VNI changes?

You are still functionally giving money to CCP if you PLEX in-game. This is because someone else had to pay real world money in order to create the PLEX that you are using to subscribe.

Sure, it’s not money from your wallet going directly to CCP, but you are still supporting CCP through another person’s purchase of PLEX.

Just thought you should know because you think that this is removing subscription money from CCP.

Actually true.

As it gets harder to Krab & turn a profit ( mining already pays badly enough unless you Rorq ) people will either PLEX or walk.

4% retention of new players at present. As the Young’uns run out of cash to spend.

EVE is hard, sure, but this hard? EVE is certainly not Fortnite, that much is true.

We’ll have to see how it pans out. I did say " just in case ". I’m still here, and adapting to Ishtar spinning, but I do have worries.

Wrong way around, as it gets harder people will turn to subscriptions or walk. Because turning to PLEX forces you to grind isk every month simply to live. Subscription means all your isk goes into fun.


" Wrong way around, as it gets harder people will turn to subscriptions or walk. Because turning to PLEX forces you to grind isk every month simply to live. Subscription means all your isk goes into fun. "

What ISK?

Subscription unlocks ships. It doesn’t buy them for you. You still have to do some grinding to cover stuff.

Or recycle corvettes… ( Can you? I may have to look into that ).

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If you plex you still have to cover ships, AND you have to cover 1.5-2 billion isk a month for plex.
If you subscribe you only have to cover the ships.

If it is harder to grind, subscribing is FAR easier than Plexing.

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Yea, Plexing is horrible atm subscriptions are the way to go by far.

You aren’t understanding the problem.

People are running out of money to spend. Millennials. New players.

I agree on subscription, but if the Krabbers are nerfed then the in-game ISK a player has will be less.

Which hurts PvP. Unless you want T1 only of course.

I’m not super affected by this change myself I just dont like seeing nerf after nerf after nerf brought to the game, its really lazy from a developer point perspective. Theres plenty of options to add isk and material sinks to the game.

Then don’t play? Or be alpha?
At the end of the day CCP can not create a good situation for someone near the poverty line.

That is a lot of people you just squeezed out of the game. 4% new player retention.

There is no good answer to the problem you are putting forward here.
If real world economics say you can’t afford a game and you were so reliant on a heavily overpowered anom ratting vni, then there really isn’t a place short of alpha or not playing.
Of course you also weren’t in the new player retention stats having already gotten past that 30 days as well if you are getting hit by this nerf. So why are you bringing up irrelevant stats

" And?
There is no good answer to the problem you are putting forward here.
If real world economics say you can’t afford a game and you were so reliant on a heavily overpowered anom ratting vni, then there really isn’t a place short of alpha or not playing.
Of course you also weren’t in the new player retention stats having already gotten past that 30 days as well if you are getting hit by this nerf. So why are you bringing up irrelevant stats. "

Nope, you still aren’t keeping up.

A subscription is a tenner a month ( UK money ). You then do the grind. Buy a few skill injectors. Hey presto you’re getting somewhere. But… You have to do the grind.

If the grind pays badly then people won’t do it. They’ll find an easier game.

4% new player retention. The newbs aren’t staying.

EVE is a different game to fortnite, obviously, but if the ‘math heads’ are saying ‘nope’ then something is wrong.

You mean you. Not “others”, you don’t care about others. It’s you.

Besides, we really don’t need more krabbing F1 fleet clowns.

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So, about that market eh?


So is EVE a game for bored Rich people? Or is EVE a game for the next generation of math nerds?

EVE needs a lot of time if you want to build big too. Null etc.

So you have 2 camps. Bored Rich Kids, or Math Nerds with limited cash ( millennials ).

Which one do you target?

So far the Krabbing Nerfs have been chasing Bored Rich Kids ( by making ticks smaller ). Rorqs, Carriers, & VNI’s.

4% new player retention rate.

2001 was a long time ago. The world has changed.

I think we need to target the next gen of nerds, and that means NOT nerfing krabbing.

Just my 2p, but there you go.

The point is that you’re trying to pass something off as “bad for the game”, while you REALLY mean “bad for me”. And as long as you keep lying like that no one will take you serious.

Yes, I can.

Your being na"ve doesnt make me a dumbass. The plex will sell anyway, so instead of my 30 euro + 40 euro for 2 plex they earn 30 euro less. Simple math.

The plex you buy in game is first bought by someone else from the website. 500 plex costs MORE than a month of sub, so by plexing CCP actually gets MORE money. Simple math.

You really have to question people’s mental capabilities if they couldn’t work that out for themselves, it’s like the whole “ore I mined myself is free” idiocy.


Lost me there