VNI changes?

I’m sure he knows this, he just doesn’t want to acknowledge it.

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The ship is not the problem.

Then why care so much? If it’s not that amazing you probably don’t use it, right?

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Not for ratting.

Then it’ll become even better for PvP with all the new bonuses.


Better at active armor tanking. Worse at everything else.

Sorry, it will be worse at using drones. It will be better at using guns. The rep bonus is required because the vni is now an all in ship, where before it could project it’s full damage to pretty much targeting range.

You mean like… for ratting?

Ever fought another cruiser that can shoot past 3km?

Dunno, you should tell us. The only VNI losses you have are brawlers.

Ever remembered that hybrids have a long range option as well.

Long range? Like full dps application at max target long or like 6-11k long with ■■■■ damage?

What I’m saying is, this is a HUGE nerf. You all are acting like it’s not but it changes everything. The fights you can actually take, and how you have to fly to win those engagements will be completely different if it’s even possible. All because ccp can’t be ass’d to put a web tower into the anoms.

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Better mobility
+225% Turret DPS
+25% Drone Tracking
+50% Turret tracking
+37.5% Better reps
+50 PG
+40 CPU
-15 Sig Radius

Shitty for ratting
Full neut fits lose a lot of DPS
DPS split between drones and guns, so uses more lowslots for dps

Seems like an overall buff for the vni in PVP unless you generally run full neut fits
Sucks to VNI ratters, go fly a carrier like everyone else


There are these guns called rail guns… The longest range guns in the game…

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fixed it for you.
It will lose some max speed (-10) and inertia, but lose some mass as well for a slightly better align time overall ← not sure if you can call that “better mobility”.

I spin 2 VNI’s at present.

I shall now spin 2 Ishtars. Job done pretty much.


Newbs. 5 months to train up to about max skill in a VNI, from scratch. Plus other ships needed in places like Null. I hope she puts out, let’s put it that way. We need pilots with ISK to spend on Doctrine ships.

“Sucks to VNI ratters, go fly a carrier like everyone else.”

When you are camped to feck that isn’t an option. And to nerf the krabbers means less pilots with ISK available to spend on PvP.

In that case, do the right thing and make CCP happy. Buy plex and sell it, more isk for pvp

Have you tried roaming into places where people have tons of isk, they stay sitting on 0 tether anyway’s. Lot’s of isk no isk it doesn’t make a difference people that don’t don’t like pvp wont pvp.

I disagree. As the Millennials run out of money to spend ( a real phenomena ) then they won’t PLEX. Because they can’t.

Which means you need krabbing to actually work.

So far Carriers, & now the VNI, have been nerfed unnecessarily.

And I fired up my old Dungeons & Dragons Accounts. Just in case.

Man cannot live on beer alone nods.

You are looking to loose all your customers CCP ? I’m going to plex from now on. No more paid subscription for me. No new content only nerf after nerf after nerf. Add content for more isk sinks if thats a problem.