Version 22.01 - Equinox - General Feedback

@CCP_Bee The game runs smoothly and the sound effects are amazing.
Now if we could just get rid of the P.A system in the stations, that would be swell.


I had 3 disconnects today. Not sure if that counts as “running smoothly”.


my third account crashes on gate jumps and docking from time to time, if i dock an alt and alt tab to the other it will lag out and crash, hardly “working smoothly”.

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Account crashes and it looses all settings! Great
please fix this ccp!

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not yet ruined enough!

I recently accidently destroyed a clone full of implants by mistake after coming back to eve after a few years break, I asked for reimbursement but since I talked ■■■■ about the skinr system on the forum CCP refuses to read my support tickets or acknowledge any of my bug reports or forum posts about any bugs and a few of them have logged on to their shitposting alts to harrass incite and troll me in an attempt to derail any thread i participate in. let me tell you CCP your shitty skinr plex grab system will not encourage plex investors to spend plex so that you can claim it as revenue, the best thing we could do to encourage ccp to stop trying to slip their hands in pockets is buy plex for isk and never use it for anything, ccp can only claim it as revenue once the plex is activated / spent in the nes store or spent on producing skins.


Can I interest you in a custom SKIN? :wink:

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I will admit I made two, just to see how it all works, cant talk ■■■■ about the chefs cooking if I don’t taste it right? “ITS ■■■■■■■ RAW” as Gordon would say, the one I kept looks pretty cool and I get its a new feature so ofc its gonna come halfbaked like all of ccps cakes. patch after patch and bugs still persist eg the main one being the pattern editing bug on saved skins. no announcement about any plans to improve or implement corp / alliance wide skins, good idea actually don’t ad another thing to it until we can some basic ability to contract skins, trade them freely to our other alts and accounts or give them as gifts tax free to friends, i wonder why there is no way to see who is buying them from the hub and for how much? no transaction history for sales in the hub? oddly suspicious its like they don’t want us to know that no one is buying them from “skindustrailaists”

Look at the bright side, even if she’s not interested in the SKIN you can still sell her one of these:

:wink: :innocent:


thanks, but i have a copy, i have no hopes or desires for a peaceful universe but I certainly would like to ensure that “Tranquility” will prevail, now and forever.

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Equinox is terrible and the impact on the number of players will be similar to an eclipse with the closure of the locale in systems, just extended over time. What was mockingly called a revival, according to Fakiu, is another nail in Eve’s coffin. All the most profitable systems, and there are few of them, will be occupied by power blocks. No one will need pathetic systems, and with changes that improve them, the same power blocks will easily be taken away. The most remote systems of the same power blocks will constantly rob both ECC and skyhooks and there will be no way to protect them and there will be an outflow of pilots. No one in their right mind from the new corporations will settle in null with such initial data.
Large blocs, without breeches, will frantically cling to the retention of existing systems; no one, as the CCP imagines, will fight for resources. Given the low wages. I don’t understand why the SSP is so loyal to other space? Why are the Concorde lighthouses and ESS banks visible throughout space?Having made money in the most profitable and safe systems/escalations, like on a safari to Africa, they use filament and now they are already at zero, without risking anything except the ship. And they also complain that they are being resisted. The fact that everything built from scratch is built with the sweat and blood of hundreds of pilots and thousands of hours does not bother them. They have money for which they risk cheap ships, they have the Concord police, they have indestructible stations.
Why not then introduce indulgences for killing up to 25 people on any highsec players for claims? Or do a quest, not do events like invasions, which every week did not do some part of high space space like in the zeros? With the killings of structures and pilots? And most importantly, why does the CCP hate the null sector of Eva’s space?

With many null players having a toe in high-sec for alternate income, I’m sure this would go over well…

Really, how long can you kiss ass? The market is the largest and cheapest, and has become an abyss with a ton of money. I wanted to hunt - filament. All that remains is to introduce filaments with a 100% chance of being found in the Concorde lighthouse system, Rorca/Orca, capital. Filaments with ESS bank 100, 200, 30 million. Filaments tuned to skyhooks with 50 and 100% fullness. What’s next?

Who are you referring to here?

Tldr? Or at least use paragraphs damn

Edit: So after reading your rant, i still have no idea what your problem is.


Glad it wasn’t just me…

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Can someone explain the mining changes that are going to happen. I can’t make sense of the few things i have read. I understand there are mining upgrades that will give different types of ore so does that mean we lose the will nolonger have the small, medium, large ,etc etc anoms in null sec? Will we still have Arkanor and Bistot or just the ore type we upgrade for in the sov hub?

what? where did you read mining changes are happening? mining is in a good place right now i think… i don’t see them doing anything with mining any time soon, unless its involved with Vanguard


Unless you’re a Rorqual…

rifts are bs now i was getting 18 out in full 15minutes