Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

This will never happen.

Let’s say you captured one of the 54 systems that have enough power and truesec.
To do what?

Play the new capital anoms? They suck.
Have supercap shipyards? Those work only around indy systems.

What exactly do you gain by having it?


Sometimes less means more…

I do not see the benefit of these changes at all as I do not see the incentive to go to 0.0 at all to be honest…


Do you seriously think that the null members on the CSM, or the null players now working as “Devs” think about the small guys?

Like politicians, “feathering their own nest” springs to mind.

Just expect nothing for the small corps or solo players from the game and it will help to avoid the disappointment at every update.

yupp - they do. but not ccp… (btw csm has nothing to do with a dev - its more like ccp wants to fake the feeling that our opinion is needed)

i didnt say that

I said the rewards for that just not worth it

There are no competent former null players working as actual game devs. All of the “game devs” are from elite pvp crowd that feels that everyone else is there to provide free targets for them so that they can xxxx xxx to their kb stats.

None of these changes are actually beneficial to anyone (including elite pvp crowd). It made living in space 10 times more tedious, support capacity of systems has dropped off the cliff and that just means that there will be nothing and nobody in space. Exact same effect as the “genius” blackout brought to us by the same elite pvp game devs.

They still don’t understand most simple relationships like pray hunter one. As far as CCP “devs” are concerned all of us should be just plexing capitals, undocking them, getting them killed inside 5 minutes and then swipe CC again. Strangely enough their stupid players refuse to play eve correctly…


a ccp regime would even bankrupt mc donalds

Black out did a lot of good.

It made most bot warp-to-safety functions fail, causing many, many, MANY bots to be repeatedly killed to such an extent that the bots were unable to make enough isk to plex their accounts, and then the main accounts unsubbed out of spite as “nullsec was too dangerous to live in”

The removal of the bots also wrecked the markets across all of New Eden – a more important impact.
Mineral prices skyrocketed, and Plex market price dropped 25%… mining became a profitable endeavor for a bit there as demand outstripped supply for almost an entire day!

And then CCP capitulated.


ah, the good old “everybody that doesnt play like I do has to be a bot or a cheater, if he plays better than me he’s SURELY a cheater, and a bot”

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Look, should 95% of null residents in large alliances suffer for the sake of a few in small alliances? Penalising either large or small alliances feels like bad business practice.

Null wants supercap escalations. It’s as simple as that. You can’t reinvigorate null without tackling that desire. Removing that content to satisfy a small number has taken all the prestige and aspirational content out of null. Dunk was so spot-on if you read his blogs from the time.

Try as they might with totally tone deaf revamps, CCP continue to stick to their scarcity and indy nerfs because of sunk cost fallacy, pride and a particularly obstinate director who doesn’t understand what makes gamers tick. Lol Worlds, WoW championships, Race to World First, CS:GO majors… Whilst the big games pivot towards big ticket enticing events, CCP is actively removing their equivalent content (supercap battles and all the press they garner) from the sandpit by linking them to dogshit game loops like PI, and resources which are painfully limited in supply (Gas).

They’ve not recognised it as yet, odd for a data driven company, but the game was simply better in every way in 2015-2019 when they had Seagull at the helm prioritising the wants and desires of the many rather than the few.

Eventually they will wake up I suspect, but it’ll take more losses before they do.

And who do they recruit @CCP_Bee someone who ranted on streams about null sec players and admonished cap gameplay as some kind of cancer on the game so he could lobby towards Subcaps Online (a multi month hook compared to caps which takes years of work to achieve and is so much fun to grind towards).

Game is awful right now. What a waste of money resubbing my accounts because I believed in the “reinvigoration” hype. They’ve barely touched a thing:

  • The new mining anoms are less value than the ones they’ll be replacing.
  • The new escalations are worth 180m and take a well fit dread/super to clear. CRABs are better.
  • Supercaps are still ridiculously expensive.
  • PI still a big factor in production despite being a boring gameplay loop. Look at what Greg Street had to say about incentivising boring content. It’s a longterm net loss to a game.

I would say that your perspective is a bit one-sided.

Bots were the least affected by it I would say. On day 3 their warp-to-safety was redone to warp out once someone is on d-scan or grid, and they were no longer affected.

In the meantime, PLAYERS were repeatedly killed to such an extent that they were unable to make enough ISK to pay their sov bills, and quit the game.

The removal of players also wrecked the markets across all of New Eden - because it was players, not bots, who ran the delivery of stuff to markets, bots only farmed it. No players - no delivery.

This is incorrect.
Mineral prices did not skyrocket on blackout, that’s a myth. In fact the only mineral to even be affected by it was Tritanium, it went UP 33% from 4.50 to 6.00, while all other mineral prices were completely flat for the duration of the blackout. it’s safe to say blackout did absolutely nothing to mineral prices.

This is partially true, but blackout likely did not have anything to do with it.
PLEX prices were on the downward trend long before blackout, and it was only a minor interruption to it, which didn’t change the trend. Here’s the trend line, which was only marginally temporarily affected.

There was an actual INCREASE in traded volume of PLEX during blackout due to gankers resubbing for free undeserved kills in nullsec.

Therefore, the effect of blackout on PLEX prices was more of a speculative manner, and didn’t stick.

Yes, when it became clear that the bots have won, and players are broken and defeated, CCP finally capitulated.

Blackout was a monumental stupidity that propelled eve into a bot-or-die game, never forget, never let them forget, until responsibility is assumed and whoever came up with this idea is publicly booted from CCP employment.


If the bot waits to warp out until the player is on grid with them, chances are they are caught.
If the bot waits until the player is on d-scan, there is still a good chance that they get caught.
If not at the site, then at the catch bubble placed on/at the main citadel in the system that kept them out of tether range.

A lot of players were also caught, as even when humping d-scan every 3 seconds, the instant reaction time bots were getting caught, so it goes without saying that the human-speed reaction time players were also getting caught, left right and center.

And, of course, the surge in roaming gangs was such that the response fleets were constantly on the move, and the roaming gangs would end up fighting each other. It was very wonderfully chaotic.
Nullsec was actually less safe than low sec for that time, living up the name it was given in the first place and for the one and ONLY time in eve’s history, the risk part of the null-sec risk-reward structure that assumed nullsec was the most dangers and deserved the highest rewards was true.

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" that assumed nullsec was the most dangers and deserved the highest rewards was true."

If you actually believe that, then a whole lot of your posts make sense.

Nullsec has not had the highest rewards since any of wormholes, lowsec having the crap buffed out of it, faction warfare or Pocheven.



It will take a 24/7 defense fleet, plus the ability to escalate all the way to supers/titans if needed.

Mere ‘numerous systems’ will be as useful as it is now ie you might as well live in NPC nullsec and/or run level 4s in hisec plus the occasional wormhole daytrip.

The point is - bots always had better chances than humans. That’s why humans got absolutely rekt by blackout, and bots were fine by day 3. It has given bots a massive advantage, and it was only the beginning of bot buffing spree.

I disagree. Since in blackout conditions, with covert cyno at the ready for every activity in every system worth anything, blackout reduced nullsec reward for non-bots to essentially negative (you lost ships for every attempt to gain anything). Therefore, risk-reward was actually in the negative values for being in nullsec.
Being a game designer so idiotic you actually brought risk-reward into not low but negative values should be a reason enough to be fired.

Also, the covert cyno droppers were safer than EVER, therefore making nullsec safest possible space for them, making blackout the worst failure in history of attempts to make nullsec dangerous.

Nullsec should be dangerous for everyone, not just people who live there. And right now it’s stupidly safe for wormholers and filament trash. When you are trying to make “nullsec should be dangerous” argument, please do not forget about the other part of the equation.

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That’s not what I meant.

Games need to look after all styles of play that they offer but having PvP focused “Devs” will always make it lopsided.

I met Seagull a couple of times at Fanfest, and the Guy before her (loved Guiness) at a few fan meetups in the UK, they were both great compared to what we have to suffer now.

But if as you say nothing has been done to improve NULL at least, what the hell was the expansion all about and what is it supposed to achieve?


I just tried to export an overview setting with the name “Test 26/6/24”. Clicking the button “Export” did nothing. No notification, not in-space feed text, nothing that told me why nothing happened.

Turns out, “/” is prohibited file name character. It would be really good if the game told you that in an error notification, similar how it tells me that a setting was successfully exported.

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Excitement, you know, like the excitement that erupted after scarcity and after redistribution, that left the players ecstatic with joy about the overall shape of the game.

Please standby for some more founded criticism and feedback after systems and regions implement the new sov mechanics. Likely topics to be covered: percentage of star systems worth having, effect on mobility inside one’s sov space, effect on defendability of one’s sov space with particular focus on the chain of skyhooks needed to do anything, risk/reward ratio changes in the new combat anoms, effect (occurrence, value) from the new combat anom upgrades, idem for the new ore anom upgrades (total volume and value of the resources offered), effect on prices and economy in general.

Will it be pretty ? Not before a distinct few top CCP game designers have been weaned off their scarcity drugs, I’d say. Some others need to be explained that over-engineered mechanics, like the industry teams of 2015, are neither fun nor long-lived. If you turn half (wild guess) the nullsec map into undevelopable space, that’s a lot of burden for the nullsec groups to carry …

Time will tell if successful nullsec will consist of nomadic groups not bothering with more than the essentials of sov space, while the rest is caught in a world of tedium.


This is only true if majority of eve players are bots. We lost over 1/3 of all players in a few weeks. There was nothing in space and those elite pvpers that were all happy about blackout where crying like little girls about only combat fleets in space that were stomping on them.

In order for hunters to have something to do there has to be prey. But, and this is a apparently part that is difficult for both you and CCP to understand, for there to be prey it needs to make sense for that prey to undock. That means that it has to be possible to replace the ship you are undocking inside its expected lifetime. When that expected lifetime is less than an hour it means I would have to be able to rat/mine 10B per hour for it to be even remotely worth undocking a capital ship and risk getting killed so fast.

In other words both you and CCP are full of it and it is clear that you don’t understand how even most basic statistics and human behaviour work.


Been experimenting with the Traffic Stop Homefront sites for the Caldari version and its pretty difficult to nail down what the intent is with the way it is currently balanced.

It seems that the only method to success currently is to simply try to alpha the contraband laden haulers off-grid with destroyers within 5-6 seconds as the haulers simply do not care about getting scrammed or even quad webbed by a VFI.

This becomes more difficult still as the haulers have a very generous area within which to land, spreading themselves about with a maximum distance between haulers seemingly being 25 kilometers.

This feels very confining and railroaded towards the only method being viable as Artillery Thrashers. A homefront site like this should have more than one method or fleet doctrine to be able to win it should it not?