Version 22.01 - Equinox - Known Issues


I don’t know if the direct trade is the reason but… If I trade a ship called “Antihrist Pripravnik’s Rokh” (the old default naming pattern) to another player directly in station, if that character then renames the ship - the name would be reset to “Antihrist Pripravnik’s Rokh” after logging off and logging back in.

Edit: After more testing, it looks like the name is reverted only in the ship hangar. The actual name of the ship (in station or in space) is correct.

As if patches didn’t break things when the cheat server was public



I approve
Bring Back Sisi !

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Bulletins fixed today after 2 days (and no acknowledgement of the issue, for some reason). Thanks.

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The same red that is on other parts of the ship should also be on the forward sections of the hull, as shown in the first picture.

So… 4 weeks for a support ticket to get reimbursed?

Did someone push the clock forward ? Or do we just have short months ?

It can be completed in as early as 12 days.

Sure. But this is day 3 since release. So it “should” say 27d or some such, since ccp months count 30d.

It’s most likely calendar months, not 30 day months.

We found the wrecks have to actually return a piece of salvage to count.


it’s how many days are left in june

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No more Salvage task; info posted to Reddit:

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This was not mentioned in any part of the Equinox Patch Notes, so:

All Caldari Navy ammunitions conversions have been apparently removed from all Calradi State associated station LP Stores. Example: Peace & Order no longer has ANY Caldari Navy ammunitions upgrades using LP points.

Was this an “unintended/overlooked error/bug” or an “intended yet never documented part of the Equinox upgrade” feature to accompany Equinox?

The new mining anoms are a big nerf over current mining anoms, is that intended?

Another act of stupidity by CCP. Introduce a new system of daily plus monthly goals, but start the first cycle on 11 June, thus ensuring that the first cycle is shorter by one third than it should be, and thus far more difficult to complete. Result - something that they presumably hoped would encourage greater playing time will leave those who do engage with it during June frustrated and disillusioned…

Two simple options would have been for the system either to look back to dailies logged since 1 June, or else foreshorten the number of steps for the very first cycle to nine rather than twelve.

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Obviously. So they did push forward the clock. Let’s see if it resets to 30 days to complete or 31 days, on July 1st downtime.

I am pretty sure it says somewhere that these Milestones have a 20 days cycle, not a 30 days cycle.

Guess what? Salvage task still there today…

20 day months ? Shrinkflation strikes again :laughing: