Warp to Zero - Autopilot - Real Need or Fallacy?

I was forgetting bookmarks but then I never used to use many. Those were the days, missions in Jita and loads of junk as mission rewards.

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How about auto pilot warp to 0 for Omegas only! yeah!


It doesn’t matter if you think people using autopilot in empire are somehow bad. You think they deserve to be ganked. The fact is that the feature is there, people will use it, and it will cause a lot more people to get ganked than would have happened if autopilot warped to 0.

Now if CCP are happy with customers using autopiliot in hi-sec, getting easily ganked because dumb auto pilot doesn’t warp to zero, and then losing subscibers as a result, then I guess they are happy for players to quit.

Perhaps autopilot should warp to 0 in hi-sec but not in nullsec.


There is around 40 people in Aufay.

30+ of them are all gankers from the same alliance. Most of them seem to be just 2 players. They gank freighters that pass by using catalysts.

It’s easy for them because some people use autopilot and autopilot doesn’t warp to zero. Otherwise they’d have to actually work to achieve ganks. Ah well, I guess EVE didn’t need those subscribers anyway. That’s the common response isn’t it?

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Someone flying a freighter is not a noob. In addition they have the choice to use many means at their disposal to avoid the gank. The fact that they die due to their pure laziness being solo loot pinata AFK to 30+ people whom are at the keyboard shows they deserve to die.

You are proposing that an AFK solo person should be able to win vs 30 at the keyboard. That is complete imbalance and does not belong in the game.


Players may quit for a myriad of reasons. Quitting a spaceship shooting game because some other player shot your ship is simply ridiculous. Anyone quitting the game for that reason was playing the wrong game for him to begin with…


30 players at the keyboard?? Don’t make me laugh. More like 2 guys with a dozen alts each. Have you even seen their names on the killboard link?


Ok sure. If EVE is ever down to just “real” EVE players and other players have quit the server population will have sunk considerably.

Well, even if it is 2 guys with 30 accounts like you say then they should still win. 2 guys not AFK vs 1 AFK person should win. 30 at keyboard accounts vs 1 AFK account should win.

The choice to be lazy is there and such a choice has consequences.

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No auto pilot warp to zero.

Take a look at the physics behind the “mechanics” and get back to me.

*I never said Concord wasn’t part of the game. You have child-like arguments.

What year does Eve take place? Why wouldn’t it be available?

They say that cream always rises to the top…but so does :poop: .

You don’t know what you’re talking about nor what being realistic means. You’re conflating some game mechanics using a physics model with EvE being realistic.

Spaceships move in EvE using a physics model that resembles the way submarines move in the sea, for example, but that’s still completely unrealistic because that’s not how spaceships would move in space in real life if they existed. Are you even able to understand this?

And then there are all the other things that don’t even follow a RL physics model at all, the very warp thing discussed here being one of them. You don’t understand how that’s completely unrealistic either, do you?

No, you only said suicide ganking was never an intended game mechanic, which CONCORD and the ability to illegally shoot other players in high sec from the very beginning proves wrong…

You mean arguments even a child would be able to understand?


So back to the “real need or fallacy?” argument. (Sorry to interrupt.)

As a design element, the current EVE travel and AP setup says:

  • Travel is frequently necessary
  • Travel in EVE is generally a boring, time consuming repetitive activity that requires fairly frequent but absolutely dull user input
  • EVE is supposed to be a harsh environment; thus the boring long repetitive nature of travel is used by CCP, gate campers, gankers et al. to help bring about situations where an inattentive or AFK / AP pilot is at risk of loss

The ‘need or fallacy?’ question boils down to: is this type of design good for the game? It certainly benefits gankers and gate campers. It certainly annoys people who get lured by the option of auto-pilot and then ganked along the way.

“You can choose to sit at the keyboard and have a long, low-quality interaction with an uninteresting element of the game, or you can opt for convenience, use auto-pilot, take even longer to get where you’re going but at least now you can do something more interesting than play the game.”

That seems like a poor design choice. It would be better to create PvP opportunities by giving players interesting and engaging content rather than boring them into inattention or creating a situation where travel will take so long that they’d rather turn on AP and take their chances while they go do laundry.

Overall I’d say “real need?” - No. We’ve lived with it for over 10 years now, there are ways to deal with it, and it’s just gotten a little better.

But “fallacy?”. Also no. Because it’s simply one more non-player friendly (except for the small population of gankers) barrier that gets between EVE and players actually doing something enjoyable within the game.

At this stage they would probably be better off sticking with the 10km limit, and then adding a Navigation skill for Auto-Pilot that cuts off 1km per level trained. Limit Alphas to level 2. That would strike some balance between convenience, cost and risk.

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“Real work” Known as sat in chair, clicking mouse buttons and arguing with strangers on the internet.

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What if we intruduce Autopilot Navigation Lights on the Ships, and make autopilot warp to 0.

At the Moment, there is no use for the Autopilot, so why not try things out.

With the lights blinking on the autopiloted ships, active players can see, which ship is on autopilot.

I guess it’s pretty balanced to the risk vs reward scale.

The Risk is, it’s still dangerous to use the autopilot, because it’s obvious you are not active in the moment.
But you spare time, and time is a high value in eve.
With time we can do intressting stuff on other accounts. We can use it with our friends and familes etc.

And if you tansport some thing cheap, because of concordokken, you will end up on your highsec destination safe.
Maybe you can even travell 0.0 afk with a bubble save interceptor.

But it will not brake the game.
And please let us use upwell jumpgates with the autopilot.



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Let me get this straight… You think the risk that not warping to zero creates is merely that it tells others you’re AFK and that whether you warp to zero or some distance doesn’t matter otherwise?

You don’t really expect anyone to take your post seriously, do you? I mean, certainly not anyone that knows anything about this game…

This whole thread is full of clueless, inexperienced wannabes people.
Why would you single out that one person?

That’s discriminating!