Very active player looking for a home!

Degen gamer newer eve player LF very active tight knit group. I can fly a good amount of ships. Just not very good at it yet. Mainly LF small gang stuff. Hit me up fellow degens :smile:

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o7 Take a look at our topic to see if this sounds like a corp you want to join. You can join our ingame channel ā€œFugger-Relationsā€ or hop in our discord so we can get in touch. o7 Fly safe

hi there m8

check us out below

Hey there. Check out Primal Instinct

daily bump

Oreet buddy if you fancy a bit of sov null where there is no rules like in LowSec and hisec am looking for vetsā€¦ Rl comeā€™s first with us all and we play for fun if you fancy a chat jump on our discord and say hi

Eu/uk mostly but some aus and ustz, mostly wolfpack/small gang. Check us out!

REJECT BLOB, WORSHIP BOB :skull_and_crossbones: ALLTZ :skull_and_crossbones: RAGE ROLL :skull_and_crossbones: WH/LS PIRATES :skull_and_crossbones: BOBVULT!!!

Looking for a corp? Consider joining Replicatorz. REPZ is a laid back, well rounded Corp. We are a small tightnit Npc null based corp located in stain under SLOW1. We are currently recruiting experienced and returning PVP pilots across AU/US Timezones that are interested in NPC null.

We are a pvp first corp but are also currently looking to expand in all spheres of EvE Including but not limited to:

-Industry, Science and Production

-Small Gang Warfare

-Exploration and Scouting

-Mission Running

-Moon Mining


Please join our discord link Replicatorz , or join in game channel REPZREC

What we require

-teamspeak (voice chat program) required for Corp/Alliance Operations

-20 mil sp minimum

-18+ years or older