Vote Maldavius - CSM 16

Indeed. I am tempted to vote for him just to unlock the damned gates. Although, his suggestion to make Triglavian faction police is pretty dumb.

An idea alone that you don’t like isn’t enough to say yay or nay.

You need to ask yourself if he’s going to represent your style of game play & is he charismatic enough to make CCP listen to him?
His background in game design as well as his experience running large groups in eve online tells me yes.

In addition; he’s said publicly he’s open to listening to ideas, I’m sure that includes constructive criticism regarding any ideas he may have.

The idea I posted in regards to Diamond Rat guards have actual counter-play through the use of filaments and wormholes. Currently the gates offer no counter-play option and just lock you out of content entirely. I feel like this is a good middle-ground that allows for gameplay opportunities without taking away the original design of Triglavians controlling the space.

Opening the space up entirely with no restriction or risk makes the Triglavian faction even less present in the space and that really doesn’t make sense to me.

Interested in your take on this.

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Have to agree with trig police being a bad idea. Catching people traveling in Pochven is almost impossible as you know. You want a lot of people in space, doing stuff, being it for standing gain or iskies.

Opening the gates but bother people extra with NPCs when actually doing something, has the opposite effect.

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I have some experience traveling around highsec with negative security status. The faction police there do everything you propose - you cannot even activate a cloak to hide from them. All it does it make you run around madly avoiding them - you can barely do anything else. If you are effective at avoiding the facpo, then no ordinary human player will stand much of a chance to ever catch you.

I think your idea of encouraging fights between triglavians and interlopers is a good one - since there is a exists a significant niche of players that dislike the triglavians and who would go to Pochven specifically to beat on them.

However, some of the NPC dynamics - like their ability to land on the new grid before you even come out of warp, and their ability to warp to you anywhere in the system without scanning you, make them absurdly overpowered opponents and - in my opinion - make them completely unacceptable.

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I agree that Faction Police have zero counter-play and are not the best choice for this.

I still believe that the gates should be open but defended by the Triglavian forces in some way. As you said, there are a significant amount of pilots that dislike Triglavians and they have no way to fight them right now. I want those gates open to encourage that without sacrificing the original design intention of gaining standing to get access to deeper systems in Pochven.

Instead we could treat gates and NPC stations as Triglavian defended infrastructure. Triglavian Diamond Rats would activate upon using gates or undocking from an NPC station. This means that if you enter the system via wormhole or filament they are blind until you land on grid with a station or gate. If your fleet can get in, fight off the initial rats, and bounce to a celestial or deep safe then you’re free. The responding Triglavian fleet could increase in strength depending on the standings required for that system or even escalate with continued aggression. The idea is to make this possible but challenging if you don’t have standings.

I feel this would be a good middle ground.

This allows for new interesting gameplay options where none exist currently.

  1. Triglavian aligned players can join a Trig NPC gate-camp to defend Pochven.
    We did this constantly during The Invasion. This feels good, it’s fun, and Trig aligned players enjoy having the RP experience of being backed up by Triangle Bros. Something that rewards you with new gameplay options or makes you feel closer to the narrative is a big plus in my book.

  2. EDENCOM aligned players can run incursions into Triglavian space.
    This gives them the ability to punch us back for taking their stars. I want conflict drivers and they have very few options right now.

  3. Pilots would no longer have a hard wall in front of them but the space would still be dangerous.
    Landing on a gate and not being able to use it feels like hot garbage at best. It’s also a pretty harsh lesson if you can’t use the gate AND it’s covered in Drifters. This removes that pain point without making this open space.

  4. Strong enough fleets could enter Pochven and start running the content here.
    Another conflict driver and an opportunity for outsiders to generate income in the space.

I don’t want an empire of krabs, it’s boring, and it leads to player attrition. I also don’t want to diminish the work of the Triglavian community and leave them with no benefit. This feels like a good alternative that works for both sides.


You seem aware of the issues. Perhaps you could do some good on the CSM.


Thank you and I hope I am given the chance to do so.

Yo! If you’ll work for more content in pochven, you’ve got my vote.

As for your suggested changes.

  1. agreed

  2. Though one. I like defense fleet, but I kinda like how they work now. Plenty of people get tackle by trigs just gating, and I’d fear a defense fleet might be to easy to subvert. I dont think having to grind for standings is fun though. I would be cool if they could somehow gain access through navlogs. Then dedicated visitors could earn their way to using gates by farming the enemies of the trigs. Maybe they can farm stuff to use LP items to buy gate hacks? Maybe dropped by trigs themselves. I dunno. I’d like something that engages them with the content in system. And not just so I can murder them.

But I dont know if thats the right way. Keys also sounds tedious.

  1. Yeh. Start by putting the ninja trig suit lp stuff in the store :wink: now its just cruel.

  2. Agreed. Not sure about missions. I like the idea of anoms (Torpid, insip, edencom) to be able to escalate. That’d reward players who are able to gate or able to gate more safely. I expected the entropic dmg low to be in there. their equivalents drop from DED sites and escalations. Might be a good fit for it.

  3. Yes

  4. I’m glad Xenuria wasnt my only ‘triglavian’ option :wink:

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2 questions, 1 easy and 1 hard.

In the event that you are elected and CCP decide to not iterate at all on your area of focus, do you have a supplementary platform and skillset to fall back on?

When is Pochven?

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What is your relationship with Goons? I have seen some of them in Stribog fleets.

  1. In the event that you are elected and CCP decide to not iterate at all on your area of focus, do you have a supplementary platform and skillset to fall back on?

Having experience in the games industry helps me pivot in case that happens. If CCP decides not to iterate on the Triglavian content then I can help with development in other areas. There is always a business reason for any design direction so I would make it clear that the Invasion content added a lot of new blood to the game which drives income.

I’m also a veteran EVE player with 14 years under my belt so I have quite a lot of experience with a wide range of mechanics in EVE. I feel like combining both my real world experience and in-game experience could help this game a lot.

That being said, proper communication leads to better iteration on games so if they hated my entire deck I would push to get them talking to players and organizing feedback to find what clicks for them as developers AND the players.

  1. When is Pochven?

My hope is that they will iterate on this space sooner rather than later. Many players feel that it will be ignored for multiple years and then looped back on. Since there is no official communication from CCP on this space many players feel disillusioned.


One point for Xenuria, it seems.

I’m a former Goonwaffe line-member clocking in about 4 years total. A lot of people I enjoy spending time with stayed over there when I checked out to win EVE for a bit. When I came back I was no longer in Goon, they helped me move my stuff to Highsec, and the Triglavian Invasion had begun. Nullbloc wars can be fun but the reality is I grew incredibly bored of Null space outside of that.

During the invasion, Goons helped the Triglavians dominate Niarja and other stars. We unofficially worked together for the common goal of disrupting Highsec and changing the game for everyone. There were no meetings or grand plans on our side, they just showed up in the public fleets and hung out in comms. That meant a lot to me and other Triglavian players and I got to see some old faces in those fleets.

After Pochven was formed I extended an offer to players that had helped us make this place possible. We had no formal agreement just individuals that we knew and had fun with inside The Imperium. Over time that grew and we brought on more of them.

As it stands now Stribog Clade allows certain groups and individuals within The Imperium to come experience Pochven. We negotiated a formal diplomatic agreement with Goonswarm to make sure that Stribog would be treated as an equal in its own right. We are not Goons. We are not members of the Imperium or any other null bloc. A number of us, myself included, just like flying together. The best ship in EVE is friendship after all and New Eden is boring without buddies.

That being said we will fight to defend our home should any invited members work against us. We may have blue with those groups but they are guests in our house.


I meant “WHEN” is Pochven. Not a trick question, testing your trig lore chops.

First of all I am happy to see you running and very grateful that the CCP voting method allows me to pick ALL of the story-oriented candidate, because this year we seem to have a multitude. I like the spirit of your ideas for Pochven in this thread (although maybe not all details). A couple of questions:

Aside from the Triglavian/Edencom story, what other areas of story-driven content would you like to see CCP work on, if any?

As CSM is more a CCP sound-board than a way for players to push particular ideas, can you describe your experience in other areas of EVE for a bit, and do you have a vision for how to introduce story-content to those?


Regarding Story

Honestly I’d love to see more about the following subjects.

Jovians have a huge amount of space up in J7HZ-F and A821-A. I’d love to have this opened up as NPC null and explore the Jovian race, their lore, and their home systems. Much like the formation of Pochven this would be a really compelling place for me to go as someone disinterested in Player Null but still wanting to experience Null space.

Drifters have a lot of facetime now that Pochven is here and have a direct conflict with the Triglavians. We see them a lot but I’d love to know more about them, their conflict, or their motivations. It would be great to expand on their story and punch them back for everything they’ve done to us.

The Talocan could manipulate space and apparently are no longer alive. Rogue Drones chased us off from any archaeological sites that the Caldari had found. I want to know more about them and I want to know why the Rogue Drones went after those sites.

Empress Jamyl Sarum’s titan was destroyed by Drifters. We watched it on Scope. Did she die? Was she captured? This was just put out there and then we never heard anything again. I want to know what happened and I want to pay the Drifters back for this action.

Regarding Experience

I’ve done a lot over my career in EVE.

I started off knowing nothing about the game and having no friends that played it. I just wanted to try out a cool space game and EVE seemed like the best thing at the time. Back then there was no new player experience, no direction, and asteroids looked like blobs of grey clay.

I went through a bunch of corporations, tried different aspects of EVE, and made some serious mistakes with my character progression. I was so interested in the idea of Invention that I invested a ton of skillpoints into Science for months before finding out I needed a control tower to do anything with them.

After that I got into Frigate PVP and started learning the games combat mechanics. I met people, gained friends, made enemies, and started really enjoying the game. Farming DED sites in a frigate all day was super fun and low risk because the ISK value of a loss was super low. These were very fun times and I think this is where I got really hooked.

From there I got more into leadership spots. Did some FCing, mining director for a while, helped run some corp operations with a friend. This was fun for a bit but I started to get this itch I couldn’t scratch. Null was calling. The huge battles. The insane scope of it all.

I was an old SA forum nerd so naturally I applied to Goonswarm. I flew in the Fountain war and had a ton of fun. Outside of the wars things slowed down and eventually grew stale. I came back a few times, tried new things in Goon, and eventually won EVE for a while.

Then I came back to the Triglavian invasion which you can read about in the primary post.


Kinda funny seeing a pro-trig guy talk about payback against the drifters. The drifters are harmless. The Trigs are the ones that messed everything up.

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Ever been doomsday’d in a warp bubble?
Ask your local Pochven Drifter for a demonstration.

Also, if by messed everything up you mean made everything better…
Then yes, I agree.


I don’t go to Pochven. After the fiasco of its creation, I filamented out and never looked back.