Version 21.06 - Havoc - Known Issues

Known Issues:

Air Career Program

  • Wormhole Scanning Not Being Counted in AIR Career Program

Corporation Project

  • Unable to find Factions in the scroll down menu for Contribution Methods due to Factions not being prioritized over character, player corporation and player alliance names.
  • Defend and Capture FW Complexes should have a drop down for faction selection.
  • Remote Repairing or Boosting a user from a specific militia is not counted by the Corp Project Opportunities.
  • Added Filter for Unclaimed Rewards in Corporation Projects window.
  • Payment in ISK is not copied over when duplicating a Corp Project that contains ISK reward.
  • Clients will be able to pick NPC Factions in the list for Destroy Capsuleer.
  • Player receives an error message when trying to access inaccessible corp projects instead of a “you can not access this Project” message.
  • Projects that finish progression while service side payments are offline will be unable to collect payment when the service is up and running again.
  • Icons are not changing colours to adequate state in the Project Creation window in the Russia, Japanese, Chinese and Korean languages.
  • It’s been observed that at least one client was unable to create corporation projects on a test server, could be an issue for TQ as well.
  • Clients do not see their contribution progression updated - Project Notices arrive (works as intended) but it does not update in the UI for clients making them think that their progression is not updating/working.
  • Unable to create Corp Projects with payment option using non ASCII characters.


  • If a FOB and FW battlefield share the same system, their icons are placed on top of eachother on the FW Map.
  • Mordu Battlecruiser NPCs incorrectly state they are based on the Talos in their descriptions, while having Naga hulls.
  • Launching a bomb or a Stasis Webification probe can be done in max corrupted lowsec with a green safety, even though it can get you a suspect or a criminal timer if it hits a player.
  • The Pirate insurgencies guide references that you can track your contribution progress to the current insurgency campaign in the Insurgency Dashboard, but this actually is not possible.
  • The Guristas Insurgency is not properly spawning dungeons, such that the Mining Ambush sites, roaming spawns, et al are not appearing as they should.

Missions & NPCs

  • Amarr faction does not mutually dislike the deathless faction by -2.0 like every other empire faction.
  • Guristas faction does not hate the Caldari State.
  • Some behavioral NPCs can appear as neutral/white instead of red.


  • The entire Info Panel can disappear if the Opportunities info panel section becomes completely empty by traveling out of range of all tracked opportunities.
  • Opportunity tracking stops working correctly if the UI Scaling settings are changed twice while no opportunities are tracked.


  • The Azariel is missing the ‘5x penalty to entosis link duration’ from the traits tab. The bonus is working as intended.
  • The Heavy Missile launcher kinetic damage bonus from the alligator is not applying correctly.
  • The Traits tab on the Aligator is missing

User Interface

  • Opportunities that are currently being tracked in the Info Panel will be reset.
  • Added missing information for AIR Career Program Rewards.
  • Window scrolls up after changing option from the drop-down menu in the “Display & Graphics” tab in the Settings Window.
  • Opening inventory windows can take a long time, if they contain many assembled ships.
  • Font size change requires relaunch of client in order to update
  • Missing tooltip for hyperlinks


  • Players warping to the shipcaster in Zarzakh land inside the visual effect in the center instead of the edge of the shipcaster.
  • Launching a bomb or a Stasis Webification probe can be done in Zarzakh with a green safety, even though it can get you a deathless retribution timer.

Update on 2023-12-12 - AIR Daily Goals Not Registering Completion (RESOLVED)

  • Between 11:00UTC and 12:00UTC players progress towards completing AIR Daily Goals may not have registered. Players who completed goals during this time and did not see their efforts being rewards should contact

Update on 2024-05-13 - Police ship SKINS Sirens Not Flashing
We’re aware that lights are not flashing on one some variants of the Police ship SKINS. We hope to have this resolved in the near future.

Update on 2024-06-03 - Related to Patch Notes - 2024-06-03.1

  • The SKINs list in the Fitting Window may appear incorrectly when the window is first opened.
  • The Active SKIN Icon in the Fitting Window slot doesn’t update correctly when rapidly switching SKINs.
  • Changing the ship SKIN during a Wormhole jump does not update for other players upon arrival.