Vote Xenuria for CSM 14

No, but I’ve seen you lusting for this empty prize for how many years? I read your self promotional title, have a clone last year? (eve humour)

Read the op or cease posting in my thread.

I understand that you have been on the CSM before. What (that you can talk about) did you do on the CSM to help the ecology of playstyles stay as varied as possible?

If CCP were to table a motion that made a playstyle completely obsolete, would you challenge that even if you disagree with the playstyle and, if so, how?

What are your views on high sec ganking?

I don’t think CCP would ever be able to make a given play-style obsolete. Everything is tied in with everything else which is why it’s so damned difficult to iterate on one area without really messing up another. Your use of “ecology” is apropos. I think high sec ganking is nowhere near as common as it used to be, the new war system has made it super obvious when you are at risk. Suicide ganking still happens but I also don’t think that is happening as often.

The war dec changes have been helpful and positive because before you didn’t need skin in the game to be at war.

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