Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

I had really hoped chat channel order would be remembered. Every day, login, rearrange chat tabs, log off, repeat.

I do quick like the other chat changes though. The hidden messages is super useful

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anyone with increased production cost too?

Chat window improvements

Besides all the improvements, you forgot to reintroduce one of the most important features of the old UI: The retroactive enabling of the timestamp. Right now, as chat moderator it is impossible to see timestamps of past messages INGAME if you donā€™t have them enabled all the time. In the old UI, you could enable and disable the timestamps at will and they would show up for old message as well. This was immensely useful for moderation of busy chats and it needs to come back.


i am, i did build the stuff besides the flt and now i can get more gas to fix it.

Also wtf is the idea behind the sov threat changes, as if anybody would run these low sites in null you got even vexors running the sanctums ā€¦ As if ccp does not know the only 3 things player run are forsaken hubs (for fully afk with no dread spawn) or Rock havens and ring sanctums anyother type of haven or sanctum is not touched.


If itā€™s possible to create chat filters, could you add a default one that removes hypernet links from Jita local & from the default trade chats? (Blueprints, Ships, Mining, Modules, etc.) Probably also NPC corp chats. These chats get flooded with hyperspam, degrading their usual purpose and damaging community (since nobody hangs out to chat there anymore, since itā€™s made harder by all the hyperspam).

Todayā€™s patch changed Genetic Safeguard Filter Blueprint to produce 20 times less units per run (1 instead of 20), however absolutely nothing else changed about this blueprint: there is still only max 10 runs per BPC, it takes the same time to manufacture single run (which means you made it 20x longer to manufacture) and it takes the same time to create single copy.

I do hope that itā€™s just an ommitment and will be changed in the next patch.

Allright dear devs, not only have you changed Genetic Safeguard Filter Blueprint but also blueprints for all 3 componetns for it. All of them now produce 20 times less (which means all BPCs that I had are now useless) while still taking the same time for each run.


So just to get this right because im confused a littleā€¦ youre adding more defensive measures on skyhooks because large alliances find it difficult to protect them?

reminds me of fozzie sov when alliances stated they couldnt kill a single interceptor that was already tackled and didnt need to be combat probedā€¦

or offgrid links being too powerful because you couldnt simply scan it down and kill itā€¦ (dont tell me you couldnt, we didā€¦ multiple occasionsā€¦)

Oh and that time when people screamed retris were too powerful because of speed even though 3 could easily be killed by a single navy omenā€¦ but nothing about ramjags oddlyā€¦
Retribution used by small gangsā€¦
Jaguars by large allianceā€¦

Is this a meme?

like the time people said they didnt want more structures to fuel in nullsec (when faced with the prospect of blackout and a possible implementaion of a comms beacon in the futureā€¦)

And then you added not oneā€¦ not twoā€¦ but multiple new structuresā€¦ that nullblocs said YESā€¦

Honestlyā€¦ catering to them is ā€¦ i mean i suppose when one of your investors plays the game and wants x, y and b many jump to thatā€¦ but can we at least not continue to take every opportunity for pvp away from small groups and specifically solo? cant even bloody run a dst down in a sabre anymore ffsā€¦ i mean thats literally what a sabre is for???

Catering to the null blocs has got too bad, null blocs own structures in highsec; prominent onesā€¦ THEY SHOULDNT EVEN WANT TO OR BE CAPABLE of defending these so far awayā€¦

Inb4 skyhooks ping region wide have multiple guns and youll need a small ā€¦ -_- 20 man gang to raid oneā€¦


because simple economics is apparently not simple?

Oh ye great job on the chat window thing i didnt needā€¦ can you fix the dscan filters so i can use my overview filters as presets please? you knowā€¦ something useful?

Like corp roles and titles that tie in with access lists instead of now having to create two seperate listsā€¦ and having to maintain one of them manuallyā€¦


I really like the chat filters! IMO there should be a additional list of checkboxes that people can just enable instead of having to use arcane keywords like url=something that arenā€™t documented anywhere.

Except large alliances arenā€™t having a major issue because they just rob it themselves because skyhooks are so indefensible. It takes a good two weeks of 24/7 defense to match the yield of self stealing, and it can be robbed in literally 10 minutes.

Small alliances, on the other hand, are getting absolutely reamed by skyhooks since they may not have full TZ coverage and the ability to undock a titan to yeet a defense fleet to the skyhook.


Hand this man a CSM candidate application.

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sounds like they shouldnt be there with null in its current state tbvh butā€¦ they can easily rob their own too so i dont really get your point?

I hope this is the right place to post this.

So let me get this straight, this game is over 20yo and the character creation is so lame.
Only one dozen choices for hairdo? O.o
Very limited in clothing style and color? O.o
And a WHOLE race have all the SAME eye shape? O.o
Didnā€™t even break into a sweat making that system, did you.
Doesnā€™t bode well for the rest of the game.


Thatā€™s because weā€™re playing a spaceship game, not a barbie doll.

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Thatā€™s the most lame excuse given to me since I caught my 6yoā€™s hand in the cookie jar.

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As the only time we ever get to see our characters in the character portrait, who really cares what our characters look like. Itā€™s pretty much irrelevant.

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We see our character in the Info panel where we can also click on it and have a bigger portrait where we can also click for full body.
We can also see our character in the Character window where we see it in full, where we can see our assets value, standing with NPC corporations, set home stationā€¦ So it isnā€™t ā€œonlyā€ the character portrait.

People remember portraits before they will remember the name. The portrait is our signature in any game and the devs cared enough to code a whole character creation system. I hope they didnā€™t think they were wasting their time with it.

I donā€™t care what my avatar looks like other than the gender.
Except if CCP introduces seaweed inspired wardrobe. Then I will do whatever it takes to get rid of it. Thatā€™s what Blizzard did for one expansion for World of Warcraft.

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