that would invevitably turn massive parts of Highsec into HS pockets connected to rest of the game only through LS).

In my personal opinion, this new expansion was supposed to put more chaos into the frontlines of FW. The easiest way to have whole militias actually care for this, would be to make sure the FOB can spawn within 1-2 systems from the current frontlines, making it risky for militias to ignore, as you will have

  1. pirates running around and fighting them.
  2. the other militia trying to disrupt your securing efforts so they can basically get a system near a frontline flipped for free, making an opportunity to open up another frontline, as well as incentivize more, bigger fights for TCUs right where all FW players keep their assets for fight.

This would bring more fights into the actual active FW space, give both FW people another foe to fight and pirates actual fights over the sites, instead of having 1-2 groups actually fight while there is whole 5+ character groups that are currently farming tremendous amounts of LP and getting very rich that way.

Another advantage that this would have, would be that pirates could actually go and set their bases near frontlines, being able to resupply and have some fun in the content, instead of frantically running around and looking where to offload their ships for the next one in the 24 hour spawn period (actually had a talk with one of the gurista pirates who complained that with FOB spawning all over the place, it’s just a logistical nightmare, and having bubbles in zarzakh makes the shipcaster usage less than ideal).


this is true that the first day feels like a turtle race, as if both sides contest, you get barely anything from smalls and mediums. Then, the moment stage 1 hits, you get mining ops, then with higher level you get ice heists, which give you so much you can basically forget other sites and just run that to speedrun the thing. Personally I think that small and medium need a tiny boost to ensure that the start is not that mindboggingly boring, and maybe lower % on mining op and ice heist to not make other types of sites obsolete once those start spawning.


Hey Gildii,
Let’s make contact in game to see what we can do in our area of operation.



You can reach out, if I won’t be able to reply due to RL or something, I’ll make sure to link you to one of our directors/FCs

Having two accounts and a couple of friends, there is no point in trying to do anything in the insurgency.
10-15 ships of one player with ISBoxer will fly to you and take away all loyalty points in last minute.
PvP exclusively with neutral characters, whose goal is to at least drive you away in order to get all the loyalty points with their 10-15 ships.
This content has simply turned into farming loyalty points for those who have a powerful PC on credit and more accounts. Moreover, such players agree not to touch or interfere with each other.
Why bother spending time and money developing content that isn’t fun? All it has is spinning beacons and squeezing loyalty points from each other with a number of accounts.
In general, I don’t understand how you can make any content without even trying to calculate the abusive behavior of players and without trying to make really high-quality content as it was intended, and not just absolute farming with new items and ships.

Remove lp tax please eve was 20 years without that.
Once again I gave Eve a chance and again it lasted me no more than a month.


Nice new Astero icon. Didn’t know the AStero is black now.

Fixed incorrect appearance of Astero icons.

Today’s patch notes: Where’s my :handshake: ?

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I agree whole heartedly. Seems everytime I log in I am forced to move things back to where they were when I logged out. Getting real tired of fixing thing rather than playing.

Dear CCP,

Science & Industry:

  • The SCC surcharge component of the Industry Job Installation Fee has been increased from 1.5% to 4%.

TLDR: WHAT the actual cock!

So, I like to make things.

I don’t have a lot of time to play EVE. I cant do a lot of the in space content unfortunately. Over the years of trying to make various areas of in game content work for me, so I could even play the game at all, I fell into the rabbit hole of research and manufacturing. The main advantage being, once you have invested the time into skill points (or isk now as injectors didn’t exist when I started) you can set a job to go, log off and go do other things then come back when needed to carry on the next part/phase of your project. This to someone like myself that has limited time is possibly the only reason I still play as its the only content that fits into my more important real life while providing any feeling of being involved at all in the game. I might not be able to undock and shoot things, but I can make the ships and modules so others can right.

Well yes, I can. but its getting harder. I like a challenge, don’t get me wrong. I supported most of the changes made to industry over the last couple of years as I too thought I could see how it would fit into the bigger long term picture, the ore DNA change, the pulling of minerals to separate areas of space, adding more parts to pirate ships and those bigger than battle cruiser, PI mass reduction, all changes that made my job harder but on paper make/made a lot of sense. The reality is not this though. We have annoying bottlenecks and this silly messing about with job fees. I have just run the numbers in game on several items/ships i regularly produce and its now tighter than an otters pocket to turn a pretty penny.

While I fully understand you have access to dataz unavailable too us laymen and there is often an unseen rational to these things. I must protest as a small scale industrialist to this elevation in sunk costs.

Its not even going to the station owner! Wasn’t that the damn point?

Tax Reforms

We are making a series of changes to how some taxes are calculated to increase the value of corporation infrastructure as an income source. They will be in the following areas:

  1. Broker’s fee in Upwell Structures. Instead of a percentage cut, a fixed rate will be taken by the SCC, providing more ISK for facility owners.

Not cool CCP, you have the stats to show a large amount of stagnent ISK in player wallets.

Instead of shaking up the game mechanics to increase fights, (fights and wars being central to the game) you do nothing about the vast stagnet areas of bloc controlled null and instead you increase taxes again for builders. Builders i might add are already facing tougher trading with the lack of wars and large scale conflicts.

Its a lazy solution that isn’t even a bandaid on the problems with ingame economy.

Stop dodging the big issues and figure out how you can make the conquest of enemy space something thats worthwhile. If you can figure out how to get the large blocs fighting then ISK will be destroyed on a wonderful scale.


Why did you take away all of the player packs in the store while simultaneously telling us “There’s new packs!” when all you did was remove the ones I could actually afford to buy, like the weekend fleet?

What kind of crap is that?
So, just so we’re clear, you went from making sales from me, to no longer making sales.
Bad business practice 101. Don’t remove the product people are buying.

What did you think, we were getting too much value out of the smaller packs? You actually make more money when people buy the smaller packs than when they buy the big ones.

Why does the things CCP does never make any sense?

Additionally, I tried vanguard – it certainly needs a lot of refinement and polish. I’m sure plenty of people have mentioned it but getting stuck on tiny rocks on the ground in an FPS is a no-no. The gunplay needs to be smoother while having the feeling of more power. Trying to get to an objective, stash your stuff, loot and craft is too much for a rudimentary FPS without some kind of other elements, like the ability to craft a basic stash spot so you can actually accumulate what you need to craft without just getting zeroed out every time you field a clone.

the only thing i can say about the increased surcharge is = Your performance at current level is equal to s-h-i-t

If you want to remove isk from the game then make battleperformance better …


Hi CCP, can we get a devblog explaining the SCC surcharge changes? This change has a huge impact on the economy and I’d appreciate reading about what you think the problems are that this fix should alleviate, and how you expect player play styles to be affected by it.


I guess the only thing that can be certain in EVE is death and taxes…

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“The SCC surcharge component of the Industry Job Installation Fee has been increased from 1.5% to 4%.”



ISK Sink.