You’ll have more variety to choose from when naming rooms.
How about RoomyMcRoom?
Mining Barge (larger work centre, lots of work stations).
Covert Room (small room tucked in corner of the building, good for small work sessions).
Titian Room (largest you have…presentations, etc).
Carrier Room (definitely a name for auditorium).
I will make a point to go to the Solar Systems chosen, if it wins, so choose some far away places for Alphas to go!
I like Derelik. The Doctor would approve; it sounds a bit like those mean nasty cold life forms surrounded by machines built for doom. The kind of empty foreboding desolate place place where you would host closed door meetings to decide the fate of the entire galaxy. For system names, I would choose The Promised Land for a room. As an uninvited side note, for the main building on the exit side, I would like Eve Gate. If you have security, Concord would be pretty clever at their post (if it exists). Might be fun to have Concord/logo posted at each security camera though… Restrooms Sinq Liason -because to me that is the toilet-bowl of New Eden. I love a workplace/space that is fun and eclectic. Really makes the experience there one you wake up and can’t wait to emerge yourself into. Thanks for involving us in this novel little project!
Better yet, name the rooms after factions, starting with the pirate factions…
Region Names!
I like those names, even if I’ve never been to most of the regions (yet — being kind of new and alpha).
Some sound luring, enigmatic, promising or even hypnotic like Cobalt Edge, Great Wildlands, Outer Ring, Vale of the Silent … just to name a few.
Btw. is there a RL story behind naming the Triglavians (like has someone at CCP seen the famous Zlatorog while climbing the Triglav mountain?
Come on team - solar system names.
Old Man Star - Needs to be change to Old Man Meeting Room
I mean how fun would it be to send a professional email saying the developers meeting is in PF-346
Region Names sounds like a good one… But Ship names would also work in the BS class or titan now what happens if its a faction titan? hmm or the 5 race?? just wondering
I went for ship names, who doesnt want to meet in the Avatar room to talk business. Although I wish the options were a bit more varied to include something like:
‘Sansha re-education centre’ meeting room
‘Gurista fun time play house’ or ‘meat popsicle storage unit’ break room
‘Caldari fair trade tribunal’ Bosses office
‘Rogue drone information matrix’ IT
etc etc.
I don’t even care about the names so much, but wouldn’t it be cool to have a “Nullsec” room where you can only have phone conversations and saying something directly to someone in the room opens you up to being a target?
Being a Building services engineer for more than 20 years in RL, there are 3 things a meeting room MUST have, but always get overlooked due to the “no see, no problem” issue.
First each meeting room requires it’s own Lighting, lights and a way too control them lights.
Second each meeting room needs it’s own supply from the power distribution board, don’t need to trip out the boardroom power by someone using a faulty heater next door.
and thirdly and most importantly, each room requires a independent heating and cooling unit and wall controls. the numbers of times I’ve seen meeting rooms with the air con next door (not great if you want to be warm but the wall stat is next door in the office that the occupier likes the arctic temps), and fresh air is also part of this. and no that doesn’t mean opening a window.
each room needs to be treated as it’s own independently of the others, if these 3 simple rules aren’t followed you land up with spaces that are like the current spaces Freezing in the winter Baking in the summer.
Good luck with the move.
This, or some variation. Whatever the final result, there should be a ‘Poitot’ room.
I vote Constellation names. They are unfamiliar, but plentiful.
It goes against the grain of the four options, but I think you’re missing a good chance to pay homage to the recently departed CCP Guard and call one of the rooms The Guardroom.
Call it the Gila room, because then you can start arguments over it being geela or heela instead of having actual discussions about work
I voted systems, given the four choices…
but, should be systems and ships. both.
Jita obviously is the largest conference room, and one the second or fifth floor, that small meeting room in the way back is Rifter, or Helios.
Amarr, the Sit of power for all the Empire of CCP.
I’m all about constellation names, Outer Ring and Fountain have some of the best constellations evar…
My choice was ship names.
There are too many companies which name their meeting rooms after cities or other locations.