Well, it is back, kind of, the new pirate FW sites appearing from tomorrow will allow pirate ships.
thats fine, they can duke it out amongst themselves as long as there’s sites that have an effect on fw and where they cannot enter.
If Empire pilots will not stop them they will rush towards full corruption. It’s not fighting pirates against pirates, it’s meant to fight empire vs. pirates. In insurgency systems nobody will care about the old FW sites I presume (if they spawn at all) as the stakes will all be on the insurgency sites.
We will see tomorrow.
I believe that only members in FW can do suppression i guess thats what you meant by Empire pilots. But neutrals cant, they can be affected by the ensuing gate camp if its not properly suppressed tho But lets see
No pirate ships inside NVY sites, otherwise I will have to just use pirate ships too
gotcha, I mean if this happens to be a FW frontline system, that will be one massive clusterfck to play in. I might log in briefly after a long break to see how it pans out.
This is so very odd. I seem to always remember the esc ui as being full screen. Ive been here since 2008. This is some serious butterfly effect I am experiencing. Thanks capsuleers.
ps. windowed would be welcomed
I mean, they could simply made it user-selectable like scanners, starmap, skillcatalogue: dock left, dock right, fullscreen or floating. Would fit into the general design concept and make life easier for everyone.
So is “EVE Mail” the standard stylization now?
The new (ESC) menu Needs stop being fullscreen like right now !!!
We have a perfectly good UI designer floating around here somewhere Why dont you give him a call ? (you might even have interviewed him already)
Inventory is laging when you open it
The reason why those complaining about change are complaining is because the gamer loses the advantage when new content and ships are released.
New ships require new skills that in order for the older champ to keep up with the new kids who have ‘fresh quarters’, the older gamer has to spend more in the slot.
Older Gamers should know that fresh content is going to happen and in order to keep with the Jones next door, they need to keep Skill Injectors on hand.
A quarter rolls down the channel, is weighed and the machine keeps playing.
Thats just the cold hard reality of a being a gamer. I thought all of those free years of Nintendo would have trained for this point in your gamer life. If nor…go back to the arcade rooms in the mall and practice, practice, practice.
Hugs and Kisses.
WTF is wrong with the camera in station ?
In Jita my freighter is invisible. In another station I am stuck with a weird angle, the camera goes back to that angle. And zooms in when I try to move around ?
Serious Lee ?
escape menu : there is a cross on the top right corner to leave the menu. There is also a “return to game” button on the bottom left.
They both do the same thing. The cross is too small.
Replace the cross with a smaller “return to game” and remove the one in the bottom left.
Camera has been weird in the new station interiors for player structures for some times, have you ever tried rotating it while it is moving from ship to ship? It goes absolutely bonkers
When I am in Jita, I just can’t see my freighter. camera is stuck in the walls. Freighter is … nobody knows.
with more graphical effects
With less
funny how the graphical effects impact luminosity.
“Hey, has anyone seen my bulk freighter…?”
That’s not even the worst.
Once I am in station, the camera zooms out into the wall. To make those screens I have to drag the camera around.
here with low graphical otherwise it’s just plain black.
This is not the dock area. This is a wall, outside of the dock area.
If I then click (no drag), it moves a little bit.
I guess once docked I exit the freighter and go for a walk ? Is that the new Walking in Stations ? It’s not a bug but a feature !
open your mouths & say aah.
symptoms seem to stem from once this was ran by people who play the game & now probably mostly not, not an uncommon thing to happen when companies for such things change hands.
take a look at the population numbers for elite dangerous over the last year, bu thats not just because most of the firm dont play the game its because most of them despise gamers & their own customers, cash cows they just pretend to like untill the azz falls out of it
Correction. 4K displays don’t exist. Otherwise you have to explain all the empty space in the setting window.
if you join a pirate faction, will the NPCs of that faction still attack you? e.g. if you join the angels, will angel belt NPCs still be hostile? seems like an easy way of tanking your standings if that’s still the case.