Again no feedback topic for the planned stuff. Becomes a real theme. Anyway…
This video about the frigates is weird. The Current Crucifier has inded no lights on its hull. However, the Maulus definitely has lights, especially the head lights and the light in the Y, but they were removed in the video to … showcase that CCP can reintroduce lights on the Maulus?
Same story for the Stiletto. It has head lights but they were removed in the video and then reintroduced in the After shots.

The Impairor also already has bright headlights but they were removed for the video as well and then reintroduced.
The new missile effects also leave lots to desire. Plasma is just a perfect sphere of light and kinetic damage loses the signature effect of expelled kinetic shrapnels. In this video, the EM effect looks more like a kinetic effect due to the shrapnels. Plasma and Explosive missile effects have colors that are way too similar. Plasma needs to be much redder than it is now to set it apart from the orange Explosive missile damage, otherwise it’s easy to mistake them for the other. The claim that you can more easily differentiate the missile effect is not visible in the shown effects. The old effects do a much better job at showcasing what damage you receive because they have extremely distinct effects. EM does not look like Kinetic at all, and Plasma does not look like Explosive at all (although the Plasma effect is indeed a bit pale and hard to see compared to the other effects).
As for the volumetric clouds. They look quite stunning and varied, but what does:
with their look, feel, and performance to be optimized moving forward.
mean? Will they be released as absolute performance killers and only retroactively improved after you fried some GPUs and CPUs? Hopefully this is just really bad wording in the blog.
When it comes to the Bastion effects: Why is the Vargur the only Marauder that has a different light color for bastion? Giving the Paladin a golden light and the Kronos a nice gras green tinge would set these ships apart from each other and create more factional distinction. Also a shame that you did not use the opportunity to change the utterly ugly Bastion effect of the Paladin to something much cooler. Adapting the Kronos’ lifting of armor plates for the Paladin would turn this ridiculously bad store shelf bastion into an effect that’s truely becoming of the ship.
That Lance debuff beam feels kind of underwhelming and CCP’s expectations on how useful these ships will be not based in reality. Since both Lance and Reaper are not utilized at all on the battlefield, comparatively speaking, these beams won’t be as good as CCP thinks they will be either. Especially since placement of caps on grid in CCP’s tidilagfests or rather the lack of proper placement ability makes these self- and friends-neuting/harming beams a liability and not an asset.