Deeplfow Rifts need to be confined to high or maybe high and lowsec. Its not worth it for experience null/wh explo players.
The idea behind it is interesting–please come out with a more difficult site for null/wh space (maybe it spawns containers that need to be red hacked while also having a rat or two with every can or something). Null/Wh content works better when its naturally a higher difficulty and higher reward kind of content. And trying to balance the value across spaces is making it just annoying trash to scan in null/wh space.
It’s complete garbage, ratting is only better for ishtars but there are less systems to rat in. Mining ore is worse except there is some isogen in null now. Moon mining is way worse for line members because now it’s better for alliance to just do moon drills. There is no inter region gates or cyno beacons to get around but all systems still have the border jump gates so only day to day movement for line members where they live has been ■■■■ on while projection has not been touched. Leadership and daily defense fleets have more tedium because now they need to defend skyhooks all the time while having less ability to move around their regions. Leadership tedium and tasks make it shittier for leadership since CCP wants the people who make eve happen to burn out quicker. Everyone has less super capital building systems so manufacturing supers is more difficult and expensive. For being sold as a null buff it is a complete nerf to all of null sec.
Please, for the love of god, fix the null sec ores, all of the low end ores are almost so spread out, and the contents of the “specific” minerals you are meant to get from each asteroid are way off!
I.e. Pyerite, mined for 2 hour, on 10 hulks with rorq boosts and got around 100million for all of characters combined. It’s not worth it at all, and we’re forced to use it now.
The same goes for all low ends, they are more spread out 1000km+ from end to end, the asteroids do not contain anywhere near enough m3 to make this distance worthwhile, they pop too quick, and the output from the refined ores is about 10% what would be beneficial,
Low end ores in null sec is broken! Please address:
The stationnary humming sound of the ship in space is constant and very loud since today’s patch. Even in warp that sound remain. Is it a new feature or is there a setting that may have reset and that I need to lower/shut down? I don’t want to turn off sound altogheter, just that humming sound that wasn’t there in the days past. The warp sound is fine in itself, not that loud. The humming sound is overpowering everything else.
I find it challenging to understand these people.
They state that it’s a problem is that mining is too hard to leave running afk with 10+ accounts, or with bots running everything. It needs to be easier to bot, which will make it even more worth mining.
but then those changes get made and what used to be 100 mil across all accounts is now 75 mil… and somehow that improves things?
Hugely increasing the supply while maintaining current demand will somehow make prices go up?
Alright, I run 8 account, with great difficulty on one machine, I use 3 monitors and struggle like hell to compress it all, so no, it’s not a QoL check for botters, it’s QoL for legit miners in Null
It’s hard enough for people to make isk in eve null, it’s harder for legitimate players trying to navigate production in a post-scarcity world without children making unfounded accusations to undermine a genuine point
If it’s tricky for you understand, I’ll show you, else, please leave room for constructive feedback.
I’m legitimately interested in how much ISK/hr you can reasonably generate with your particular mining setup. I know how much I make in high-sec through my various activities, and am curious just for frame of reference.
As the game intends, I build with what I make, so the answer is not as simple as you think, at the moment, it’s a lot less, and will impact heavily on anything requiring vast quantities of this stuff, caps, freighters, whatever you can lookup really - and how easily it gets wiped out in null sec, there is a tonne of risk in this, so the reward balance hopefully levels off to make mining in the anom worth it over ratting, etc, I really want to see people engaging in building massive things, the enjoyment for me comes out of knowing that I made something people use to fight with as part of our coalition.
The thing I am trying to avoid is deviating from the issue of the lower end ores, as I don’t want to bring up opinions on previous nerfs, or faucet changes, and so on.
The main thing for me here and now is feeding back the on the release and hopefully a look in to what is wrong or perhaps not as intended by the Devs.
That’s a fair point. I don’t know what kind of risk you entail with your operation, but I don’t see anything incredibly unreasonable with your suggestion.
The point of of the mineral rebalance in all oresc was so that different materials come from different parts of the Eve Universe, and to force trade and movement of materials to happen more often.
It was an intentional decision to remove “low end” ores from Nullsec, and in my humble opinion it was a stupid idea to give them back to Nullsec while not providing similar accommodations for all other areas of space where mining is prevalent. That literally defeats the purpose behind splitting things out to different parts of space.
The current state of “nullsec gets everything (except WH gas needed for cap/super production) but everybody else has to deal with scarcity” has been problematic for the last several patches. This is one of several examples of this nullsec favoritism.
My understanding is that null can specify (at least to some extent) what kind of ores they get - but I don’t know the specifics. There have been a lot of really bad rebalancing decisions - period.
Mordunium is ■■■■ ore, don’t mine it, mine r4s instead. Zeolites has about twice the pyerite content, plus some mexallon, plus some atmospheric gases. Equinox (or as I like to call it shitsov) has a lot of garbage changes but this isn’t one of them. Mine garbage ore, make garbage ISK.
I’m wondering how this patch will be a revival? None of the power blocks will provide new teams with systems suitable for the life of the alliance. The power blocks themselves will take over those systems that are most suitable. Structures for the construction of super-heavy class ships will be produced only in superblocks. There will be very few such systems and they will always be in the crosshairs of superblocks.
The skyhook system completely puts regular miners out of work. The superblock will put them on someone else’s territory and you won’t be able to do anything about it. Rent only.The respawn of anomalies is designed for a certain number of pilots in the system, for new alliances these are Ishtars, which is even sad, their number immediately brings hunters to the target, since these anomalies are few.The new alliance will not be able to protect ESS and skyhooks from bots and large ganks, which brings all efforts to naught.
The name revival is a slap in the direction of space with zero safety. Power blocks will still survive, there will be no new ones at all
Don’t forget the new limits placed on who can build new supers and titans! From everywhere, to only specific systems, and the shitsov upgrade visible to all passerbys to see that you have the supercap production allowance on. This change does relatively little to the large blocs that already have more supers than pilots to use them, but for smaller groups that are trying to get into that arena, it is now much, much easier to punish them and target the specific citadels involved in that production.
This change has been a huge reinforcement of the status quo across all space. The power blocs that are, are still, and the small guys get shafted 5x harder.
They change to WH space promotes this as well, as the power blocs that control the upper class space now don’t need to fight to defend their high income ratting sites, except from each other (and just like the nullblocs, have mutually agreed to leave each other alone and rent out a lot of the space).
It is a large step backwards for the grand scheme of the game. Incentivizing stagnation is a huge issue.