How to kill EVE by CCP
Ship names, so you can name the idea room Revelation!!!
I love the ship “Proteus”. Although it is less popular than its T3 variants, it is an excellent ship.
I totally agree with Garion Avarr.
Let it be solar system names. And name the offices according to the importance of the system in eve to the importance of the office being named. Might be a tad difficult to name the plumbing facilities though.
And as an afterthought, The doors would become gates. CCP could actually create their own building map similar to the map of the EVE universe. Would be a great wall screen for the reception room.
Solar System Names
Let’s compare the options:
Ship Class Names are individual names, like animal names, or a name of person, like Raven or Machariel, or Mythological like Rhea… but not unique as the Solar System names, and also are vehicles not locations, so even if you go inside the room like inside the ship, you are not pointing a fixed place.
Region Names are the option with less possible number of choices, and you posted 7 rooms as an example, but how many do you need to name? and are so descriptive like Solitude, Aridia aka arid (dry), Derelik aka derelict (abandoned), Delve aka dig up, Sinq Liaison aka blue link due the concentration of 0.9… so cool for big places but not unique enough for spots.
Constellation Names are so similar to Solar System names, but quite unknown for most of us… i can remember now: Kimotoro, Fabai, Hed, Elerelle, Mivora…
My selection of Solar Systems for the example rooms could be, without have meditate it too much:
Apocrypha, with the harbour views… if you want to watch boats, go to Uedama or Niarja
Bloodlines, the smallest room… like the tiny and cute Rens
Cold War, the warmest room… which is always in heat in New Eden? Tama, for sure…
Second Genesis, the chill room… probably Intaki is the best known place in Placid
Inferno, the coldest room… if you travel to the Thera ice belts , wear a cloak
Rubicon, the big room in the second floor… the second biggest room? easy… Amarr
Trinity, the largest room… the bulletin board where everybody comes together? Jita, i had to say it?
May be there are places with a prettier name as the taste of each one, or with a better reason or explanation… those are my suggestion by now 7
I have to say that it’s been funny to think about this names to me
Maybe we don’t like a garbled bunch of numbers and letters for our system names, either.
Region Names. Should be easy to further customize lighting, artwork, ship diagrams, ship models and other memorabilia to each individual room based on region specifics. Not saying as far to g as paint, but color schemes based off existing themes in game would be easy. Plenty of inspirational EVE artwork out there to add to the palette and feel of each region dynamic. Your reception area could be named ‘New Eden’ or ‘EVE Gate’.
Include a Vile Rat memorial in honor of Sean Smith somewhere, please!
I think Region names is better suited for certain meeting rooms. Like the Jita meeting room where everyone goes to get what they need? Or the Forge where VTC’s can be held to “hammer” out the details of a new project? Wish my job had cool names for stuff lol
Gone with system names as a way of acknowledging some of EVE’s history in itself, with places which have become known over the years as almost part of EVE folklore for things like trade, piracy, battles and the like so possibly names like Rancer, Tama, PF-346, BR-5RB, Amamake, Old Man Star, Poitot, Yulai, Parts, Jita, New Eden, Thera etc to name a few.
Ship Classes - some interesting choices there.
Drake, because it’s got a BS-comparable tank and i feel safe like if i was behind the titanium wall
Interesting, 25 to 30 rooms? Too bad there’s no choice for Factions, you could have easily named all the rooms very quickly.
Anyway, I picked Region names since the most important aspect of this game is the market which is set up per region.
Hmmm I have to go with this and it would really make sense if you understand things,
Shield Tanked Rail Fit Legion Room
Ephemeral Oasis
Nah we were using it earlier I think but it’s not ours either. Came from early-mid 90s Usenet apparently (isn’t stackexchange great?)
I think a the most loathed room should be called Jita 4 - 4
Edit: I voted Ship Names.
Constellations in this game need some love.
If you go with constellation names you can have your room with the most seating named “Assilot”
Ship Class since others could end up showing favoritism to which locations get picked and which do not. as for specific room names, i would go with. smallest to largest… Titan because you have to work hard for this should be smallest room since fewest pilots can fly them… out to corvete for the largest general assembly room because everyone gets one. you could reverse that of coarse and and label rooms by mass. smallest being corete, and going up from there.
I’d name the meeting room closest to the toilet Eyjafjallajökull
On a serious note though, I voted for the Regions. Entering “The Citadel” kinda sounds nice. Biggest room could be named Metropolis.