Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

Lowsec gas prices are too depressed now to make the sites good content generators.

Previously the high value of gas sites made them hotly contested in lowsec which was good and presumably the entire purpose of putting them there. A ring nebula could be worth 700m and would draw people from across the region to fight over it.

However that high value made the ships made from the gas such as nightmares prohibitively expensive which was bad.

Your fix was to take away most of the demand for the gas which was good for pirate ship usage but bad for lowsec in general. Now the sites aren’t valuable.

An adjusted fix might be to take away most of the demand, as you have done, but either reduce the spawn rate of gas sites, the size of gas sites, or increase the demand in other areas such as increasing the amount of gas needed for the reactions.

That’ll strike a balance of preserving lowsec content drivers while also making pirate ships usable. There needs to be more demand/less supply of gas. Right now it doesn’t achieve its most basic purpose of putting players in space in lowsec.


R.I.P Ratting, i have no fu***ing system in my pocket that has the power of 2800 for an Major Update 3, the max power we have in our best system is 2,2k… i am kinda so done right now…

gg ccp, gg


What pocket is that? From what I can see, your alliance doesn’t own any sov.

Its because we wait for the swap of the ihubs because of the BS show here

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Again, what pocket? You also only need 1450 power for a Major Threat array. Some places won’t be able to have everything, that is true, but you don’t need to have more than Suppression and a Major Array (1950 power) for a ratting system.

Got Super Caps, Caps, Marauder, and then ratting in systems where is no Sanctum and Havens? i dont call that ratting anymore…

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What are you trying to say here? a Major Threat array gives you those Sanctum and Havens, plus the suppression to keep those ships “safer”. What else are you trying to add to get to 2800 power needed?

I’m unsure, but the problem still has not been answered, addressed nor fixed. If this is a feature, not a bug - why haven’t they responded?

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Capital scalations that requires capital ships give less than 10/10 what can you do in solo t3c or ishtar.

New scalations that gives less than 10/10, why would i want to try the new content? I would prefer keep running 10/10 like before but,

looks like the chance of 10/10 is lower,

an update that promised revitalizing nullsec makes I dont want to go back there, an update that consists in nerfing a pillar of the game what needed an urgent improvement, everything worse than before, where’s the balance?

Nerf null sec, nerf c5, sounds like a joke

Fix this please

“Omg i have to use something smaller than a cap” seriously??

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wouldn’t make much sense to fly a CAPITAL esacaltion with something not capital…


have you any clue what you are talking about ? “some places wont be able to have everything” ???
NONE (exceptions prove the rule) of the system will have even close to everything…lmao

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Sorry but I see a total cluster F*** being a capital builder and having to move or even quit. Yes i build more small stuff. But I see this game becoming more work to keep something around to do than time to play the game ? get thiis, move that and maybe we will give you a bone. Are you truly trying to fix or end the game play, because when it becomes to much work to keep things running people give up on stuff. Truly not liking what i’m seeing


They also said " they wanted the little corps to be able to do stuff, I see this as totaly wiping them out of null. As it will take numerous systems to be able to do anything


Wasnt that the point, not keep everything in one system?

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Only for big elite pvp brains at CCP. Everyone else realises that if you nerf amount of people each system can support (and it is nerfed into low % digits compared to now) big blocks will have to spread and thus kill anyone smaller. Provided that even big blocks don’t go “you made owning space 10 times more tedious than before so we are going to go play a game that doesn’t insult their players 24/7”.

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I agree - this expansion isn’t reinvigorating Null - it’s hurting it.
Ansi jump gate systems will be severely disrupted, Well established paths for groups will be eliminated or severely altered, which in turn will adversely affect the pure logistics nightmare this expansion is creating.
The new ore site upgrades for example require so much power that there will be next to non-existent in favor of Ansi JG and other more important upgrades.
This expansion has the potential to actually do the opposite of what was intended. I would not call this expansion a nerf as much as a far more exhausting, as more time will be required to actually play the game to work with the new mechanics. Instead of reinvigorating Null it could cause a draining and discouraging reaction from players. Smaller groups with less resources in both players and systems will either have to abandon Null all together, join the bigger groups to survive or outright quit the game. None of these outcomes are favorable for the health of the game.
I see this as a plus for the groups to the North who have a disproportionally large number of systems at their disposal to set up more of these power hungry upgrades than the others.

Only time will tell how this will reshape NULL. I see many smaller groups joining the bigger ones simply because they will have no other choice.


I don’t have a big experience in Eve so apologize if I’m getting something wrong. I do have some experience in game design though and whenever I see changes like this one, I’m trying to understand devs’ perspective (which is usually different than players’ one).

The main problem here is that our understanding of “reinvigorate null” is not what devs had in mind.

More engaging null sec content? Nope, not happening.
Boosting smaller alliances to bring some more dynamic? Forget about it.
Bringing more players to null? It got less rewarding so the answer quite obvious…
More PvP and maybe some war between powerblocks? This is something that can potentially happen.

Usually wars are triggered by one of the factors:

  1. Boredom. Nothing interesting is happening, we have tons of resources, lets burn some in battles
  2. Fighting over something valuable, in this case high power systems.

Devs clearly believe in option 2. I guess we will learn in few months if they were right. Probably not - I’m afraid the elimination of smaller alliances will be the only result of this expansion. I will read about it on the forum, because as a part of smaller group I guess I will be forced to leave null pretty soon.

Someone mentioned here that CCP wants to see more epic battles and I fully agree that it was the only reason to introduce those changes.

CCP backtracked on that a while ago when they made the bounty multiplier never go below 1.00

as nullsec refused to spread out and instead farmed at 50% multipliers and complained and the botters that had to rat twice as long to plex their accounts let them go alpha in retaliation.

The less the better