Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

The mythical “blue donut”, where is that thing anyway ?

  • attack a skyhook, get a free jammer, at least if Twitch (from first ccp stream re equinox) still holds. If it still holds, it’s clear that skyhooks are the true achilles heel of the new sov mechanics, for all sorts of reasons you can easily deduct.
  • force projection outside one’s home turf has not been touched at all since Zarzakh was introduced (and enabled force projection even more). However, JB’s which are not a force projection element but simply doors, corridors and elevators enabling your moving around (and defending) in your home region, are suffering greatly
  • the costlier caps, supers and titans are made the less they are going to be used and risked. It is not, and never was, a viable way to address the alleged issue of “supers etc. proliferation”. Instead it creates more frustration with vets, and a glass ceiling for non-vets. Instead they have become the nuclear option, and no one in his/her right mind will ever risk that - mutually assured destruction being a thing to be avoided.
  • One thing that does get “invigorated” is Smashing and Grabbing. Parties are already roaming nullsec looking for Skyhooks to attack and reagents to be stolen. I would expect large nullsec blocks to come to an understanding, a gentlemen’s agreement of sorts, if the current Skyhook mechanics remain as they are. Small groups and wormholers will likely engage in this activity continuously, because they can or, in the case of wormholers, because they need reagents to fuel their metenox drills.
  • Personally I have serious doubts about the attractiveness of a high maintenance and high vulnerability strategic asset system based on Skyhooks that require babysitting 24/7, with mechanics that heavily favor not the sov holder and the pilots living in the region but the attackers. Doors and windows have been thrown wide open, and all provisions to make a home a home have been laid bare for anyone to attack. It’s a mad architect’s plan to make life in the house quite miserable, regardless of the size of the group trying to build a home.
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Nothing in the july 2nd patch about nobody in new eden being able to spawn an ore escalation or the addressing the outrage of how terrible these new anoms are?

Disagree there, you have the South East agreement where the big alliances specifically agreed to leave the SE open to smaller alliances to grow and rise up without interference, but again with the significant indy nerfs, that growth now takes 4x as long. New alliances have to work so much harder than those that came before, that isn’t fair, right or helpful to fostering future competitive alliances.

Goons and Horde have both gone on stream to say if they ever felt the game became a single blue donut, they’d fall on their swords for the benefit of the game.

I don’t think we’re looking at a TQ style situation here by any stretch. However we do have CCP working against new alliances by kicking the ladder out from under them.

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way too many targets to defend, way too easy to be robbed, even worse than ESS.

as it works to get more resources by letting it “mature” than from self-robbing you would need 15 days without any robbing, which just isnt proponible.


So how many alliances are holding off on the switch? (is this even an option)

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Which is extremely unlikely, as none of the blocks will want to sustain the losses required to execute such a campaign. It is worth remembering during the last goon war that the enemy were literally at their gate and it is still very contentious as to if GSF ‘won’ the penultimate battle or of ‘eve lost’ due to the inability of the node to handle the size of the ensuing battle.

Honestly, if one was in a position of power in the big blocks, what worth there is pursuing a war with another entity when the final battle will be decided on how good CCP’s servers hold up for a hours long 99% tidi grindfest? No, the best thing that can happen is if the smaller blocks simply retreat from null entirely, as the pilots of the blue doughnut are going to get very itchy trigger fingers once the smaller groups stop giving them content.

Never happen though, there is always a bunch of people with more hope than sense.

I’m not sure it actually does, as the kind of group needed for a Skyhook raid is pretty much the same as you need for a raid on people trying to make a living in space, or against an ESS.

It doesnt fundamentally change anything, but just adds another sort of target for low-risk “pvp” where you can filament out if it looks like not the sort of fight you want.

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This is pure BS. We won because other side refused to risk their kb stats. They could have taken 1dq but that would cost a lot as we would throw everything we had at them until bled dry. Blaming CCP is just bunch of copium. They were performing perfectly fine and there are plenty of ways of dealing with server load. However, it is far easier to blame CCP than admit that they screwed up.

I’m all for criticising Horde and co, but that is utter nonsense. The 150 titans whelped on the jump in is what ended the war and that was purely down to server performance. Had that not happened, war would have continued.

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M2 was already old when they pulled out of t5z. M2 was server performance mediated problem but it was still fully FC responsibility. I remember already during B-R we were very careful with handling server weather (spent a lot of effort to prevent NC/PL from crashing the server by jumping in more stuff into the system).
Besides, 150 titans that cost 30-40B each is nothing, especially as they had entirety of EVE 0.0 in their hands (we held a single constellation). Not exactly hard to replace that kind of money.

Final attempt at 1dq was pathetic, a few T3Cs that got wiped out by Shines and his merry men followed by a complete rout with leadership escaping first and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves.

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The only expansion that I really, really want is an optimisation one.

Different settings profiles

  • CTRL + SHIFT + F9 (as it is now for 500+ fleets)
  • CTRL + SHIFT + F10 - custom settings between the above one and lowest settings, such as basic spheres to show warp disruption bubbles for 300+ fleets.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + F11 - Lowest Settings for large gang battles.
  • CTRL + SHIFT + F12 - custom highest settings our PCs can handle for ratting, mining, taking screenshots, etc.

Oh and remove annoying little bugs and “features”, examples:

  • Camera zoom reset - Every time I log in and undock, I am zoomed right up the thrusters of my ship. I don’t care what it looks like. I want the game to save how far I am zoomed out.
  • Notifications - Can not save that I don’t want notifications about Insurgencies and while you are at it, I don’t want notifications about Entosis, Skyhooks nor ESS. I don’t care about contrived micro-gang content in Null Sec.
  • Queue ship swops - I realise there are technical difficulties in swopping ships quickly in a station, I would like to tell it to swop once then for the undock button to light up as soon as it has swopped me into the ship. Having to constantly hammer away to shave off a second or two is annoying.
  • Save UI settings server side - I had to re-do so many things when I reinstalled EVE, it was so bad that I almost quit. It is almost like a different game between the default and how much I customise my layout.

This please.

Having to reset everything if something goes wrong is a pita right now, other games manage it perfectly well.


Only issue I see here is if you change devices (laptop vs. desktop rig). Still, this could be solved with device profile followed by account profile. Takes a bit more space but it can’t be that much to be relevant.

This is not an update, but some kind of mockery or an absolutely inadequate solution! ORBITAL SKYHOOK mechanics are rotten and idiotic! For 3 days anyone can loot at any time, by the end of the cycle there is nothing left!! Hey, this is an online game with different time zones! What’s the point of putting ORBITAL SKYHOOK if you don’t get anything in the end??? Update for zeros? exactly? Further. They introduced inadequate figures for the workforce, but it seems like it can be redirected. But in reality? The new mechanics imply the transfer of labor between systems, BUT the ownership headquarters cannot simultaneously be both a transit and an exporter, and in general cannot perform 2 functions at the same time. Example: 3 systems A-B-C in a line, in system A there is excess labor, in system B too, and in C there is not enough. But I cannot simultaneously transfer labor from systems A and B to system C, because the headquarters of the holdings in system B can be a transit from A to C or an exporter to C. Is this how it is designed? If so, then this is complete idiocy!!! It’s not clear at all how to enable the Advanced Logistics Network if you have in-line systems! Ore improvements are prohibitively expensive, level 3 combat improvements cannot be installed everywhere, and there are very few level 2 combat anomalies. Just the words that the improvement is nullsek, in reality it’s like they spat in the face


o7 fellow geeks and nerds. Apparently, I thought that this new SKINR tool would result in the skin being delivered into your hangar upon completion.

It turns out the toon that made the golem skin can only activate it for itself or trade at 2/3th of the full PLEX sale price.

Another sincere ■■■■ YOU CCP is in place here.


No one envisioned having just options to activate or sell (one of those little details CCP neglected to mention or showcase).

SKINR’s only reason for existence is dumping plex (and the only reason for equinox) - envigorating is out of date and was never planned - it was a trap…


My conclusion is… I don’t like it


If only people would not spend their funds on this crap maybe it would go away.

lol. Naw too many people just cannot help themselves.

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It’s not the worst iteration they could come up with. A few minor tweaks here and there, fix the outstanding bugs/glitches, nix the listing tax and add some search/edit functionality to the listing aspect and it will be awesome.