Version 21.06 - Havoc - General Feedback

This might just be a me problem but if you join FW with the empires or pirates could the navigation thing not recommend going through the enemy factions space

Not sure if anyone mentioned, but hereā€™s my 1 sand ā€¦ehmā€¦ contribution:

The color picker screen is too small. Small color bar next to a small and even cut square to further choose the color frame.

Also, the scale from which the colo picking square goes from black to white, but it actually doesnā€™t make the color more white but more pale. Doesnā€™t increase shininess and seems more of a fake transparency than an actual mixture with white saturation.

I tried to pick a dark green for my background, I struggled madly: the green scale was already hard to spot in the color bar, then the square to pick the shade was cut by 80% by blocked area, then the able area bottom was total white / pale and the area that actually contained dark green was so small I couldnā€™t even get the dark shade I wanted reducing my mouseā€™s DPI to like 400.

Last and not least: the background color is just one, but the windows contain 2 colors, the actual background and the foreground of the window, which are both hit by the same color but one is more dark / transparent than the other; could we get 2 different colors for this?

These new scrollbars are so tiny and invisible so even devs could not spot it sometimes :rofl:


Apart from the UI:

  • Insugency Window tells me what level a system is, but not what the effects are for that level. Do I need to go out-of-game or travelling there to find out?
  • Having no map filter for corrupted/surpressed systems is no good.
  • Jumping into corrupted/surpressed systems without warning (like we have for EdenCom/Trig/Incursions) is no good.
  • Not enough incentive to be on the surpression side.
  • Not a fan of bubbles in lowsec for level 5 corruption
  • Not a fan of no concord in hisec for level 5 corruption
  • I dont think its good mechanics to bleed across the null/low/hisec lines that disregard the few specific basic rules for those systems.
  • Capital hanger for Jita 4-4 is broken.
  • Capital hanger for other NPC stations is no good. Too dark, cant see my ship. Janky camera. Cant spin it.
  • Orca (while being a capital ship) doesnā€™t get the capital hanger in NPC stations. At least be consistent please.
  • Chat is broken (again)
  • Bubbles in Zarzakh is prohibitive.
  • We have too many superhiways already in game. Make the Zarzakh gates one way entry only, and the shipcaster the only exit.

Once again, CCP has broken local.
The same people are showing in multiple systems.
Really epic that you managed to break the game in the same way, twiceā€¦

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There has to be a better way to make a map that shows corruption and suprresion than this


There is; and one is even in the game already. The visualization you get when you click a system is much clearer. They should use it for the main map.


Can the efforts of the empire militias reduce the overall duration of the insurgency?

I am wondering whether to join a militia when insurgency arrives at my home system, but if the duration is fixed then it might be better just to wait it out rather than get involved.

I donā€™t think the duration can be reduced, however, if the system turns into Suppression, tides will turn against the pirates ā€¦
ā€¦ though it needs to be considered that siding with the empire here does not imply being a ā€œgood guyā€: The empire side will gain a range bonus on scrams and webs, which of cause also will affect the range of the the suicide fleetā€™s initial tackle maller, if it happens to be siding with the empire, either giving it more range or allowing the maller to use cheaper tackle modules at the same distance it used to use the t2 mod.

EDIT: By CODEā€™s own definition of that term, a gank is not a gank if it doesnā€™t get the ganker CONCORDed, so their CODE of honour would require them to not engage you in systems w/o CONCORD, and theyā€™ll probably not be siding with the pirates on this one

+1. Iā€™d prefer if level 5 corruption was confined to the FOB system only. having multiple level 5 systems spreads out competing interdiction fleets.

Yes, just wanted to post the same. This is the same useless bloom that makes the new beta map so useless. It amazes me time and again that CCP has no competent map developers in their ranks and instead comes up with the most pointless graphical gimmicks that offer not a single shred of useful information.


Now I just had a disconnect and when I reopen the client, I land in the character select screen and then nothing happens. I click on a character and thatā€™s it. It doesnā€™t load the game. Other people just get black screens entirely.

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Same happening here.
Is there a main thread for this issue?
On both my laptop and pc I get to the character screen but cannot click on anything.

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Congratulations, server is crashing.

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Now itā€™s completely dead. Guess it canā€™t handle 40k characters anymore.

so it is not just me?

Itā€™s not Warhammer 40k anymore, itā€™s now EVE Kill 40k.

Everyone got hit

Damnā€¦ guess Iā€™ll go outside and do somethingā€¦ lol j/k

I rather get gankedā€¦please no!