Me: Started playing in 2014 for a few months, took a break, back in 2017, break, then back again a few weeks ago.
The Scene: Spun up 10 alts on the weekend deal (3.75 for 3 days omega + 50 plex) in addition to my 3 main accounts. Goal was to get the alts in retrievers + porpoise, mine high value ore, then plex as many of them with the 250 plex / 14 days omega deal which from there I could plex the alts and my main accounts for future months. I really like the economy/industrial aspect so I joined an industrial focused corp with my 3 mains.
The Loss: Hisec no juice, low/null too risky, so I started in the corp C3 WH mining the belts. All was good for about 1hr, then a neighboring c4+ started poking around and saw my miners. I got all of them out before the 3 Praxis jumped me. Later brought them back in, but Praxis showed back up so it was obvious there was a cloak sitting in there giving them intel.
I had set up a POS in my own little c2 - played in it for a week+ with little to no signs of activity outside of the occasional T1 explorer/hauler. So with c3 too hot, I move my fleet to my c2. Get everyone in, mining away with my 9 ret’s, porpoise, and drake to deal with the rats. My covops main sitting on the hisec WH to keep an eye out for intruders. Then my final alt sitting in my POS to D scan the area that was out of range of my fleet and to look out for bubble setups.
I’m sitting fat, dumb, and happy mining away making about 30-40mil/hr per ret for about 2hr, then enemy tackle warped in (I think it was the Arazu?) and insta bubbles on top of me. Then Loki and friends (I think it was 3-5 ships in total) warp in/de cloak and it was a shooting gallery from there.
Opinion: I don’t think warp bubbles are in a balanced state right now for Econ/indust/miner players. They can be deployed by one ship to lock down a whole fleet. In my opinion, bubbles should have a ~10 sec deploy time intended to be a preemptive tactic, such as camps or locking down an area, not an offensive tactic. For insta tackle (<4 sec), it should be limited to 1 ship, 1 tackle. If it was a fleet of stealth bombers that locked up each of my ships, I’d be ok with it. But one ship able to lock everything down, from a relatively inexperienced/new player’s perspective, is insane to me. This is compounded by the fact the bubbles pull you into them when warping on grid (reason I quit in 2017 - “why did my ship go somewhere I did not tell it to go?” after warping in 100km off a gate then getting pulled into the bubble)
“Don’t fly what you can’t lose” - I know, I was ok with losing them. It’s the manner in which I lost them I don’t agree with and genuinely don’t feel is a fair mechanic for the miner in its current state.
“Should’ve flown more firepower/defence” - I guarantee they could’ve gotten more buddies/firepower to take down the additional 3-4 defense ships I could’ve flown. It only would’ve prolonged the inevitable. I took what I needed to kill the rats since a group that could kill 1 defense + 9 rets/1 porp was going to kill a fleet with 4 defense + 6 rets/1 porp.
“Why post this?” This is mainly for the other industrialists to see if they share a similar view or if I’m just a whiney baby. I know the pvp enjoyers are going to see me as the latter, and I don’t blame them. Just sharing my perspective as someone relatively new to the game.
I hope bubbles get reworked but until then I’m not sure if I’ll play again. The desire to play that I had before this is just not there anymore and I don’t see the game as fun anymore. Eve is already a difficult game for new players to get into, and I believe the bubble mechanics are a big imbalance for players wanting to get into industrial/mining.
TLDR: Casual player spins up 10 alts trying to plex them, takes them all to J space to mine, gets reemed due to warp bubble mechanics and posts about it due to sodium poisoning