Version 22.02 - Revenant - General Feedback

How to disable the clouds and blinking lights of the anomalies?

In addition to putting a lot of strain on my PC, the lights that keep flashing on the screen regardless of which zoon is in the anomaly are causing me to have attacks of photosensitive epilepsy.

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Do not let the door hit you on the way out.

You’re always full of good news :hugs:

Remember you said that.

wish the CCP who made the new ship preveiw and forced us to use over ship info window, to remember me lmao

@Teta_Pehta I don’t have any problem with the Ship Information Window. I think it’s a fantastic add-on.

:smiley: get a brain, lol its all there typed by ccp, stop calling it ship info window, CCP
 please Look, CCP made picture, notice it, use the said brains :smiley:

I know. They added a cool Ship Information Window and I like it a lot :slightly_smiling_face:

calling it what it is not will not help anyone

Oh, you want to help people now? You will have to clean that mouth of yours first. I don’t think the Red Cross will tolerate it.

ill clean mine when ccp opens theirs, just waiting here
 you lvl up the brain skill, dont forget

I will try to remember but I cannot guarantee it, I am so busy these days.

I just learned that on this forum, if you go to Analoreke Brunette’s profile, in the top right corner you can use the drop down box to Ignore all posts from from that user. It was incredibly helpful to filter out the noise to only show actual feedback within this thread.

Show info UI:
Please make the ship stop spinning every time I change tabs.
Please give us the option to remove the ship visual entirely.
PLEASE re add the requirements tab. Helping new bros just became a lot harder.

Deathless ships:
The cost overall is a joke. In a month of exploration during crimson harvest with infinite exploration sites I have collected approx 60 Atavum. At that rate, it would take almost 3 years of crimson harvest levels of scannable sites to afford just the skillbooks for using breacher pods. This is not working as intended.

Mercenary dens:
MTO’s only being available to den owners is dead gameplay before it starts. Most of sov Null uses holding corps, and rest assured those holding corps will have dens on every applicable skyhook asap. You may hate that fact, but its a fact. If PVE content aimed at (quote) “a solo player in a cruiser” is limited to den owners, it will only get done by people as a job, with zero benefit to any solo players.


after i day try, its uesless to control bot and isk

What I mean is, when players reach conclusions such as:

It is a mistake to conclude that this is not exactly what CCP intended.

I didn’t pay attention yesterday, so I didn’t “claim” it yet (was thinking about claiming it Monday 18th). But it is advertised as if it was FREE, like it use to be with pretty much all expansion in the recent years. Yet, it cost 10 PLEX. So basically, I would not claim it, I would BUY it. False advertisement, or bug in the NES ?

As Omega, you get 10 PLEX for free. If you are a returning player (not logged in in the last 30 days), you get the 7 days for free. Alphas don’t get the 7 days for free by getting the plex and have to pay the 10 plex.

The new Sov mechanic already significantly reduced the total number of sites in any given system. Marauder nerfs made those things caskets years ago. We aren’t even going to talk about carriers which have been useless for longer than I’ve been playing this game. Now, between drone agro, dispersed warp ins, and insta-pointing dreads, what few viable methods of null farming that remained are essentially dead. Stack this on top of completely bungled skyhooks and years of mining nerfs, all I can wonder is what even is the point of living in Null these days? At the moment, the most profitable thing to do as a null player is to go to some other class of space to run some other kind of content. What even was the point of this expansion?


Ah, so they are lazy and couldn’t find room to properly advertized it is 10 PLEX for Alpha and FREE for Omega.

I now just opened one of my Omega account and see the PLEX gift (unknown amount until I claim I guess), and the 7 day Omega for 10 PLEX.

I also see the info you gave is in the patch notes for Nov 12, but that patch notes wasn’t pushed in the client yesterday, only the expansion note. Had to scroll down in the patch notes published today.

At least I now understand there is an incentive to not play my alphas for 30 days. Will keep that in mind for next expansion.

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looks like the bee became a rat 

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