I’m trying to get some better shots, but … it’s lightning. It doesn’t really pose for a photo, and it doesn’t happen quite often enough for me to just take a bazillion shots. Maybe I should try exactly that, though?
Ah, that’s satisfying. … It does feel a little like the Triglavians prefer their environment in a thousand shades of “hellish,” though. I wonder if they really prefer it or if it’s a side effect of their activities that they just kind of adopt as a signature aesthetic.
… and are using them to scan each other. I don’t know, maybe calibrating them or something by scanning something completely familiar and well-understood? And making these light sculptures in the process.
I don’t know-- it struck me really funny for some reason. It reminds me of, like, a flock of children with their first cameras or something, seeing themselves and each other in a whole new way.
Maybe they’re standard equipment now because one of the problems they have in Triglavian space is maintaining their own scanning equipment? Could be; the Kharybidis definitely isn’t as good a shot as the Apollo or Artemis, despite having superficially similar hardware.
I’m surprised there haven’t been clashes between the Collective and their alleged “Ancient Enemy.” Makes me wonder how those Sleepers acquired that tech and whether the Sleepers have their own Kybernauts.
Of course there have been clashes. That has been a constant. It has been in what we call the Abyss; it has been a constant in K-space during the Proving; it is a constant in Pochven.
Perhaps if more people stopped making ignorant assumptions, they would not support Edencom as vehemently.
Can I just mention that whoever named this ship the “Aroused Hypnosian Psychopomp” might have been poorly advised? (Edit: Or, as an afterthought, snickering into their sleeve.)
Oh-- OH! This is interesting!
While I was looking at that, I noticed this fly by.
Uh … this might be a little bit a translation thing but the translator’s usually pretty good about correctly conveying implications, so …
When “aroused” is used as an adjective rather than a verb, it very often means “woken up” in the sense of immediate physical readiness to mate. As a result, while it can be used to literally mean “woken up” for other purposes as well, it rarely is unless you’re talking about something where that obviously wouldn’t be the correct interpretation.
Instead of making reference to the ancient mythological roots of the name (Someone awaken from sleep conducting souls [to and from where?]), they are making jokes about the phalic/dildo shape/appearance of the vessel and the awoken/erect aspect of it.
It seems that even in the middle of cluster wide events, people will always spend some time thinking about how stuff resembles genitalia and what to do with it.
Good for my books.
By the way, my Triglavian bases erotic novel "Taste the flow of my singularity” is now available for sale at your prefered interface.
That looks too gallente… on their behalf, Ms. Tsukiyo.
Cover it, apparently.
With all due respect, unfortunately, I cannot imagine the flow of the singularity.
When I am thinking about singularity, I imagine thing that just… sucks things in.
Howerver, usually singularity corresponds to the peculiar spot where your mathematical model doesn’t work.
Other than that, I have a question to Ms. Jenneth, what are these Psychopomps actually doing?
Uh … almost certainly, Dr. Valate. I mean, I think it’s historically a pretty popular aircraft design.
Except, backwards in this case. Drifter cruisers, to me, kind of resemble a manta ray or similar broad, flat sea creature. The pointy bit’s at the back.
Basically, raiding Pochven I think. The Triglavians and Drifters have been at war probably longer than most of our civilizations have records, just, they’ve been out of contact for most of that. They seem to have gotten right back to it as soon as they found each other again.