Version 22.01 - Equinox - Known Issues

Which color isn’t sequencing properly?

This is true. It’s quite frustrating.


I filed a support ticket and was told:

“I would encourage you to also consider posting your thoughts on the EVE Online forums, especially here Version 22.01 - Equinox - Known Issues. I see other players have reported the same thing, the more people report it the more likely it is that it will be fixed.”

So here’s my issue I submitted verbatim:

"I have run into problems with the update when dealing with text lists in “hangars” vs all other textual UI.

There is unnecessary “leading” spacing which causes more trouble selecting multiple items with the possibility of clicking into a “non existent area” which DE-selects everything one has multiply selected.

Please fix this because, of all examples I’m providing, when you have 250+ blueprints, it takes forever to scroll with a mouse wheel…


Win10(64bit), 64G RAM


AIR Daily Programme?
Have completed two days tasks which indicates I’ve reached the 1st Milestone and yet it still states Milestone not achieved.
Do the Milestone prizes only become accessible after you reach the next Milestone, do they only become accessible when you reach the final Milestone or what?

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3 days for milestones, ie: 12 days minimum.

More spacing issues.


Now I’ve reread the notes that’s clear. The graphic used indicates otherwise

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i created a skin for the Bookbook, but when i try to apply it. the SKNR window says ibis,

it worked fine for skins i created for other ships.

i submitted a bug report.

Sheesh, CCP, you added too much space between the icons again… God, how can you be so awfully incompetent… Now the windows require even more space and waste even more space on screen. You again put 18 pixels of padding between item icons in hangars. 18! :facepalm:


the salvage wreck daily does not track well, have salvaged 10 wrecks and only counted 3

did you mean сookbook ?

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There are no Sequencing skills group in the market.

It’s lagged; they eventually show up - but it’s not instantaneous.

When water flows, it follows the path of least resistance.

When MMO-players are asked to solve arbitrary tasks for a menial reward, they too will follow the path of least resistance. They’ll evaluate the tasks at hand, pick the ones that takes the least amount of time to complete, and ignore the others.

For example, when it comes to manufacturing an item, it’s not a big deal to set up a small BPO with low manufacturing requirements (ammo for example) and just run a singular production job. (Bonus points if the player happens to use said ammo.)

When it comes to scanning various sites, many Hi-Sec dwellers simply run to the starter systems as they’re full of signatures, especially the Data/Relic-ones.

Now there’s a new task to complete: Salvage 15 wrecks. Sounds innocently menial, but there’s a hidden catch! The counter only counts ‘successful’ salvages, namely those that give the response “You successfully salvage from the XX wreck”. If the message reads: “Unfortunately the wreck contained nothing of value”, then it doesn’t count.

So instead of salvaging 15 wrecks, it’s closer to salvaging 50 wrecks, just to have statistical probability on your side.

As CCP are slow to admit mistakes (and this one has been around for a while, as the same metric is used for the Activity Tracker) and even slower to try to fix them, I give you the path of least resistance to complete this salvaging task: Dock at a station, request a Corvette, undock the Corvette, blow up/self-destruct the Corvette and salvage the wreck. Because Corvette-wrecks are guaranteed to salvage for one metal scrap, meaning you always get a ‘successful’-salvage from one. This also applies to Shuttles, for those who dislike those with a passion.

As I’m pretty certain CCP did not intend for players to hang around stations blowing up Corvettes, I have good faith they’ll fix this really fast - or just withdraw this particular task from the Daily Challenges.


Or just salvage a combat anomaly.

Ignoring the whole steaming pile of xxxx and going about your business sounds like a better idea. Although with the gigantic nerf to 0.0 I’m not sure what that other business is supposed to be. Maybe sit in a combat ship guarding a skyhook, the amazingly engaging gameplay our dear CCP envisioned for us.

I won’t be a rat in the ‘daily challenge’ maze. Maybe it can provide a cool bonus for new players, but EVE provides a sick number of activities that reward your time. Log in for that, or do something else entirely. The focus should be on game play, not game mechanics.


no, after some more testing and looking at logs, it seems it only counts if it actually gives you salvage

Thank you for sharing this. I did not know about this salvage workaround previously and I love it.

CCP at what point do we get access to the TEST server again.

You know all this could have been spoted befor you roll out the ting on the TEST server. Also please fix your stuff this is becomes a concerning tendency you guys have with expansions.

or we need to change the saying from never play on patch day to never play in patch month until ccp fixed the things they broke.