Maldavius, You seem a very reasonable and educated person and the Dev angle is really appealing to give you my vote but somehow what you say seems hollow or seems to lack the vision what the real issues are. You talk PvP but your killboard does not represent that at all. Can you link us your combat toon please? You should know what the issues are in Pochven but you don t adress them, on the contrary you actualy even want them to be made worse, with diamond rats chasing pilots??!! Who is gona take a fight, when he s got diamond rats after him. The rats on the gates are a major issue, most fights happen on those crosspoints but when you have a dozen off rats on every second gate who neut, web, damp and sometimes even scram you and do aload off damage (DD s wtf CCP!?) you completely remove that battle grid. Not to mention that you either need sub 2 sec align or a cloak just to move through the area, you eliminate most off the ship choices. With an organized fleet and Logi you can travel through, but most content creators don t have logi with them.
Another big isssue I have with your candidacy is that you want to be the Triglavian/Pochven CSM but you wasted no time in destroying the little content Pochven had by repeating the mistakes off Null. You formed the blue donut(or triangle) and then drove off the only content you had. You don t stand up to Frat when they are gona move in, you alrdy made your deals… But in EVE players create the stories… this is the sandbox…and while scripted meaningfull Content spoonfed by the devs is nice and rare it s not what keeps this game going.
This is one of the Pochven issues, and the cause is simple to name. Stribog.
Stribog, with goon backup on standby, is just too big of a group in Pochven. Plus a lot of krabs in Pochven, who are used to safe space by blueing each other. I would have wished for a more differentiated agreement like we had before with Liminality Syndicate, with a “frenemy” state.
Hahaha what? Yes, the 4 snoo pilots with target painting vigils really turned the tide in key battles. HA!
There was only one key (fake) battle in Pochven so far, which was featuring … guess? A goon guest FC! Fake, because Stribog and FRT agreed on a NAP before any serious fighting could have started. We got a hilarious speech from Jassamune (there is a video on youtube, don’t have the link rn), so it was somewhat worth coming to the party.
I keep out of politics and happily try shooting Stribog … but I saw a couple profiled PvP players quit Pochven due to the blue triangle agreement.
My killboard mostly contains fights from Null and larger scale engagements during the invasion. I primarily fly Logistics ships and don’t really care about my killboard beyond avoiding embarassing losses. Logi pilots don’t show up on killmails and that’s something I, like many others, hope to change. I don’t fly a combat alt, just holding alts, and 99% of my time is diplomancy and alliance leading now.
I’ve addressed a number of issues with Pochven. The diamond rats you’re upset about here would defend the gates from Drifter/Drone fleets removing that issue for Triglavian pilots. For non-triglavian pilots they just have to deal with Trigs. If you want a fight with Trig aligned players then come in through wormholes or filaments if you don’t have the standing. This doesn’t remove any current forms of gameplay or content it just adds more options for fights to occur. What specifically do you feel hasn’t been addressed? Let’s chat about it.
We haven’t destroyed the content in Pochven not by a longshot. We have small/large scale fights every day, hunters doing smallgang/solo work, multiple aggressive factions, PVE sites, and we help our friends outside of the triangle frequently.
As for the Blue Triangle comment, we blued three groups in Pochven. Of those, one of them was strong enough to fight us but we had worked together multiple times to defend one another from outsiders. It made sense to be friends and fight back against non-Trig aligned groups. For the other two, we destroyed them and then brought them in. I would rather not completely decimate groups of people that are heavily invested in the same RP related content as us. We blued them to build them back up and fight them in the future. We’re still the most powerful force in the region.
We did stand up to Frat. We fought them. We won multiple timers. Then we diplo’d because we couldn’t stand against one of the largest alliances in EVE. Noraus himself led their fleet to fight us and he brought us to the table to talk after we did well against them.
Seeing things from the outside really skews perspectives. There isn’t a day that goes by where we have nothing to do or a lack of content for our pilots. We’re the strongest force in the region but not the strongest force in the game. We’ve survived and thrived based on our choices here and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
There was nothing “fake” about a legacy structure being in a hull timer. There were groups on field that day that would be happy to kill that structure if we left it undefended.
I was there, there were only Pochven allied people on grid. But I have no issue with it, it’s just the consequence of the situation.
Then you would know that there was a neutral on grid that was 500 off us the entire time we were formed that was unaffiliated with Stribog, Stribog’s allies, or FRT. This notion that we weren’t in some danger of losing our structure is a joke.
I am sorry Maldavius but in 14 years off playing EVE online you managed to get on 480 kills? Half off them beeing sticks and structures? And you re trying to get away with the “I fly Logi card”? You know nothing John Snow and it shows in the Interviews and the candidacy post, because you mainly talk about 2 topics and even those you don t seem to completely grasp. Do we really need more blue donut corp leaders in the CSM who like you admit: don t play the game. Run logistics and put out diplo incidents?
You want Triglavian NPC support to defend the locals in Pochven… man it shows so hard that you are a carebear… no content creator wants to have to deal with NPC s when PVP ing.
Yea you have survived and thrived, like all the others in blue donuts. Put out any chance for regular content by blu ing everyone close by. Look at the map my friend, there is one little corner northwest where small to midsized groups have settled. Where small skirmishes can take place on a regular basis. If you re part off the blue donut that s the 3 regions you have left to filament too, else you just land in blue space or go get blue balled or tidi fights in delve.
It s a clear no from me… you re part off what this game needs less off, specially in the CSM. You suffocate content and that s why you want the Devs to create it for you.
Yep! While flying primarily Logi and doing intel work to help control the battlefield I managed to get on 480 kills. Had fun, gained friends and enemies, learned a ton about the game, and still manage to get out and fight despite my in-game work load. I have nothing to be ashamed of here and I’m pretty happy with the time I’ve spent in EVE and how I’ve spent it.
All of the policies I’ve outlined would make PVP in Pochven more prevalant and easier. Right now you need to grind to 3.0 to pull it off effectively. There is no counterplay to this. I’d also love to get rid of the warp speed reduction in Pochven to allow hunters easier drops on targets. This place IS too beneficial to the carebear playstyle right now. What I understand from you is that having more opportunities for PVP in the most restrictive space in EVE is carebearing. I don’t agree.
Also, imagine carebearing 27 Hellish Wormhole systems into existence. Then imagine carebearing so hard that you control half of them against all invaders so far. Then carebearing to get CCP to open the gates for more PVP from the outside so it can be even more dangerous. Just imagine.
EVE isn’t just about how YOU play the game. I play every day. I have to do diplomancy, be a line-member in fleets, manage Stribog, or handle finances more than anything else but that is hardly “Not playing the game”. It may not be playing your version of EVE but everyone plays in the sandbox differently. DnD in space is great for that and I love this game and the multitude of playstyles it allows for.
You’re clearly angry at me or our alliance for how we’ve played. However, we’ve had a lot of fun building this place, making friends/enemies, and flying together. If you’d like to chat more then I’m all ears.
One neutral? Really? There were more, at least a hand full. Don’t ridicule yourself. But this is past, and was a fun day.
I have no beef with Striborg, I didn t even know your alliances name a month ago. Never been killed by one or killed one. All I know is what I ve heard how Pchven developed and now that I can see the state off it for myself it is no surprise to me. But is it really a surprise, that when 80% off habitants blue each other and the remainings leave, that there is no content in Pochven?
I know that my play style is not the only one in the game. I m actualy a 50% indy guy 50% pvp. I explore, I mine Ice and moons, import minerals, ninja huff gas in wormholes, build rigs, ships and modules supply the market off a whole region with over 100 off items. I defend space… I roam through Therra, drifter holes, pochven. I stage out off low sec and Null. My 3 year old rorqual/logi alt has more kills then you…
Who do you expect to represent if you don t fly in space? The 200 corp and alliance leaders in the game? You have a very limited agenda and have no idea how to fix it, because you don t undock… 480 kills in 14 years man and you want to have a clue what a pvp game needs?
Arrr, you have the vote of the admiralty!
Seems to be endless to-ing and fro-ing on what makes a good CSM candidate and whether things like a populated killboard are a requirement for your vote.
The truth of the matter is that CSM needs to be a true cross-section of Eve, it needs to present players with a number of different outlooks. If you only elect players with X number of kills, are you really representing the whole playerbase? No. Does only having, say 200 kills, mean that a CSM member’s view is less valid or that they shouldnt be listened to? In any reasonable person’s opinion no, what matters is what that person does outside of their killboard and the things they stand for.
I would never dare to speak for New Eden as a whole but I have personally been on comms with Maldavius, I’ve seen him fly logi and provide support to other members, whether PVE or PVP. He isn’t hung up on ‘muh zkill’ as so many people seem to be. He’s taken time speaking to people from all walks of life in Eve to build a platform of policies which cover key areas of the game, particularly outside Pochven and even policies which may make Pochven harder for the incumbents, but overall fairer and more accessible to all. Have you seen these policies and actually considered whether they’re right for the game? Or are you just making assumptions based on Zkill?
All those of you reading this that vote for the CSM members who will make your area of the game stronger, easier or more profitable consider this, the overall health of the game only improves when everyone is represented. If not Maldavius, who else standing for CSM is qualified to represent Pochven?
After all, do you really want yet another Sov Null candidate?
You mean the other two running candidates with a Pochven platform? As you are talking about qualification and not chance of getting a seat.
Ok so, killboard matters because it shows how much experience and knowledge a player has about PVP. A very essential part off this game. He needs to know what modules are stronger then others, which guns have what advantages, which ships do well, where the weaknesses off others lie, what could be improved and what the current meta is. You don t learn that by being a nice or funny guy on discord.
No sane person would want a person representing their interest when he has little knowledge about the matter. Would you want a Lawyer defending you that only read 480 words off the law?
And what are you talking about improvements for Pochven??
Maldavius idea to improve activity, was to have Triglavian diamond rats chasing players inside Pochven! Overpowered NPC s that would shoot and neut the living hell out off pilots comming into Pochven, but not his corp members?? Can you even imagine what abuse that mechanic would get?
WTF, who comes up with such a stupid idea and then think it s gona attract people into Pochven?? We don t need a CSM member who gives suggestions, what he wants and benefits his group. On the contrary: He needs to suggest improvements to the game other people want. But because off his limited ingame knowledge, he comes up with something so idiotic…
Sorry but we are gona get plenty off CSM members who are paperpushers and directors from null blocks that don t play the game and all they do is on whatsapp, discord and the only ship they undock is a jump freighter. We don t need more off those, specialy not from Pochven
If either of the other two candidates are more qualified on Pochven, then of course I’m willing to eat my words, but having done some research, one of the runners has 110 kills which according to other comments in this thread makes him utterly ineligible to have a viewpoint.
We all know Xenuria isn’t real and only exists in our imagination (in reality I think Xen is great and should also be on your voting card)
You really seem to have an issue with Pochven as a concept, but that aside, did you fail to consider that the policy here is not JUST to have gate rats, but to open those gates up. This makes Pochven accessible space but with an advantage to those who live there. This system matches those around the rest of the game. Hostiles can enter the space but the NPCs who live there will shoot at you. This takes place in null already. Highsec isn’t far different, with certain standings there will be NPCs who shoot at you to defend their space.
The key part of the principles to improve activity is to make the space more accessible, which is logical. Is it reasonable for there to be an incentive to have good triglavian standings? Yes. Positive Edencom standings allows far easier traversal around highsec, why should the inverse not be true for Triglavians in their space?
This is a fair question, but honestly I’d rather have a lawyer who looks at other cases (kills), learns the merits of the arguments (analyses why the death took place) and then applies that knowledge to future cases. All of that can be done as Logi, which Maldavius primarily flies. Of course, if you feel that Logi is only flown by players without “experience and knowledge” then you’re welcome to that opinion and I feel sorry for the players you fly with.
I agree, we don’t need so many of these. This is why Maldavius is a good candidate. He isnt a paperpusher, nor is he from a null block. He’s arguably the most informed Pochven candidate, has ideas for discussion and actively takes part in the day-to-day activities of his members, taking time to listen to them and to consider whether this is something that could be improved or iterated on.
Before assuming that Maldavius ‘doesn’t play the game’, maybe you should take the time to come see for yourself what he actually does, rather than basing comments on some preconcieved notion that he shouldn’t stand. I note you haven’t made any comments on the candidate with 110 kills or the other alliance leaders running for CSM so I’m just wondering where on the doll Pochven/Maldavius touched you.
But the whole way the thread goes feels like it . A candidate comes with an application, brags about how he destroyed other groups to get dominance in a whole region. Spits out stupid ideas, paddles back after being called out. Blue to Imperium. Minions show up defending everything he says.
Sorry but replacing a bad mechanic by an even worse one, does not justify a brainfart like that. Gate rats in nullsec shoot everyone not just people who come from outside and do extremely low dmg. He wanted diamond rats protecting his corp members and space, those are no joke, they would turn any engagement. There is no justification for such a horrible idea and it shows his lack off knowlege.
Listen you can twist and turn at the killboard remark, it won t change a thing. 480 kills in 14 years are incredibly low numbers. We all know the: I fly logi story, every spy brings that… I knew before he replied, it was gona be his excuse… But in the end there is only one story to tell and he admited himself 99% off the stuff he does in EVE is not fly space ships. So yea, he does more administrative work, is a nice guy and he loves blue donuts … but it doesn t matter if he doesn t know the mechanics off the game and what needs to be adressed.