The relic sites are few and far between…drone space cosmic signatures are mostly crazy combat anomalies that you cant usually solo in an exploration ship.
Although the few ive found have been fairly well stocked.
The 5 new skillbooks
What was your idea here?
For us to farm for weeks if not months to get the atavums needed or just simply buy them from the market at a ridiculous price…? Just to go to a place all open for gankers and what not and hope to survive while trying to get the skillbooks?
This needs a change, why?
Yes this needs to be changed, there is no reason that makes sense in holding skillbooks back from players and here is my thoughts;
- Training skills takes a long time and they should be taking time, that is fine.
- Having skillbooks cost a LOT of isk is fine, but not to have them being sold or exchanged vs goods that are not really common and with that became expensive as heck. Especially with the high number of them needed. 1895 atavums for all 5 books, thats not reasonable. If it was like 25-50 per book this would make more sense…
- Skillbooks should be sold on the market in the station inside of Zarzakh instead with fixed isk prices, simply because they already take time to train. Adding more time and effort in order to get to start training them is just killing the vibe and it pretty much swooped my excitement for the new ships under the carpet.
see you in a few months again when (hopefully) prices have stabilized
@Teta_Pehta I’m not sure I should have welcomed you to the community
It’s a good job. Like it.
wtf these new icons… they’re terrible.
can I have all the stuff of those who leave?
@Ogun_Ferraille Are we allowed to say that in this thread? Because I thought of it first so I get first dibs!
I’ve asked this in far more inappropriate threads than this, but nobody ever gives me anything. Stingy
My favorite part of the expansion is it’s comedic value.
If you forget for a second that you play this game it’s amusing watching CCP fail the way they always do
Good job changing the icons of the modules. They were indeed too similar and this changed a lot, for the better. I don’t like some new icons (disintegrator), but that’s just personal taste and the change is objectively better.
That would be a little hard to do but I am enjoying the new Ship Information Window. I’m sorry you don’t like it but as they say: c’est la vie.
Do enjoy this beautiful day!
I am, I’m eating mushroom soup
Rude much?
Theres always something in EVE that will be displeasing to some, while others love it. Ive not had a chance to see it so i cant speak on it.
Like some dont like the skill plan, i like it over the old one.
Improving nullsec, or ruining it. Make up your mind already.
Can we please have the option that anomalies do not automatically trigger the info panel? First of: it is unreliable: I warped in a Den, and it did not show up, then I warped in a Hidden Den and it showed up. What’s the point then? Secondly: I do not need that on my chars. All I do is farm the 25 NPC for the daily, and then I am done. It also gets in the way when you hunt people in anoms.
For those that need the crutch it can be helpful, but for those that don’t need it, it should not clutter the UI even more than CCP’s drive to modernize it already does. Worse yet, when I warp out of an anom, the info panel does not disappear. I have to manually untrack it.
I just tried it again. When I warp into a Hidden Hub, there’s no Info panel, warping into a Sanctum triggers it. How is this useless inconsistency supposed to be helpful?
Regarding marauders : I think this is bad.
IMO what they should have is
- same projection as T1 ships. There is no projection bonus on T1/faction matar BS ? Then no such a bonus on the vargur. I believe T2 should NOT have increased projection over T1, increased DPS and tracking is fine. This is also my opinion for other T2 ships : no more projection than the T1, make T1 base projection, navy maybe a little bit more but more tank for fleet, and T2 stronger in DPS and tank for the assaults variations.
- only +50% bonus to DPS from RoF ( so -33% to delay instead of -50) from the siege
- same bonus to buffer. They should be viable without bastion, and that’s what the buffer bonus helps.
There is no old skill plan because there was no skill plan feature to begin with in the old UI. Get your terminology right. What you mean is the old Skill Queue and it was objectively better than the new queue because it showed more information, was easier to scroll, easier to navigate, easier to search, it did not omit information to make the information fit into limited space, it was much less wasteful with limited screen-realestate, and it was more consistent overall.
I like the new skill queue. But I don’t remember what the old one was. The only concern I have, is that SP/min is not visible in the queue, only in the catalog.
So…whats the future way of developing this game ???
You mess it up and call it Equinuts - tried to fix it within 6 months by 50% just to mess it up a day later and give it the name (better not) Relevant ???
With your attitude and skill of “fixing” the game you better got back to a 20 years rhythm…
As for now i have no positive feedback of any of our corp members - some of them - at least it looks like - already quit.
Nice job CCP - continue your self-praise…