But you’re missing the point that he doesn’t want regional dominance, hence the comments about opening the space. I note you didnt respond on my reply to you about him being qualified as a Pochven candidate.
If you want to call ‘paperpusher’ then it would likely need to be against someone who doesn’t do anything important, sits behind the scenes and coasts by. Nothing presented thus far convinces me that Maldavius, who has as you’ve said gained a level of dominance in a whole region, and runs an effective alliance, is a paperpusher, unless you have the wrong term there?
You seem to value zkill stats more than what he’s actually written in this thread. Yet, if we look at your stats: 0 Kills, 7 Losses. Judging by your own metric* we should give -zero- weight to your opinion. “but I post on an alt, for opsec” weak excuse, there. Post with your main, I dare you.
You also seem to think that CSM dictates changes verbatim to CCP, the CSM is a sounding board, CCP has no obligation to act on their suggestions. I do not necessarily agree with the “diamond rat” idea, but it is an idea that Maldavius has thought about in depth, he’s a developer, I’m sure he can adapt and suggest even more alternative ideas, for Pochven and any other part of the game as well.
I’m in his corp and I know he does a lot of work making the alliance run smoothly, I’ve even personally seen him undock! He is a good CEO and cares a lot about the game, the players, balance, engaging content, and the story; not just about what advantages he can get for the corp.
As for others’ concerns about the “blue donut” first it’s a triangle, second it’s definitely not blue.
You’re free to come invade if you wish.
We aren’t minions, we’re supporters; if we didn’t agree with Maldavius being a good candidate for the CSM we’d say so.
but he isn t opening up the space by introducing more freaking broken npc s when the issue is alrdy having insta scram drifter rats on gates… and gate rats preventing fights… and the limited ship choice that pochven presents because off this… he hasn t mentioned once any off these issues.
Someone who doesn t see the problems off Pochven after beeing the pope off an area since it was introduced in the game. Destroyed his own content, is part off the problem and wants to introduce stuff like that, then lacks the vision how changes like that will impact other players, because he only benefits from diamond rats shooting other people… You need more reasons why he is a bad Pochven candidate?
You re right about the paperpusher thing, it has a different meaning then what I tought. I meant he does the administrative stuff.
I take it you’re happy with the bad mechanic of instalock drifters who are able to lock cloaked targets or even targets in warp and kill them in both states? If you don’t like the idea of diamond rats, present an alternative because I know for a fact that Maldavius will read it and consider it. I personally feel that actually, diamond rats should exist within Trig space and that it would be an improvement upon the current system of closed gates which require standings and then to get past broken drifers.
Stated by a character with 0 kills across 15 years, sounds about right. Kills dont indicate ability or skill or necessitate knowledge and conflating ‘kills = ability to know issues and understand the game’ is frankly absurd. Add that to the comments about blue donuts to a character currently in the largest blue donut in the game and this just seems petty.
Like I’ve said before, your problem here seems to be personal, as I said previously:
my apologies, it seems you simultaneously answered my other response when I posted this
Quotes can be misleading, I wanted to address the “nullbloc” syndrome. Sure he is qualified as the others are. Everybody who is going to represent Pochven is welcome.
Gate rats have never stopped me in any fleet i’ve ever been in but this is a valid point. On the other hand, if the drifters were replaced by reasonable rats (non-broken as per my previous post) then that fixes the need for sub-2 second align ships
He does see the issues, that’s why suggestions are being made by Maldavius to open up the space which would completely upset the order of things. Again, back to the diamond rats issue, what would you suggest in the alternative?
Administrative stuff is super important within the game and honestly I laud any corporation or alliance leader who puts in the effort so I don’t have to.
I agree, ‘nullbloc’ syndrome is an issue but honestly, Humanity pretty much always finds ways to work together for thier own benefit, hence why corps and alliances are a thing. Eve’s systems actively encourage that and I’ll place my vote somewhere where I think the leader wants to upset the ‘meta’ which based on the above I think Maldavius wants to do.
At the end of the day, CSM is just the mouth of the player body and we also need to vote with our feet. Nullbloc syndrome starts at home with each player gravitating towards these large groups. I think the smaller groups, Pochven being one and FW another, need more love to provide a balanced alternative to massive nullblocs
So here is my gripe… I have nothing against Maldavius, I ve never met the man. All I ve seen from him are 3 videos. What I hate is the blue donut and that you made it into a triangle in this new area without caps that has some really good potential is a disgrace. Your group sided with goons and now Frat. So after blueing everyone in Pochven Maldavious wants content delivered by the Devs because he can t create it by himself, no he suffocates it.
To myself… yes this is an indy toon and he is in a renter group in PH, because I ve been following a dream of space pioneering as a small to medium sized alliance. And this dream has been squashed 3 times in a year by the different Null blocks. So I try it from within, in a small corp, where I can teach newbro s how to pvp and build. I m no part off the Delve show, I won t join the blobb, I just defend our space with a handfull off dudes.
I m not affraid to reveal my main and I promise you, I ll do it , just not yet.
You ll know me when we ve met…
or if we don t, when the election is over.
Without counterplay to large groups, thats what the game devolves to, look at nullsec right now, its a sh**show. I disagree that everyone in Pochven is blue, but there are certainly dominant grounds, as with any area of the game. I disagree that content in Pochven is suffocated though, but if you’re thinking of it like its sov null and its under control of one group then I can see that viewpoint. Personally I think other ways into Pochven are needed.
I’d also like to see an expansion of the region that would allow for other groups to move in and some kind of mechanic that would prevent one group from holding dominance. This is an area of the game that CCP are obviously trying to contend with for Nullsec so I’m keen to see if any changes suggested might fix both issues
Thank you for all the support and discussion everyone.
Today I am going through and organizing all of the feedback I’ve received over the last several weeks and getting my initial change list together. From there I plan to finish up my website and get it all put up there. As we keep moving forward, things will be iterated on and I will keep reaching out to pilots for more feedback.
I think they should perform positive actions when a pilot is at 7.0 or above unless they are engaged in combat with another player at 7.0 or above. This follows the general lore of allowing Proving between Triglavians. If you’re an invader they fight you together, otherwise they quarrel amongst themselves for dominance.
In terms of gameplay this means that rats on grid with a Triglavian pilot can be counted as an augmentation to their fleet. Individual rats are never stronger than a player but engaging a player and allied rats is something people will think twice about in a number of situations.
Under the design I’ve posted, Triglavian rats would only exist on gates and NPC stations in Pochven. Outside of Pochven they roam systems as wormholes open and provide additional opportunities for Triglavian aligned players to engage with them.
At the end of the day EVE is about player vs player combat so limiting this feature to specific spots doesn’t change things immensely. It’s an advantage in specific places under specific conditions based on time invested by the pilot.
A lot of Triglavian players are driven by the bond they have with this new faction. Giving them more ways to align and work with these NPCs is incredibly important to them. We just need to find ways to do this without diminishing PVP. I feel that this is a good way to do that.
Scarcity as a whole hasn’t been good for EVE. It’s led to stockpiling and players or groups not wanting to fight for fear of permanent or near permanent loss. The old addage of “Don’t fly what you can’t afford” comes into play here. If you can’t afford anything then why would you fly anything?
One thing CCP implemented during this time was resource redistribution. In my opinion this is a great move. By giving different groups access to different materials they need to trade between one another to be effective. This prevents silos and creates new agreements, conflicts, and rivalries. Conflict is the core of EVE and making sure no one party has everything they need is a great way to drive conflict.
Right now a lot of players don’t trust CCP to bring all of this to a close. They worry about how scarcity can end and what it will do to the game. They also worry that scarcity will never end or that new industrial changes will bring the same effect into play. What we really need right now is for CCP to communicate clearly with us on these topics.
They can’t give us specifics about how this will end because it could give advantage to individuals or groups. They can talk to us about the general timeframes where changes will start to fade this era out. Players will feel more comfortable and CCP will have a public timeline to stick to. As long as that timeline is kept more players will trust CCP. It’s a trust excersize for both CCP and the community.
I made it to the final round and despite being second in votes @Brisc_Rubal tactically executed me instead of @Xtra_Squishy_lol. I would have done the same, let’s be real. Well played.
Let me just say, having seen you get involved in a bit of RP and lore related stuff recently, you may just have moved up to the number 2 spot on my voting list. One of the candidates more focused on lore and story is still sure to get the number 1 spot, though.