Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback

Theres no mention of the gfx issue in drone hordes? its been reported as a bug by a few people. only way to stop it is potato gfx…

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CCP: releases dog crap update players: stop subbing CCP “Why are you guys not subbing??”


I don’t pay for games where I’m certain to lose progress at every turn.

Havens - good fix +
Need fix spread npc spawn at Forsaken hubs too.
Haves (gate), Forsaken Hub, Forsaken Rally Point - 3 combat sites that usable for smart packs and edencom packs, but now only Havens really good. I f you have no free haven and go to Fors Hubs = losing 30-40% of ISK.


I got a feedback to give about the new ship’s information window.

Step 1) Congratulation, it is beautifull to see the ship in 3D directly, super good work :heart::smiling_face::heart:

Step 2) Congratulation again about the new link method (top right corner link symbol is good but you can easely misss it if you don’t pay attention at the first sight). After making a show info on a ship in the gridd, showing at the bottom of the window, the pilote included is just :heart: a super idea :heart:, I heard many people love it.

Step 3) Big problem !

—> When you left click on the skill options, left side, a lot of new things happen ! We can see masteries directly, why not, but we need a main page about skills to show directly the skills required, nothing happen if we click on Missing required skills and the red exclmation mark icon ! :

The big problem is : we lost the informations about the time required to reach the lvl requested, we can still have it trouh : simulation option, when we left our mouse on the skill button we lost this information too :

we can see the levels required by box (as usual like modules) but not the time requisted for that, like for a module. How much time does it taks me to reach leadership 5 ? :slightly_smiling_face:

So it means that we don’t have the detail, with time written next to it, on the required skills to fly a ship anymore, and this is a big issue.


you make way more isk per tik then with ishtars, plus tiks scales with numbers, only needing to ballance with the anomalies refresh. cause ya we some times run out of anomalies to kill.

CCP, Please:

The mechanics of the Dens system are poorly thought out and need re-evaluation.

Goons have already adjusted their approach, dropping their politics to focus on allocating Dens. Spots are now distributed among corps based on PAP participation. In my corp, directors are given control of Dens, and 100% of the revenue is funneled to the corp. I’m confident many other corps will follow suit, and eventually, most null blocks will adopt the same approach. This outcome was so predictable that it feels like the logical path with the way Dens currently work.

Issues with the Current Mechanics

  1. Replacing Installed Dens:

Players should have the ability to replace or uninstall Dens without relying on a Skyhook. The current system adds unnecessary restrictions and complexity.

  1. Short-Lived Nature of Dens:

The ref timer should be removed or significantly reduced. Since Dens are inherently short-lived structures, they should generate Encrypted Informorph faster to make their lifespan meaningful.

  1. Corp-Driven Missions:

If CCP insists on keeping the current mechanics, I propose a compromise:

• All members of the corp that owns a Den should be able to pick up missions from it.

• The corp should earn Encrypted Informorph based on players completing these objectives.

• Hostile players could also engage with Dens, running counter-missions that increase system anarchy. Higher levels of anarchy could reduce ref timers, potentially to zero, making the Dens more dynamic and contested.

The Flaws in the Current System

At present, Dens are a limited resource, and corps are treating them as such, fiercely defending their allocations. This is turning what could have been (and was supposed to be) a broad player-owned mechanic into something exclusive and monopolistic. As it stands:

• Dens are effectively corp structures, not player structures, as most Dens will be owned by the directorat player of a null black corp.

• They function more like Skyhook upgrades than standalone mechanics.

This outcome defeats the purpose of the system. Instead of creating an engaging, player-driven mechanic, CCP has designed another feature that will primarily benefit large null blocs while excluding the wider player base.

Dens will become irrelevant to most players. The ref timer ensures null blocs will mount strong defenses, preventing hostile Dens from being installed. As a result, the goal of using Dens to spread anarchy across systems will fail—again, thanks to the flawed mechanics.

Suggestions for Improvement

To make Dens a more active and accessible feature, CCP should:

  1. Remove or reduce ref timers to allow more dynamic gameplay.

  2. Decouple Dens from Skyhooks to make them easier to manage and replace.

  3. Allow all players to interact with Dens in meaningful ways, rather than restricting them to corp-level (player / owner) management.

  4. Introduce mechanics that encourage broader player participation, such as missions or objectives that impact the system.

As it stands, Dens are a missed opportunity, reinforcing monopolies rather than creating opportunities for all players. CCP needs to rethink this mechanic to ensure it lives up to its potential and doesn’t become yet another failed feature benefiting only a select few.


Very good point. This issue fits very well into CCP’s latest drive to hide and obstruct information display behind extra steps or completely from easy access for the sake of introducing more beautification.

We can do this as soon as you and your group have them available so that everyone can participate. Skyhooks were already insane level of busy work for anyone owning space (except PH who live so far away from everyone that nobody can be bothered to travel there).

CCP keeps designing for elite pvp grab and hide if anyone shows up game play. Wasn’t blackout enough to show that that kind of design is broken to the n:th degree and that rest of the player base is not interested in providing willing targets to elite pvpers with connections?


Is it just me or is the market in Jita incredibly slow? For me it takes about 5-10 seconds to load an item and its market data in the window, freezing the client every time I look something up.

Next annoyance with the new Ship Window: When I click on the ship icon in the Market to view info about it, the window opens in the Skins tab. If I then close the window and show info on another ship, it still opens the new ship’s info in the Skins tab. Even if I switch to the Overview tab and then show info on another ship, it still opens in the Skins tab.


I have been tinkering around with the developed SKINR quite a bit lately (which is to say, job well done folks) and I think there currently remains one issue that hampers design: the inability to limit pattern projection.

This is to say, a given pattern will usually be reflected twice on a ship, both on the intended side and the opposite side. In many cases they will also unite at the connecting surface, and most line patterns end up gift wrapping around a ship, which is something I never want to see. In some cases workarounds are available, such as playing with the projection angle (usually distorts the shape a lot), existing toggles (hit or miss) or using second pattern for obstruction (terrible bandaid measure) but most of the time it is best to use something that isn’t quite as impacted.

I am not sure what form such an option would take, but for patterns that extend to infinity, a good start might be to introduce a cut-off option that will stop a line from crossing into a different type of surface (so a line would end at the intersection of a primary and detail surface for example).

This is why I think it should be a time-limited feature: you hook it to a Skyhood and hack it for 30 to 60 minutes to get the infomorph. During this time, you have to defend it if anyone in the system notices you. If you set it up in enemy territory, you push for anarchy; if you deploy it at home, you focus on development. and if no one come to fight then you can run the"dungeons" CCP was talking about to get a better infomorphe harvest.

I think this approach would be the most fun. Grab a Den, grab a Needlejack, and find a system to exploit for a moment. Hopefully, you get some PvP out of it, or you run it in a quiet system and grab the infomorph. At least this way, you don’t monopolize the location and resources—everyone can run them, just like we do with beacons.

As for the Dens in my space, they’re set up on almost every planet that can support them, mostly by the same corps that don’t engage much in PvP. Very few of them have ever been destroyed. My corp managed to kill three hostile ones so far, but we didn’t encounter much resistance. Lame.

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Problem with all that is that it is just tedious to go chase after people in your space, we have ESS, skyhooks, now you want dens to be same thing. Basically, if you own space you would have to spend all your time chasing elite-pvpers (i.e. cloaky or run away doctrines so not exactly getting pvp). At some point the whole thing gets way too tedious. EVE is already a second job without having even more must do activities.


To me it looks like more something forgotten, not hidden on purpoise. So i hope they will fix it simply :smiley: :wink:

There CCP - fixed it for you. I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll mention it again:

We need an Off toggle for the new volumetric clouds introduced in Revenant (somewhere in the graphic settings).

The vast majority of us aren’t interested in running EVE in “potato mode” by having to set the shader quality to “low”.


:star_struck: All these awesome Little Things entries in the Patch Notes today. Huge thanks to @CCP_karkur and her team!

  • :handshake: You can now edit bookmarks through the radial menu while using the solarsystem map.
  • :handshake: Added the number of jumps a system which is a point in your current autopilot route is if you mouse over it.

Even some of my suggestions! Love it! :heart_eyes:



First of all I never post here in all those years and I never asked much of you never expected much neither. But I got to say one thing, thank you for finally taking care of null sec!

With That being said, an you please for the love of god give implants to the vorton Systems just like you did to the triglavian stuff. nothing to crazy. hell make it crazy expensive if you want. Wouldn’t it be crazy to also have its own logie, destroyer T2 version and dreadnough ?
am I asking to much here?

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:handshake: :handshake: Little Things:

:handshake: While undocked, assets in your current system will now be highlighted in the assets window.

these now highlight in yellow, the same colour as destinations on your route, this makes it hard to differentiate what station your actually heading to. Is it not possible to change the colour? I would suggest white as the text is currently grey so white would be easy enough to see but green or blue would be better than yellow. imho.



Have I missed something or is there simply no way to preview a ship with the Ship Info window compact mode enabled? Even the SKIN tab just… doesn’t show anything?

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