Version 22.01 - Equinox - Known Issues

Did anyone jump on the opportunity to sell them in contracts then link them in local and claim they sell the T2 version in bulk at huge discount?

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :innocent:

No idea, seen someone post that in discord, so logged in to double check and posted here.

Still unable to load inventory or open cargohold in Alliance headquarters Keepstar. Only one character affected and only in that one structure. That character is a director in a member corp and other directors are having the same problem. Is this a known issue or do I submit a bug report from that character?

Yeah confirmed, Standup Fighters are unfortunately not functional. We have a fix scheduled for tomorrow.


Will you also fix drag and drop? Not working properly on Character Selection screen at least.

I have a hard time believing the Shielded starbase tower escalation is working as intended. Either the loot is busted or the tank is way too high. Keep the tank and require dreads/supers fine, but I’ve heard from 5/6 people who have only gotten the overseers box which is ridiculous for having to field 100bil+ to kill the thing. At a minimum it should be equivalent isk to a CRAB beacon or something. That or nerf the tank and loot potential to make them runnable in a marauder.

I like the idea of having people use their shiny toys out in space to create content. But it needs to be at least remotely worth it to do so…

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Thanks for the report. Yes, this is a known issue. It should be fixed tomorrow.

Corp bulletins still aren’t working. ETA? Or at least acknowledge the issue?

Typhoon Fleet Issue ships not available in the Tribal Liberation Force LP store. The blueprints are there, the ships are not. Can this be addressed ?


This is just embarrassing. Sort out the inventory spacing mess. Do some basic QA.

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I assumed that was intentional to discourage freeloaders from coming in and messing up people’s loot tables; Giving people the ability to defend the site from freeloaders or allow newer fleets to come in and forcefully evict the fleet already there.

when you click on those icons nothing happens. not sure since when

They were intentially removed. They want people to build the ships.


Crazy. 4 flights of cap drones to break shield. Interesting that armour/hull was near insta. Hopefully a numbers tweak, if 1 dread could clear it, then rewards wouldn’t be too bad if it could be done in 1-2 siege cycles.


more poorly aligned text


Selecting items in the warehouse, in containers, etc. does not work correctly.
Slightly above the red stripe and highlights the item from above. Very inconvenient, this has never happened before.

Figured out that it’s old Asset Safety Wrappers doing it. One of the asset locations you have access to likely has an asset safety wrapper in it. In one station where I was having this problem I was able to find it in personal assets and deal with it that way; in another it was in a corporate office somewhere and didn’t show in the corporation management window at all. I put all assets in the various corporate hangars into contracts, then asset safety’ed the invisible asset safety wrapper, and then just canceled the contracts one by one and put items back where they belonged. I now have a corporation Asset Safety package waiting to be delivered that is from a station that was blown up 5 and a half years ago.

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This doesn’t seem to be in the known issues list for Skinr:

When opening a previously saved skin, selecting either the pattern or pattern colour resets the position of the pattern. This makes it impossible to make a small tweak to the pattern location on a design since clicking the pattern option will reset it and you have to manually re-do all the alignment and scaling again.

It seems to work fine when in a single editing session. It’s when you save a skin, then re-open the design to edit/tweak later that the issue occurs.


Resequenced it with the same results. 4 more skins on the cooker. if those also fail expect a very irate support ticket.

It was addressed. This is how it was addressed. It wasn’t an accidental change.

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