Version 22.01 - Equinox - Known Issues

I do not understand it. CCP is incredibly conservative with their rewards. I play a game like Albion Online and the weekly, monthly and seasonal reward tracks feel super rewarding and fun to work towards, the pve content also drops valuable loot and you have other in-game reward hooks like true farmable progression which is a combination of passive progression like Eve and xp like other MMOs. Pvp drops are also far high as there is no concept of a “ship”, you can kill someone and 95% of their value appears as drops so you can sustain pvp entirely without pve. Eve with much of the value being the ship hull, pvp loot drops are poor by comparison and rarely cover the cost of a replacement fit. All in all AO feels rewarding.

Then I open Eve where you put down 4 supers, so 160b+ at risk and earn… 134m, unsure how long it took you to run, but worse than running 2 ishtars or doing a couple of abyssals. It’s just nonsense. The game has such measly reward hooks/incentives. Without a reasonable income, pvp dries up as you spend too much time grinding up to fund it, Albion I can go farm for an evening and that’ll fund pvp sets for a week or 2.

I just don’t get it, a pvp game that requires significant pve to be able to go on a single roam. How can that be a good idea. @CCP_Rattati we don’t play to balance your ecosystem, we play for fun ffs! Open things up a bit already.


Yeah but its how ISK taxes work. Either both are theft, or both are ok.

If only there was some kind of test environment where people could find the bugs beforehand.


The AIR Aura tutorial appeared out of nowhere after the patch and the “Select the PLEX Vault to take a look” part of it is broken - the part after the tutorial gives you a destroyer, then 1 plex.

Can’t get past (trigger might be broken) it and now I have a forever blinking Inventory.

Edit: it was fixed in today’s patch

The transfer of LP from Capsuleer who earned them to the corp LP wallet is regulated by LP tax, not by the project. That way you can set it up for the corp to take only part of the LP (through % tax) and compensate the contributors in ISK proportionally to what the corp takes, rather than have this be always 100%.

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Yes, this is intentional for now. We should be able to enable the fitting icon on all assembled ships in your hangar soon.

On corp project in the window it shows units on how much you get paid from the corp project. Everything is correct, the project pays correct, it is just the visual in the claim window shows you how many units you contribute not how much you will actually get paid.

skill issue mate

CCP broke the item dragging. I just tried to drag items in the Char Select screen on a char, but the item doesn’t move with the mouse cursor anymore. Instead, it just says it moved if you release the mouse over a char. This must be Photon better UI design at work.


I still would prefer a system where the LP tax for everyone is let’s say 1%. - But only those who participate in the corp project “Earn Loyalty Points” do exchange their leftover 99% LPs for the in the Project defined ISK value.

Here every corp member can decide for himself if he/she want’s to keep his LPs or exchange it for ISK via Project.

But I guess this is more a feature request than an issue for this thread.

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Seeing performance issues when undocking, jumping, loading grid. Game “Halts” for a few seconds when loading new areas, which wasn’t happening before the Equinox patch. Also affecting fellow corp mates in a similar way, so not unique to my machine

This seems to be a bug. We are investigating. Thanks for the report!

After the DT patch, I’m still having a problem with not-loading inventory… in the Astrahus I logged out in, not able to see inventory before the DT patch. I moved to two other structures in the same system & inventory loaded without a problem. Something not connecting properly, with That One.

CCP spot what’s wrong with those icons…

Upwell fighter control broken after patch today. fighter ability icons not visible, fighter does not return or approach. However, fighter returns to tube when control released (at least this bug is a positive)

We have long time players calling it a day after seeing how badly they screwed null.


Did the invigoration fail? lol

Nah, they’re just mad it didn’t turn out exactly the way they wanted it to. They wanted to be able to mine every type of ore in a single system under their umbrella of perfect safety.

We started with 3 Supers and and had to get a 4th one in to break the forcefield because it repaired against 12 full Squads of Cyclops II.
finally with another Super and 16 Squads we had enough damage to kill the forcefield (took about 5 or so minutes with 4 Supers).

I can*t imagine this to be anything but a bug, because we insta killed both armor and hull on the POS-Tower itself.

Still even if one Super was able to kill the forcefield on its own, the reward would still be subpar.
Increase the flat EHP of the forcefield by ALOT and remove the active repair) so it takes some time to kill it and increase the rewards.
If its like this you need to field 4 Supers, shoot stuff for about 5 minutes then you can Jump out of system again.

Your reward currently is
about 180 mil split 4 ways, so 45mil each minus fuelcosts.
risking about 200b or more and a ramping bluetimer because you have to jump to the next system.

@BJBee69696969 We lost no Fighters, otherwise this would be even worse.


useless crabs never found bugs there before and used it to make the game worse.