Warp to Zero - Autopilot - Real Need or Fallacy?

ROFL. But I’ve replied to several posters here, not just one…

But you didn’t tell everyone that they can’t expect being taken seriously!
They all can’t be taken seriously!


You should be able to autopilot to 0m, but to balance it… your plex vault starts spewing plex containers into space if someone target locks you. Also, the lights and beacons on autopiloted ships would help. And spew some skill points out too; that should happen on every jump.

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force players to complete a math problem for every jump, specifically math problems from students who play the game so we can group share the workload, and if you get the problem right you earp to 0 immune autopilot, of course low sec is every 5 jumps and nul sec is every other jump
future expansions can include other types of homework, from english reports and storirs to history, chemistey, biology, home ec, pe, econ, science, and of courae recess…
tldr do my work for me, jump to 9 immune with auto pilot, and free pizza on fridays.

note: mispelled words are funny.

No, ■■■■ off.


I’ve spoken to you at length and it’s obvious that you know everything. (Even though you’re a noob.) So, from now on, whatever you say will be taken as gospel. All hail @Knowledgeminer \o/

So, you can tell your ship to warp to zero if you manually click on the button. But…the computers of the future aren’t sophisticated enough to set an auto-pilot with warp to zero? Explain that to me.


96 posts that amount to a LOAD OF CRAP.

Lets be real, people want to warp to zero so they can safely AFK travel.

The rest is ■■■■■■■■ hot air.


No, Mr. Salty, just no. You can’t say, “Eve is dangerous because that’s realistic” and then go on to say that actual features shouldn’t be realistic, just to make it harder for people to play. It’s not the people that AP that are lazy, it’s the people that are trying to gank them that are. :arrow_left: :100: 🅵 :a: 🅲 🆃 :boom:


I might be late to the party but seriosly, ganking autopiloting ships doesn’t happen almost at all. I mean, yes it does happen but it happens 99% time behind gate where the AP has no disadvantage to manual piloting. 99% of gankers are scanning and ganking behind gates, only very few gankers are standing in front of gates waiting for possible APs. This is because right now AP is so dangerous that rarely anyone uses and those who do are not worth to gank.

It is basically just Aaargh (and his alts) who ganks AP shuttles/rookie ships for pods.

I would bet that if you AP with sub 2sec frigate/destroyer with 1B from Dodixe to Jita you get ganked at Jita dock, not earlier.

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What’s not realistic, navigating in thick traffic near a gate or station needs to be done manually.




See: Autopilot | Tesla

“Your Tesla will figure out the optimal route, navigate urban streets (even without lane markings), manage complex intersections with traffic lights, stop signs and roundabouts, and handle densely packed freeways with cars moving at high speed.”
Circa ~ 2019


Not sure why people drag real life into video game discussion. If I wanted to play a game like real life, I would go outside. I don’t want to go outside, I want space girls flying ships with guns the size of a house. Covered in pod gooooooOOOOoooooo

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If they allowed two omegas to occupy the same pod, with full body graphics, subs would triple :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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You’re free to come to Hek …
… and see how lazy I am.


Eve is now rated 🅶…

Autopilot should be warp to 0 if you are omega, 10 if alpha.

Nice little convenience incentive to go omega.

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